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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #80 on: Monday December 21, 2020, 04:32:59 PM Eastern »
shiny new reloads yesterday...


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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #81 on: Monday December 21, 2020, 04:35:02 PM Eastern »
200 rounds 9mm 115 RN
4.8 Gr HP-38

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #82 on: Monday December 21, 2020, 04:35:43 PM Eastern »
got a few pcs brass prepped for reload....


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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #83 on: Monday December 21, 2020, 05:48:22 PM Eastern »
and yet another rotation in "As Rich's Reloading World Turns"....

I have to say....this aftermarket bullet feeder is THE BOMB!  (Double Alpha Mini Mr. Bullet Feeder)
thing doesn't look like much, but work like a dream - almost zero failures (to drop a bullet properly) and it has six tubes that holds about 17 bullets each (plus about 7-8 additional bullets in the first tube where it aligns on press).

I HAD the Hornady bullet feeder which requires a separate feeder die for each caliber and then bullet tubes (which is a single tube).  I returned all of the ones I had (one for each caliber)

I can load the entire thing in a couple minutes and then it saves quite a bit of time hand placing each bullet.  It is suited for both 357 and 9mm.  (They do make a different ones for .40 and 45)
I think it was about $130 which seemed a bit pricey relatively for what it is, but IT WORKS like a dream and is a time saver.  Once you empty each tube, you simply rotate to the next tube in 2 seconds - no adjustment, no pulling it off the press.  Very simply and effective.  I was hesitant to buy it, but after reading everyone raving about it (who purchased one) I bought one.

The Hornady feeder dies cost about $35 for each die plus another 45 ish for the tubes (which are alum), so for about what I would have paid for 9mm and 357, in the Hornady, I got this and it works really well (only used for 9mm so far)

Still can't find the damn shell plates for .223 and .308 so I have yet to load any rifle ammo  (not that I am in a hurry)

I have loaded the 357 mag and 9mm so far.  Might have to fire up the 45ACP during Christmas break (Ho Ho Ho)


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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #84 on: Monday December 21, 2020, 07:25:32 PM Eastern »
Rich, what are you loading .223 for? As in what rifle... and why bother for such an inexpensive round
Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #85 on: Monday December 21, 2020, 07:37:06 PM Eastern »
I was fiddling around with stuff on the reloading bench today and almost started loading cases, but it would be many months before I would shoot anything I loaded now. I have a few rounds on hand for any foreseeable contigancy. It's easier to unload components should the need arise than it is a bunch of hand loads.

I just took apart a bunch 10mm hand loads I was given. The brass was giving me problems. I will reuse the bullets in some new brass.
« Last Edit: Monday December 21, 2020, 07:43:28 PM Eastern by alta »
Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #86 on: Tuesday December 22, 2020, 12:20:15 PM Eastern »
It's easier to unload components should the need arise than it is a bunch of hand loads.

I just took apart a bunch 10mm hand loads I was given.

Unloading?  :huh: That's a new one for me! :)

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #87 on: Tuesday December 22, 2020, 02:00:44 PM Eastern »
Rich, what are you loading .223 for? As in what rifle... and why bother for such an inexpensive round

Inexpensive?   Have you seen prices lately, and that's if you can find any.  Besides, it's fun.  I do the whole bit, sizing, trimming, annealing, and loading.  I find reloading a Zen experience.
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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #88 on: Tuesday December 22, 2020, 06:14:37 PM Eastern »
Inexpensive?   Have you seen prices lately, and that's if you can find any.  Besides, it's fun.  I do the whole bit, sizing, trimming, annealing, and loading.  I find reloading a Zen experience.

Yes, reloading is relaxing, but, you need to be careful if you keep a bottle opener on the bench  8) .
No, I haven't bought any this year. Haven't needed to. I learnt my lesson after the last three shortages. Normally, outside of a democrat threat to ban something or democrats letting their brain dead followers riot for 5 months straight, .223/5.56 is cheaper than what you can reload it for at home. It's also against law to hunt bambi with it in Virginia. The state says the bullet needs to be .240 or bigger. That's why I got into the 6.8, which is the best round for the AR15 for normal engagement ranges.
Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

Online richkrt99

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #89 on: Tuesday December 22, 2020, 08:55:41 PM Eastern »
Rich, what are you loading .223 for? As in what rifle... and why bother for such an inexpensive round

Well...little late but in response but basically for fun and because you can't find any. (.223) right now.
I have plenty (well...that there is all relative) but basically I have more than I will shoot in the foreseeable future  (probably more than I have shot in the last 10 years).  I just don't shoot the rifles as much because I don't have a great spot to do so.

I do have most of the parts to reload all five of the calibers I shoot....9mm, 357 mag, 45 acp, .223, .308.  Only thing I am missing are the LNL shell plates for 308 and 223.  Honestly I thought the 308 plate came WITH the press (it used to) but apparently they quit that.  Sadly, I could have bought one for about $29 from Natchez months ago, but by the time I figured out (when my press FINALLY arrived) that I needed one....none were to be had....anywhere.

