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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #220 on: Wednesday September 08, 2021, 01:27:51 AM Eastern »
just found my notes, ASC mags for 7.62x39 in an AR are also recommended
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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #221 on: Monday September 13, 2021, 11:20:32 AM Eastern »
just found my notes, ASC mags for 7.62x39 in an AR are also recommended

I got the advanced firing pin Friday.  Swapped it in there and solved the light strikes on the Tula steel ammo.  Fired 50 rounds flawlessly.  No light strikes, no jambs, no misfeeds.  I was a bit shocked actually.
The one and only mag I currently have is an AR Stoner 30 round mag, but I don't actually know who makes if.  I would think Stoner just puts there name on someone else's but who knows.
I do have a couple others (C products) on the way.

I ordered the pin and a heavier hammer spring, but I didn't change out the spring as it was just a temporary "borrowed" lower and not the one I intend for this gun.  I used one of my PSA standard lowers for the test and everything worked just fine.

This lower has basic magpul M-4 stock, and you can definitely feel the difference in the kick with the 7.62x39.  Also rocks the steel a good bit more on impact (1/2" AR500 steel)
I have an Aero stripped lower on the way for this gun, and I like the Hogue over-molded stock I have on my .223 Wylde gun, so I'm going to put one of those on this gun.


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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #222 on: Monday September 13, 2021, 11:33:17 AM Eastern »
This is my .223 Wylde gun...

I like this stock alot; Hogue over-molded stock, grip.
Put a cheap budget bipod on front for target fun.  (UTG Recon flex mlok).  Works well for my purposes for $52

I love the Vortex strike eagle scope for this gun.  1-6x24.  Very clear, good adjustment and the 1x is a true 1x and functions just like a red dot (with adjustable lighted reticle) at any magnification.
Pretty perfect for this gun.  I'm not shooting 1000 yds so the 6x performs actually better than expected for me.

Also replaced trigger with Hiperfire SS trigger.  Very crisp, short reset, 3.5lb.  Like it very much.


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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #223 on: Monday September 13, 2021, 06:06:48 PM Eastern »
The two I've set up for hunting have 20" barrels and magpul PRS stocks on them with rifle length reciever extensions. Those are the only two I've mounted a bipod to.

A reciever extension is the technical name for the buffer tube. Either term is understood in the industry. It's like calling mags clips to a of people though. I could care less, I just use whichever depending on who I'm talking to, what I think their level of experience in the industry is.

but don't call a magazine a clip, they are two distinct items with different uses.
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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #224 on: Tuesday September 14, 2021, 06:01:50 PM Eastern »
The two I've set up for hunting have 20" barrels and magpul PRS stocks on them with rifle length reciever extensions. Those are the only two I've mounted a bipod to.

A reciever extension is the technical name for the buffer tube. Either term is understood in the industry. It's like calling mags clips to a of people though. I could care less, I just use whichever depending on who I'm talking to, what I think their level of experience in the industry is.

but don't call a magazine a clip, they are two distinct items with different uses.


Agree on the "clips"  I hear that all the time...usually from youngins or cultural diverse individuals.
PRS...nice!, but um...I'm on a budget here  (yeah like you haven't been buying so much gun shit) :huh:

AND since it's not hockey season and you are bored....get ready for a LONG POST....

Question:  This is a 18" barrel with rifle length gas tube, and this is the "first" lower I "assembled" from scratch.  I used a carbine length extension tube (which came as a set with the Hogue grip & stock).  It has standard spring and buffer weight.  Irrelevant, but I temporarily threw in an ARMASPEC "stealth recoil spring" in there to play with.  I do like it - get's rid of that spring twang.  Also "supposed to even out the recoil and such, but that is not really an issue in this rifle.  I plan to put the stealth spring in my 'standard" slightly upgraded 16" mid-length AR....eventually when I ever build it.
Anyway, the question is...should I have put a rifle length extension tube on this 18" rifle"?  It functions just fine with all ammo so far with the standard spring/weight in this carbine length extension (same goes using the Stealth spring) except for of course my light load shit which I can't get to cycle in ANY gun.
I do like this Hogue stock as it is very tight on the extension tube and has ZERO wobble or rattle.  Also like the shape with cheek weld as it does not rip the hair out of my beard (which is why I bought it originally)

Now I grab one of the others with the standard Magpul M-4 stock and those rattle like crazy.

