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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #120 on: Wednesday March 03, 2021, 07:13:14 PM Eastern »
I got a .30 years ago. Stopped shooting it for a while because the .30 brass would stick in a cylinder every now and then. It got very annoying very quickly, almost sold it. After some research I found guys are using .32-20 brass instead of the .30 to get rid of sticking cases, but that only works on new model Blackhawks. I also went to 125gr bullets for it. The standard is 90 or 110. While researching that I found guys are shooting cast 135 to 150 out of it. I don't like shooting cast, just a personal preference. And one of these days I will send it out to have the barrel cut down to 4 5/8", they are only available in 7 1/2.

I have a .45/.45 convertible, I have never used the acp cylinder. The standard Blackhawk grips are ok, unless you are shooting hot .357/.45 colt or .44 mag. Then you want a bisley grip, a little bigger and far more comfortable for the higher powered loads.

So how does the .30 shoot compared to the others?  I don't really like the 7-1/2 barrel ...seems a bit much, plus 4lbs of hand gun is a lot for me wee arms. ;D I do like the sound of the 45 convertible  though.  That might be up my alley.  I have the .45 auto stuff already...just need to add the 45 colt. Damn....might have to get a cowboy lever action too to complete the tri-fecta :wackysmile:

Of YOU said...I probably never even use the .45 auto cylinder.. so why bother.  I have two 45 autos already so just get the cowboy guns and be done with it.  Damn this is an expensive hobby. 

I thought the reloading bench was supposed to SAVE me money  :lol:   (well I didn't really think that...just lets me shoot more...and leads to me wanting more things to shoot with.)

I'll admit I got a little carried away this past year or so.  Added the .357 Henry stainless, progressive reloading bench, Colt .45 1911 Gold Cup, M&P 15-22 (which is very fun), and finally a real shotgun;12ga Mossberg 930 Jerry Miculek Pro

More gun stuff than I've purchased in the last 10 years combined.  I blame it on Covid and the downfall of society  (or more likely just a bit of that middle-aged crisis)


[size=78%]  [/size]

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #121 on: Wednesday March 03, 2021, 07:29:05 PM Eastern »
technically, the .30 carbine is considered a magnum round in a handgun, but it’s weaker than the .38 special. It does have a nice bark to it though. It’s just something different. It was ineffective as hell against the Chinese army in their winter uniforms at Chosin, and that was with a 16” barrel.

.32 H&R and .327 federal are both magnum rounds and I wouldn't use them on anything bigger than a ground hog, so don't judge based on just the name
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"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #122 on: Monday March 08, 2021, 08:24:33 AM Eastern »
busy busy bee...


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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #123 on: Monday March 08, 2021, 08:33:06 AM Eastern »
Time to clean...


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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #124 on: Monday March 08, 2021, 08:34:13 AM Eastern »
M&P15-22 (.22LR version of an AR)  Fun to shoot....less costly ammo  :)

Ruger 357 Magnum

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #125 on: Monday March 08, 2021, 09:25:17 AM Eastern »
if it were me, I would down load .357 brass to .38 levels instead of using only .38s. The cylinders will develop a carbon ring that is difficult to remove and won't let .357 seat properly. Something to think about when it's time to buy new brass.

I like RedHawks/Super Redhawks, good stuff and ruger builds them like tanks. I have at least two on my short list. They were made in .45 colt and .41 magnum. They will make better companions to the lever guns than the Blackhawks.

As far .357 goes, I prefer these...
I know what you're thinking, did he fire 7 shots or only six?
Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #126 on: Monday March 08, 2021, 09:45:14 AM Eastern »
And the bag I keep my gun cleaning stuff in since the late 90's....

since it is relevant to these boards.


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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #127 on: Monday March 08, 2021, 10:15:10 AM Eastern »
if it were me, I would down load .357 brass to .38 levels instead of using only .38s. The cylinders will develop a carbon ring that is difficult to remove and won't let .357 seat properly. Something to think about when it's time to buy new brass.