I was starting with the pistol loads first anyway (357 was the first) then was going to move on to the rifle stuff later.  Honestly, I wasn't even planning on reloading the 9mm for the same reason - so cheap to buy, but good lord that has changed...IF you can find it.  I recently started loading the 9mm because it is what I shoot the most (well used to be) and because I have a buttload of brass for it.

Mostly it was a hobby (which I needed) and I enjoy it like AJ said.  I wanted something that I could spend some time doing, learn something and a worthwhile hobby that produces something I can use... AMMO!!!
My wife thinks I'm nuts, but I do find it relaxing and at least I am DOING something.  I can spend 3-4 hours easy and not feel like I've wasted my time.

I have a Bushmaster AR-15 in the .223/5.56  (bought it 21 years ago)  Don't hunt with it (or hunt at all) but I do have a decent AR-10 for the 308 as well as an inexpensive Ruger All American bolt action in 308 if I decide to hunt some bambi's.  Also have the Henry in 357 mag which is likely what I would go after a whitetail in my neck of the woods.  don't need much range with all the trees at my place.
I would shoot all three of the rifles much more often if I had a convenient and budget friendly place to do so.


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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #90 on: Tuesday December 22, 2020, 09:58:16 PM Eastern »
I wouldn't hesitate to take a deer at 100-125 yards with my pistol caliber lever guns. The same round from a 16" barrel makes that much of a difference.

Although, after I bought my Blackhawk in .480 I found a review for it. The author took it on a pig hunt and harvested one at 150 yards, that's with a 7 1/2" barrel. Then there's he story of Elmer Keith taking a deer at something like 500 yards with a .45 Colt revolver, but that was more the shooter than the gun, and hand loads.

might've been a .44 mag

If you don't know who Elmer is, yous gots some readin to do
« Last Edit: Tuesday December 22, 2020, 10:50:10 PM Eastern by alta »
Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

Online richkrt99

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #91 on: Monday February 01, 2021, 01:12:44 PM Eastern »
If you don't know who Elmer is, yous gots some readin to do



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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #92 on: Monday February 01, 2021, 01:41:44 PM Eastern »

meanwhile, back in "As Rich's Reloading World Turns...)

MR. Mini bullet feeder works like a champ...

and, new LED press light sure is bright.  I can actually SEE if there's powder in them there shells  :wackysmile:


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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #93 on: Monday February 01, 2021, 05:08:44 PM Eastern »
Its rare that people get a multi stage as a first press, I know it's not recommended but it shouldn't be an issue for people that are mechanically inclined. I'm still using a single stage. It works great, but not if you are doing volume.

Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

Online richkrt99

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #94 on: Monday February 01, 2021, 06:12:48 PM Eastern »
Its rare that people get a multi stage as a first press, I know it's not recommended but it shouldn't be an issue for people that are mechanically inclined. I'm still using a single stage. It works great, but not if you are doing volume.

Yep.  Most folks I spoke to recommended against it (including where I bought it) but I went with the progressive anyway.  Knew it is where I would end up an didn't mind the extra learning time to start.  I researched it quite a bit beforehand and watched many reloading press setup videos and reloading videos.  Read a couple basic reloading manuals, etc.  It's really the same as a single stage...only with all 4-5 stages on one platform...and it progresses from one stage to the next.  :wackysmile: Other than that it's the same.

I basically made my decision based on:
1) I am relatively competent and hands on.  (Not no way car mechanical by any stretch), but I have operated machinery well enough over the years and assembled/disassembled more than enough things to not be overwhelmed.  I would call my self a hands on craftsman. (you know, like everyone was/had to be back in the day).  If your washing machine broke, you fixed it if you could or waited until you could afford to hire someone.  If you lawnmower belt broke, you got the parts and fixed it.  If your drill burned up the brushes you replaced them....IF they even made replacements for them.  If your used 4-wheeler broke it's drive belt, you figured it out and fixed it (after you watched LOTS of youtube videos)  If something stopped figured out how/if you could fix it and did so.
I'm not designing any new late stage rocket boosters for the next generation space shuttle, but I can follow instructions and assemble something basically mechanical.  (greatest thing about model building as a kid...taught you about parts, following instructions, etc)  NOBODY does that anymore.  Young kids today just want it fixed or replaced by the fix it guy.  If its broken...just get a knew one.  No interest in fixing it on their own or any interest in how something actually works...(sorry side rant started)

2)  I have 5 calibers I wanted to load and wanted something I could easily switch over back and forth (eventually).  So far I've just done 2 calibers (9mm & 357mag)

3)  Time constraint. (this was a big factor)  I decided on the Hornady basically because it met my needs of switching back and forth efficiently and not have to do much resetting (none if your setup is right) and it was a bit more budget friendly than a Dillon.
Not that I am in a hurry to make rounds and be done, but I knew with my schedule/current life demands, etc, I could maybe eek out 1-2 hours on rare occasions and wanted to be able to basically do all in one sitting and actually produce some finished rounds. (assuming all the shell prep is done already).  Couldn't really do just one stage and then leave it sit for a month and come back to it.  (well I could, but didn't want to.)