Lastly, and back to my biggest current issue....
what is the best option/combination that is most likely going to give me success with these light loads?  I have a light (carbine) buffer kit with 1.7, 2,2, 2.4, etc oz weights and also a lighter "yellow" spring.  Will I have better luck throwing those in my 16" mid length setup OR in the 18" rifle length setup (knowing both have carbine length extensions)?

I did throw the 2.2oz buffer/yellow spring in this 18" wylde and it didn't work (any better).  I didn't really have time to mess around with it (as I was playing with the 7.62x39 lately) so only fired a few rounds with it.

So if I am grasping correctly....a longer barrel (rifle length gas) sends gas back more....slowly...or slightly less pressure due to the length of barrel/gas tube - compared to mid length - basically because the gas port is further down the barrel?  So...that ultimately gives a worse chance to cycle the light loads?  My logic tells me that would be worse because we are already short on gas with the light load, and a longer gas tube would mean less gas?
So I should rather try and play with the mid-length gun and put the lightest buffer in there I've got?  Which I have not tried yet.

Or am I just wrong on the difference in barrel length and gas tube length?  I mean shorter cycles faster so harder?  Or is it not actually harder, just faster?  Maybe a longer barrel/tube distributes gas over a longer period so a smoother/slower cycle would work better for a light load?

Basically....which gun should I play with to have a better shot at cycling these "light" loads?  Maybe the longer barrel is better because the powder is too fast anyway?  I mean, I have three guns and NONE of them like this load.

What I really don't get is why this published data works for some folks and not for others when "stock" guns are almost always over gassed anyway....although the more I research, the more I find many folks have issues with the 4198 cycling in their AR's

Some numbskull loaded 300+ rounds of this load without testing it, so .... want to use it up.

Although, at the rate I'm "testing", I'm down to around 200 of those, but my ultimate goal is to find a solution with this powder that works since I have 15 pounds of the powder.  I've loaded it hotter than what the "newest" data says.  (The older data from my old source states higher loads using this powder than the newer Hornady 2020/2021 data)
I DID find some 7.62x39 load data with this I am happy about that and will eventually try that as well.  Although....I will shoot WAY more of .223, and I HAVE a ton of .223 loading supplies already (and nothing for 7.62x39 yet)

Sorry for the long post.

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #225 on: Tuesday September 14, 2021, 07:15:38 PM Eastern »
The buffer tube length and the gas system length operate independently of each other. Any imaginable combination of the two can used successfully/reliably together. But, the longer lenghts will give softer recoil impulses. That's one of the reasons why mid lenght gas and the A5 buffer tube have become popular on the 14.5"-16" carbine type rifles. They also extend service life of the internals, but that isn't something you'd notice unless you are shooting 1000 rounds a month.

One thing you need to watch with the carbine lenght buffer tubes, and the stocks that fit them, is whether or not it's a commercial spec or mil spec tube. The commercial spec tube has a larger outside diameter which requires a bigger hole in the stock. It's only a .003" difference, but it's enough to require different stocks. So a commercial carbine stock will fit on a mil spec tube, but it's loose as shit. There are some stocks that have a tighter fit than others, and some have a second lever on them to take that slack out, like a magpul STR.

The ideal buffer weight is one that locks the bolt back on an empty mag every time while shooting your lowest powered ammo. If the buffer is a little too heavy, it may function fine but not lock the bolt back.

The general consensus is, for an AR with carbine or mid lenght gas firing full power ammo, an H1 or H2 buffer is close to ideal. A carbine H1 buffer weighs about 3.7 ounces. An H2 buffer weighs about 4.6 ounces. Spikes used to make a T2 buffer that weighed about 4 ounces, not sure it they still do. Sounds like you are trying make to ammo that's not as hot, so an H buffer might be fine.