I like RedHawks/Super Redhawks, good stuff and ruger builds them like tanks. I have at least two on my short list. They were made in .45 colt and .41 magnum. They will make better companions to the lever guns than the Blackhawks.

I have 1000 primed casings for 38 spcl.  After that, I have a bunch of 357 brass.
I actually only bought the 38 spcl because it was ALREADY PRIMED and got it cheap.  Although it is fun for plinking, which is really all I do.

I haven't researched it, but.....loading the 357 cases with lighter do you calculate the pressures properly?  Actually the 100 or so 357 reloads I've made are really light shooters...they are on the very bottom end of the load data and it was 231 powder so they are pretty baby loads. (1100 FPS)  I have since gotten the 296 powder for the real magnum stuff but haven't loaded any yet.

I'd like a Redhawk in 45 colt, but then I'd like a lot of things and I don't own a .45 lever gun so it's really just a want with no real logic behind it.
Does Ruger still made a Redhawk in .45LC?  I think the only .45 I saw on Ruger site was the Black


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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #128 on: Monday March 08, 2021, 10:25:34 AM Eastern »
doesn’t look like the .45 colt is a current option, but the .41 is...

I wouldn’t hesitate to buy used

the only danger in making light loads is going so light that the bullet doesn't leave the barrel. I see nothing wrong with using .38 load data and putting it in a .357 case.
Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

Online richkrt99

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #129 on: Monday March 15, 2021, 12:42:20 PM Eastern »
Some 357 lever action fun yesterday.  Light 357 loads.

Giddy up.


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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #130 on: Monday March 15, 2021, 05:09:49 PM Eastern »
if you had a Marlin you could reload it a lot easier


really my only complaint with a Henry, and I think they are
a tad overpriced. You need one of these, though I think it
should be about $400 cheaper, even in today's climate...

the more I look, at least $400 cheaper. I paid less than $550
each for JM stamped 1894's in .357 and .44 less than 10
years ago. There is no fukin way an early Remington made
gun is worth twice that.
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"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

Online richkrt99

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #131 on: Monday March 15, 2021, 06:52:10 PM Eastern »
Yep.  Honestly wanted a Henry so long I finally ordered one last year.  I rally liked the all weather model - not really a big fan of the gold, but did not realize until after ordering that it did not have a side loading gate.  I sort of thought they all did.  When I bought mine the 30-30 and and 45-70 had side gate loading but not the 357 & 44.  I really wanted the 357 because I have a Ruger revolver in 357 and do not (currently) own a 44 or .45LC

Very happy with it though.  It is fun to shoot and pretty accurate.  (Side gate would be a little more fun though.)

I see NOW Henry has discontinued my "Legacy" Big Boy All-weather model and ALL the new models now have a side gate.  Figures....Waited 20 years....should have waited 21.  Meh.

NOW I have an excuse to just go for the .45 and matching Blackhawk  :wackysmile:


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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #132 on: Monday March 22, 2021, 08:09:17 PM Eastern »
Riddle me this Batman...

Had my first squib load this weekend.  Shooting my carry 9mm with reloads I loaded myself.  (I carry it with factory ammo)  I have shot probably 400 of these very 9mm reloads without issue.  This one fired but the bullet stuck in the barrel and the shell stove piped.

I felt it was off (and it didn't hit the steel target and since I NEVER miss  8-0 )
and the shell stove piped on eject so I couldn't fire the next round even if I had tried.  But I did certainly feel it was off so I stopped immediately.

I racked the slide and it ejected the shell and it tried to load the next shell, but the slide could not come all the way forward as the next bullet/shell wouldn't seat.  Dropped the magazine, racked the slide and ejected the new bullet.  Could not see daylight coming in from the barrel (in the slide) so I knew the last bullet was in the barrel.
I disassemble the gun, pulled the barrel and sure enough bright metal jacket shining at me.  It went about 1" down the barrel.