I had not touched the press since before Christmas and went in yesterday and from very start of filling the powder drop, to loading primers and bullet tubes, etc. to finished rounds, I was done in 1:35 and made 200 9mm rounds.  And that was with a pause to tweak the stage progression.  I move pretty methodically and watch every step for every round.  Check my powder drop (check the powder weight) and OAL every 20-25 rounds or so (just being cautious)  I am amazed at the powder drop.  It has never missed on measuring any round (that I checked)

I am never in a hurry and I move slowly.  I am sure you could pump out 250 rounds/hour if you were experienced and kept it moving.

I don't have a (powder) lockout die (yet) so I eyeball every single round for powder (easy to see the 9mm).  The Hornady press comes with a powder cop (visual marker) but it doesn't stop the press with an error - it's a visual check to watch it so I can just as easily visually check the powder in the shell as watch the indicator on the die.  (Not so true with rifle shells, but I'm not there yet.)

I actually just got an email my RCBS lockout die shipped yesterday (backordered from 6+ months ago).  Still no luck on the two shell plates I need (.308 & .223)  These are the last two things I need to complete my ensemble. (at least until I foolishly buy something in 10mm like some guy (ahem Alta) suggested)

Anyway, that's this weeks chapter in "As Rich's Reloading World Turns"

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #95 on: Monday February 08, 2021, 01:23:36 PM Eastern »
And since it's been so popular for others' reading pleasure...

yet another chapter in "As Rich's Reloading World Turns":

Set up for some 38 special yesterday.  I have NEVER shot any 38 special rounds in my 357 Magnum.  Got a bunch (1000) 38 Special pre-primed brass for a bargain price so I jumped on them (a while back).  Bought a box (500) of X-Treme 125GR FP bullets to load them with, as well as already have boxes of 158 RN and 158 HP (which apparently I'm not supposed to use in my lever gun)

Reset the dies for the proper length, powder, etc, etc and off I went.

Pumped out 20 rounds and then went and test fired.  WOW.  These are a dream to shoot.  I mean I figured they would be "friendly" compared to full magnum loads, but Geez, I didn't think it would be THAT friendly.  VERY pleasant to shoot and very accurate (as far as I could tell)  I only shot 20 (okay 18) rounds, but hit the 9" gong (and 7" flapper) every time at 94' distance (I know this because I didn't want to leave my deck and the corner of the deck is 94' to the gongers I have set up.

Wow...these are fun.  No wonder 38 Special was so popular for so long. (Alta is shaking his head and rolling his eyes right about now)

Went ahead and put together couple hundred.  (I like my new hobby) least until I run out of primers


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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #96 on: Monday February 08, 2021, 02:24:41 PM Eastern »
hard to tell sometimes through the interwebs, but I thought that comment about using HP in a lever gun was a joke. HPs are ok because they are essentially flat nosed. The big no no is hard spire points. That's why hornady leverevolution is so popular, and works so well. The points are soft so there is no chance of detonating the primer that's sitting on it while in the tube mag of a lever gun.
Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #97 on: Monday February 08, 2021, 06:17:45 PM Eastern »
hard to tell sometimes through the interwebs, but I thought that comment about using HP in a lever gun was a joke. HPs are ok because they are essentially flat nosed. The big no no is hard spire points. That's why hornady leverevolution is so popular, and works so well. The points are soft so there is no chance of detonating the primer that's sitting on it while in the tube mag of a lever gun.

Okay.  That makes sense.  I mean the HP have virtually no contact with the primer.  Regular ole Round Nose rounds would have more direct contact when they are stacked (in a tubular mag)

I have some FP in 125 and 158.  I originally bought the 158 for magnum, but will try them in the 38 spcl loads next.

I did get a small can of 296 powder for real magnum loads, but haven't loaded any yet.  That's pretty low on my list at this point...I have a BUNCH of 357 Magnum factory loads so don't really need more at this point....and no real reason for a real hot loaded round anyway.

Have you experimented with any "light" magnum loads?  The load data I saw for 296 is pretty hot - 1418 fps up to 1591 fps (and 40,700 CUP pressure - Geez)

I know I did some initially with W231 (HP38) and they are pretty mild.
The load data starts at 3.4gr and 796FPS up to 5.0gr and 1109 fps.  I started at 4, then upped to 4.7 and even those were mild.  Also the very first thing I ever loaded back in my infancy days so I went with low end and in a relatively big gun (Ruger GP-100) so as not to blow up any guns or blow off any fingers in my early days...way back.....last year ;D

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #98 on: Tuesday February 16, 2021, 02:13:35 PM Eastern »
I’m bored, might have to use some of this...

Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #99 on: Wednesday February 17, 2021, 11:56:23 AM Eastern »
I’m bored, might have to use some of this...

Awe - you're just showing off...

Pretty sure you've got more small pistol primers than you need there.  We know you don't shoot anything in small pistol anyway.
You might want to think about selling 2000 or so to a bored board guy you know before they go stale.  (and small pistol Magnum too)
I know just the guy.  ;) :)