In my ARs, I always use ammo that's towards the top of the power scale, I don't have any lower powered range ammo for them. So I tend to have buffers on the upper end of the scale.

could add more, but time to make dinner
Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #226 on: Wednesday September 15, 2021, 06:47:34 PM Eastern »
All my extensions are Mil-spec.  I did check that before beginning.

I have the "light" buffer kit with several weights.  Only tried the 2.2oz so far.  I have the 1.7oz I have not tried yet.

Also considered a low mass BCG, but did not really want spend more or "build" a gun around the ammo.  May yet though- I am inventorying my parts and probably have enough extra to assemble another one - beyond the three I plan to build with/for my three boys.  I have a very anal spreadsheet with all the parts and the intended builds they are for.
Trying not to go bonkers with too much building (um.....too late)  Every time stuff would go on big sale, I kept buying it so I have accumulated quite a few parts.  Got some AERO Precision stuff about 1/2 off on sale.

Oh, and that AR-Stoner mag I have for the 7.62x39 that works really made by ASC.  Saw ASC stamped on the follower.  Now we now why it works.  The others (couple ASC, couple Duramag) did come in but haven't tried them yet.


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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #227 on: Wednesday September 15, 2021, 07:58:16 PM Eastern »
A low mass bolt carrier requires a different setup. I've read of people using them, but have never seen one in real life. Not sure what the purpose of them is.

Having spare parts for these things isn't a bad idea. I've acquired a bunch as well.
Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

Offline richkrt99

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #228 on: Monday September 20, 2021, 02:13:38 PM Eastern »
Put my "new" lower together for my "AR47".  (already had the upper done and tested on another lower)

Aero lower....I dropped one of the detent pins (the rear one actually) when installing...could not find it.  Borrowed one from another kit until I get the spares.  :-\

Aero M4E1 upper with Aero Atlas-1 MLOK handguard.  (Like this handguard but it was probably most expensive part of the rifle.)
AR Stoner heavy contour barrel, AR Stoner BCG, 3/4" gas block, mid length tube, Hogue stock.  (like this stock - have it on three guns now)
Threw a Strike Industries RED charging handle on it to remind all this is NOT a .223 rifle
Duramag and ASC magazines arrived.  So far, ALL function flawlessly.  Put 100 rounds through it yesterday with 4 different mags, both steel cased and some Yugo brass cased. Nary an issue.
Pretty happy with it.  Shoots pretty nice.  Definitely rocks the steel a little harder than the .223
Added a slightly upgraded Rise Armament Rave trigger (single stage, 3.5lb) which is nice and crisp, short pull.
Threw in the Armaspec Stealth recoil spring (I had one already) which is nice but not necessary.
Don't have enough distance to test any accuracy at my place, but didn't build this one for anything but short distances anyway.

The ODG handle is temporary - waiting on the FDE hand grip.  Also waiting on the muzzle brake (Witt Machine)
I am happier with this than a "conventional" AK.  Pretty satisfied with how it shoots so far.  I bought pretty much everything "on-sale" (except the handguard) and with upgraded trigger and stealth recoil spring I'm at right about $900 including the brake and grip not yet here.  (although I did not include cost of sights - Magpul flip up, which I "borrowed" from another upper kit yet to be assembled)

Fun times  :)

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #229 on: Monday September 20, 2021, 04:05:50 PM Eastern »
Very nice rifle, do you hunt with it or just target and the range? Perhaps home defense?
Let me help you out. Which way did you come in?

Offline richkrt99

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #230 on: Monday September 20, 2021, 04:38:54 PM Eastern »
Mostly just a lifelong gun enthusiast.  Don't hunt currently - mostly just a plinker and target thumper.
Got started into reloading the last couple years - mostly as a hobby, but I enjoy it.  Couple months ago, after building a new AR, I got the bright idea I wanted an AK-47 but everyone I looked at - I just could not deal with the stamped steel crap (not knocking the AK really) but it just didn't seem like much to me...and the COST...Holy cow!.