This is Sig P365XL so it has a 4" barrel (okay 3.7" technically)  I took a small wooden dowel and set it in the barrel (front) and basically tapped the dowel on the table (holding the barrel) a few times and the bullet fell out. 

I cleaned the barrel.....inspected it, cleaned it again and re-assembled.  I went back to the same box of ammo and fired the rest (maybe 20) without an issue.  49 of the 50 in this box were fine. 399/400 of this run have been fine.
Can't see any damage or marring on the bullet.  I took it back into reloading bench and measured it and it seems true.  It is same diameter all way round, not out of round and so uniform I could not find any variation in it except....
This particular bullet measures .010" shorter than several other new bullets I measured from the same box of 500.  (X-treme 9mm 115gr RN copper plated)  I have loaded and fired several hundred of these.
100th of an inch shorter bullet, but when seating the press seats from the top down, so the Overall length would be the same, so the shorter bullet would have an OAL that is the same but basically 1/100" more space inside the shell.  I know more space in the shell leads to LESS pressure, but we're talking 1/100" not 1/10"

These were some of my later reloads on the very top end of the loading data with this powder (HP38) so full loads - not HOT but definitely full loads

So what happened?

It definitely fired, and felt almost normal.  I did not feel a dramatic difference in the "bang" but it was definitely different...maybe just no recoil without the bullet actually leaving the barrel?

There was quite a bit of black carbon on the outside of the "bad" stove-piped shell after I manually ejected it, and there was some black residue on the rear of the bullet...which easily wiped off.

This was very fresh HP38 powder, Win brass, X-treme 115RN bullet, CCI SP (#500)

Any thoughts on what went on here?  I do not have a concentricity measuring tool, but the bullet seems very uniform and rolls evenly on a smooth surface without wobbling.  Only imperfection is the nominal 1/100" shorter than others I measured.

[/size] :huh:


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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #133 on: Monday March 22, 2021, 08:40:34 PM Eastern »
there are only two reasons for a squib, in your case the cartridge was under charged

The other way a squib happens is shooting the wrong caliber cartridge in a gun, i.e.
one with too big a bullet. An example would be a .300 blackout being fired in a .223/5.56 barrel.

and I wouldn't use that bullet again, no matter how pristine it looks. Also good thing you are smart enough to notice
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"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

Online richkrt99

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #134 on: Monday March 22, 2021, 09:01:44 PM Eastern »
there are only two reasons for a squib, in your case the cartridge was under charged

The other way a squib happens is shooting the wrong caliber cartridge in a gun, i.e.
one with too big a bullet. An example would be a .300 blackout being fired in a .223/5.56 barrel.

and I wouldn't use that bullet again, no matter how pristine it looks. Also good thing you are smart enough to notice

Hmmm...these loads WERE prior to installation of the RCBS lockout die (which I do like) but also 9mm is EASY to see the charge.  I visually check every one as I am loading
Not that I can't make a mistake, and it is a progressive so stuff is moving, but that surprises me.  A little.

No I tossed the bullet...kept it to measure and then tossed it before I could mix it up with new ones.

forgot to attach the pic before, not that it shows anything.  There was a lot more black on the shell before I picked it up.

Kind of what I thought...regarding reasons for squib load.  Also kind of sucks means it was me.  Hate to think about firing another round down that barrel.  I'm careful, but when you are firing quickly I could see it happening.  I worry more about one of my sons shooting it who don't have 10,000 rounds down range and might not notice until it's too late.

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #135 on: Monday March 22, 2021, 09:02:15 PM Eastern »
And then there's this.... :huh:

Squib – noun. A person who is born to a witch and wizard but do not have magical powers of their own. This is generally the result of mating outside of the witch/wizard bloodline. Argus Filch was born into a magical family but was unable to perform magic himself.

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #136 on: Monday March 22, 2021, 09:07:38 PM Eastern »
two things tell me it was an under charge, the bullet only going an inch down the barrel thus forcing all the gas out the breach which still wasn't enough to cycle the slide and eject the case...

and it's the only way I know of for all that to happen, not that that means anything
Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #137 on: Monday March 22, 2021, 09:17:11 PM Eastern »
The .300 blackout never interested me. It's a .223/5.56 case necked up to .308 and trimmed to fit in the magazine. But after learning a .300 will easily chamber in a .223/5.56 I refuse to get one. SAAMI really screwed up approving that one. Example 1 out of far too many you can find on the interwebs...

What really does interest me is this .308 wildcat based on the 6.8SCP case. That's a bigger parent case than the .223 which means it holds more powder. 6.8 is a .277.
Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #138 on: Monday March 22, 2021, 09:18:23 PM Eastern »
and who is Argus Filch  :huh:
Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

Online richkrt99

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #139 on: Tuesday March 23, 2021, 04:27:21 PM Eastern »
The .300 blackout never interested me. It's a .223/5.56 case necked up to .308 and trimmed to fit in the magazine. But after learning a .300 will easily chamber in a .223/5.56 I refuse to get one. SAAMI really screwed up approving that one. Example 1 out of far too many you can find on the interwebs...

What really does interest me is this .308 wildcat based on the 6.8SCP case. That's a bigger parent case than the .223 which means it holds more powder. 6.8 is a .277.

So I apologize in advance this started as a basic comment and 1 question but then when I started thinking about it...a bunch of questions came up so this is mostly my rambling, but...

Yikes.  You mean you can't force a .300 bullet down a .223 barrel?  Ouch. :huh:

So basically it's a .223 case that the neck is size up to fit a .300 bullet?  But it starts with NEW .300bo case right?  Not like you could take one of your .223 cases and cut it and stretch it?  IT's a "new" bullet/case design but only the case happens to be same outer size as original 223 case?  Is the finished case length the same which means you had to cut the length of the case to allow for a longer bullet?  Or is a a short stubby bullet?...but then that makes no sense either.  THe bullet has to be longer if you want decent ballistics, right?  IF you have a larger/longer bullet then the case length has to be shortened.

And what is the point?  I mean I understand the heavier bullet is more stopping power (but losing some range), but what's the point of starting with .223 case size?  Are we saving money by utilizing existing case size or are we trying to chamber a larger round in the same gun? the hell does a .300 bullet fit the head space of the 223 rifle?  I would not think it would seat into the barrel well enough to actual chamber and fire.  Is the overall case length shorter than a 223 and the larger 300 bullet tapers enough to just happens to fit/chamber into the barrel?  The more I thought about it....the more I don't see how that's possible.

So then the lower is basically the same on both .223 and .300 and then you swap the upper & barrel?  Or is it just the barrel and that's it?  I'm really not a gun builder (yet) so I'm not that up to speed.  But if the overall case length is relatively the same and the outside case diameter is the same, then you just need a new barrel with proper head space and barrel diameter for the round and leave all else alone?  And if that's the goal; new barrel, new caliber, what about the gas operation of a different round/explosion and the recoil springs etc.  Or is that all taken care of with the barrel?  Or do you need the whole upper? 

And again...what's the point.  If you want a .300 bullet, why not just use the 308.  How much powder can you actually get in the case for .300bo in a shortened 223 case anyway?  I mean if you wanted to hunt deer at close range with it okay, but then...there are plenty of guns already chambered for deer sized game.  Is the 300 just an experiment some gun tinkerers came up with to create a new gun/caliber?

Okay thanks a hell of a I'm curious as to the why and going to go research the possibility of putting a new caliber upper on an AR...which I'm sure someone has done a million times already.

Thanks buddy.  But my original suspicion is confirmed....I screwed up the loading which resulted in the squib load.