So, I bought bunch of stuff on sale and built up from an AR platform since I am familiar with that.  Then....along comes sleepy Joe and bans all the Russian ammo.  Great, just when I thought I was putting together a gun with relatively CHEAP ammo.   :-\
I heard they can be finicky to cycle in AR platform, but so far I've had good success.

I've mostly been overwhelming this thread with my own rantings and issues, but If you are new to the site, then welcome.  If not....well back!
Alta nudges me back on track now and then  ;)

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #231 on: Monday September 20, 2021, 04:54:39 PM Eastern »
I appreciate anyone who appreciates firearms, basically. I srtarted in Lancaster County in 1955 just target and plinking with a Springfield single shot .22 rifle and started hunting in 1958 with a Remington Wingmaster .12 gauge shotgun for small game. I still have it along with the Springfield rifle. Started deer hunting in 1964. I have a great love for the fields, farms, mountains and wilderness for that matter. Canada and the U.S. Although it’s been a long time since I have been in Canada and never hunted big game out west. My long guns have always been bolt action, lever action or pump action, along with one semi automatic shotgun. I have sold some, along with two Japanese rifles and bayonets that my dad brought back from World War II in the Pacific.
Now I am down to nine long guns and four hand guns but no AR’s. Just my preference but like I said, I like to look at them. Oh, and I have a license to carry a concealed handgun in Pennsylvania.
Let me help you out. Which way did you come in?

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #232 on: Monday September 20, 2021, 05:37:35 PM Eastern »
My first gun was a ruger 10/22 which I received new as a gift when I was about 12 and still have 40+ years later.

I have several rifles and handguns as well.  Nothing fancy, but a nicely rounded collection.  Couple shotguns, one bolt action rifle (Ruger - .308), couple AR15 (old & new).  Also couple Henry lever action (.22LR, .357), which are fun.   First pistol I ever bought 30+ years ago was a Ruger .357 Magnum, 6" barrel (stainless).  Moved on to a SigSauer P226 9mm which is an original German made model,  Over the decades, I have slowly accumulated a few more - I love my Sigs and have the original 226 plus a newer P320 .45ACP and a P365XL 9mm (which is my carry gun now)

I would shoot more if I had a better place to target shoot, and IF I could afford it....and if time permitted.  Pretty sad when the cost of ammo limits how much you can shoot now.
Good thing I got into I could SAVE money on ammo  :lol: .  All that did was inspire me to shoot more and get more guns.

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #233 on: Tuesday September 21, 2021, 03:43:52 AM Eastern »

....I dropped one of the detent pins (the rear one actually) when installing...could not find it.  Borrowed one from another kit until I get the spares.  :-\

Fun times  :)

When a new guy on one of the AR forums asks what to get when building his first, the first answer is always extra detents and detent springs. I've launched a couple myself, heard exactly where they landed, but could never find them. I keep about 5 each extra of the different detents and springs. It's come in handy. About 10 years ago midway and brownells started selling the individual springs and detents separately, a few other places do as well. I also keep at least one entire LPK on hand too.

and yea, it's not at all difficult to spend just as much or more on the hand guard as what the barrel cost
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"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #234 on: Tuesday September 21, 2021, 05:22:09 PM Eastern »
When a new guy on one of the AR forums asks what to get when building his first, the first answer is always extra detents and detent springs. I've launched a couple myself, heard exactly where they landed, but could never find them. I keep about 5 each extra of the different detents and springs. It's come in handy. About 10 years ago midway and brownells started selling the individual springs and detents separately, a few other places do as well. I also keep at least one entire LPK on hand too.

and yea, it's not at all difficult to spend just as much or more on the hand guard as what the barrel cost

Yeah, I don't even know how I dropped the detent.  I didn't have the spring in there yet.  It was the rear one which is the easy one.  I dropped the detent in and realized I didn't have the grip so I set down the lower to go dig up a grip to use temporarily and came back and "poof" the detent was gone.  Never heard it drop.  I had an old t-shirt on top of the neoprene cleaning pad on my bench so I'm assuming it hit that quietly and then sauntered off.  (That and my bench looks like some reloader nutball put everything he owns on it)  So it might reappear some day.
I ordered a couple "emergency" pin kits with most everything for the lower.


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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #235 on: Tuesday September 28, 2021, 05:56:12 PM Eastern »
A bit off topic, but I found this series and wanted to tell people about it.  If you haven't seen it, give it a shot.
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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #236 on: Tuesday September 28, 2021, 08:19:13 PM Eastern »
A bit off topic, but I found this series and wanted to tell people about it.  If you haven't seen it, give it a shot.
Mr. Inbetween - kinda like a real world john wick'ish

I remember seeing the promos for that, never did watch it. Maybe I'll check it out now that it can be binged instead of waiting for a new episode every week
Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #237 on: Wednesday September 29, 2021, 08:51:56 AM Eastern »
Mr. Inbetween is bad.ass!! Must see Tv, imo.. Sad it ended though.  :-(

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #238 on: Monday October 04, 2021, 12:07:57 PM Eastern »
Yet another installment of...."As Rich's Reloading World Turns"...

I was at Cabella's in Gainesville yesterday for the first time in more than a year and only the second time ever.  I was in the area so decided to drop in.  Wandered around the gun area for a while, perusing the reloading section.  I was surprised they did have some reloading stuff.  No powder or primers, but they did have quite a few dies, some actual presses (Lee & Hornady single stagers), quite a few bullets, lots of accessories.  They actually had a box of genuine .338 Lapua brass (of which I have no need). cost $329 for a box of 100 shells.  For crimany sakes man!
Another shopper walked by and asked "Any Primers?.  Yeah right buddy.  Then a clerk walked up and asked what were looking for and the other shopper said shotgun primers.  Clerk said "I just got some in", so I asked about Rifle primers and he asked if I were psychic because they just were unloading a truck outback that had the first rifle primers of any kind he's seen in 9 months.
They only had Federal Large Rifle Magnum, but I bought a brick for $73.  They limited me to just one, but I would have only bought one, cause other folks need them just as bad as I do, and I don't shoot as much big uns as I do the little uns.
I then asked if they had any rifle powder and the guy says "What are you, psychic?"  Just got some in....SO, I bought 2 pounds of CFE223 which is the only rifle powder they had and limit to 2 pounds.  Never used the CFE before.  I asked why they didn't have it on the shelf and he said it never makes it to the shelf - they get it off the truck and don't even get it unpacked before people start asking about it.  I guess my "twinge" to go in that day was a good one.

Went home and loaded up 10 rounds of 26gr of the CFE (on the lower end of the data).  My press is still set up for 223 so only had to adjust the powder drop.  Test fired those ten - all fired well.
Bumped to 26.5 and loaded 25 more.  Test fired in two guns all flawless.  Went back and loaded about 200 more.

Twas a good day in the reloading world.  :)


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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #239 on: Monday October 04, 2021, 12:21:05 PM Eastern »
While I was at Cabela's wandering the gun area, I noticed they had about 10 employees working the gun area.  At least 6 of them were helping customers purchase guns.  I noticed a group of 4 young people (let's say young twenties) talking to one clerk and filling out paperwork - one of the young ladies was purchasing a semi auto hand gun.  I wondered if she had any experience or training and heard her ask "does it come with any bigger bullets or just the one size?"  I looked at the clerk and he smiled at her and said he'd help her get the right ones.  I walked away shaking my head....hoping he hadn't sold her a chrome plated 45 to start her off.  Okay, I know it wasn't (chrome, at least) - I saw it sitting there and it was a black semi auto of mid size, so hopefully a 9mm or 380 or something.  She was a very petite young lady.  I realize everyone starts somewhere with their first gun, but I wondered at the salesmen and his thoughts of selling the young lady a gun she obviously knew nothing at all about.  Hope she is wise enough to seek out some training.