Author Topic: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!  (Read 106826 times)

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #280 on: Thursday May 19, 2022, 04:52:01 PM Eastern »

What am I missing that this .22 is worth $4000?

Very Nice Model 40X Custom .22LR Single Shot w/Leupold Rings, Beautiful Custom Stock w/Raised Cheek Piece, Wrap Around Checkered Forend w/Ebony Tip, 22" Light Barrel, 13.5" LOP, Comes with Hard Case, Note: Very Light Trigger SN:063696R (6/49)

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #281 on: Friday July 08, 2022, 02:59:06 PM Eastern »
So really....Where have all the rednecks gone?  Somebody start talking guns already.  Don't make me break down and rehash reloading stories again.

And....WTF is up with Sleepy Joe and the ATF?  When did the ATF become Congress with the authority to write laws?  I'm not a huge 2A nut (I'm actually kinda dainty), but aren't they overstepping a bit?


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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #282 on: Friday July 08, 2022, 04:45:28 PM Eastern »

What am I missing that this .22 is worth $4000?

Very Nice Model 40X Custom .22LR Single Shot w/Leupold Rings, Beautiful Custom Stock w/Raised Cheek Piece, Wrap Around Checkered Forend w/Ebony Tip, 22" Light Barrel, 13.5" LOP, Comes with Hard Case, Note: Very Light Trigger SN:063696R (6/49)

sorry I missed this, I have no idea why a glorified 700 costs that much

technically speaking, every gun law enacted since the 1934 NFA is unconstitutional
Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #283 on: Thursday July 21, 2022, 07:33:45 PM Eastern »
Since nunya else is posting in here....

Here's my new 'merican flag slide...


Offline richkrt99

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #284 on: Thursday July 21, 2022, 07:44:52 PM Eastern »
And while we're at it....Tuarus TX22 with the funky green splatter finish.
From what I hear, this is very accurate and reliable.  I've shot about 50 rounds through it and yeah....hit the gong every time.

I just thought it was cool and it was cheap and all reviews I read raved about the accuracy and reliability with all types of ammo.

I was shooting out of a bulk box of basic federal 40gr rounds.

I like it...but then...I like most guns.  I have a Beretta Neos 22 pistol I bought several years ago that I just don't like very well.  Weird grip angle and kind funky Star Trek looking gun.  I just never found it all that fun or accurate to shoot, despite the Beretta name and the relatively long barrel. 

Anyway, welcome the newest to my arsenal.

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #285 on: Thursday July 21, 2022, 08:55:59 PM Eastern »
 sheit, I hit the gong from 10 feet away every damn time as well

Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

Offline richkrt99

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #286 on: Friday July 22, 2022, 02:59:28 PM Eastern »
Well at least someONE is ready my rantings.. :wackysmile:

Offline richkrt99

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #287 on: Tuesday July 26, 2022, 09:02:04 AM Eastern »
Shot that little Taurus TX22 again this weekend - put about 75 rounds through it.  Very impressed.  Nice little gun.  Very accurate.  This time set up a 2.5" spinner target at ~70'....(shooting from a sitting position at a picnic table)

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #288 on: Tuesday July 26, 2022, 09:06:36 AM Eastern »
Also, now making these custom rounds for my very custom 223 chamber :huh:

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #289 on: Tuesday July 26, 2022, 09:13:17 AM Eastern »
ah yes, the joys of making bottle neck rounds for the first time

those rely on neck tension to hold the bullet, ya can’t put a crimp on them


I’m guessing it also helps to seat the bullet while it’s in a die, just like straight walled cases

Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

Offline richkrt99

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #290 on: Tuesday July 26, 2022, 06:07:34 PM Eastern »
Actually I was attempting to set up Cam lock bullet puller on one of the stations to pull about 25 rounds, and as I was setting the depth I bumped the press handle and crushed the case.  It was odd that it came out so uniform.  I really just jammed the round up into the collet with no place to go.

Also....I have tried 3 times now (twice long ago and once last night) to set up this cam lock puller with no success.  It's tougher on a progressive because you can't really see the top of the shell casing at all.  I've watched Hornady setup video (on a single stage) as well as two others and I still just can't get it.  It seems very straightforward, and I followed the instructions to a T, but can't get it to work.  It's almost like the collet is just slightly too big and the top of the shell casing is slipping up into the collet (and I checked that I have the correct collet).  Also seems the overall length of the collet/die/etc is too long as I barely have the body threaded in and the center stem also all the way out and my casing is still nearly bottoming out before I have the ram all the way it's pushing the shell up too far and I have everything backed off almost all the way out.  I noticed in the Ultimate Reloader video he is not pushing ram all the way up (handle down) when he is setting the depth, but to me, as you are moving from one round to the next if you pull the handle down too far (past where you set it up) then you will crush the case just like I did accidently.
So frustrating.  I ended up locking the cam on the bullet without the shell in the ram (shell holder) and just pulling the brass off the bullet with a pair of plyers - ultimately trashing the brass.  Most of these were reloads with an issue with the brass and it was only 20 or so, but ultimately I WOULD like to be able to use this properly and save all the components

I finally got it set to where it would get a good grip on the bullet when you lock the cam (compress the collet), but when I pulled the ram down, it wouldn't pull the bullet, it just slips off and scars the bullet.

 :raised-eyebrow: :huh:


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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #291 on: Tuesday July 26, 2022, 08:26:12 PM Eastern »
There’s one advantage to starting with a single stage, you still have it around after you buy a progressive.
Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

Offline richkrt99

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #292 on: Wednesday July 27, 2022, 07:28:11 PM Eastern »
So.....I went home last night after very long day and went back to the press and this cam locker puller and set it up in 3 minutes working the very first time.
I did NOTHING different than the previous three failures.  Pisses me off.  Now I have no bullets to pull.  I ended up pulling 20 perfectly good bullets just to test it repeatedly.  Worked every time on the first pull.  No damage to bullets or shells.

Apparently, I'm just not drinking enough.

Offline richkrt99

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #293 on: Monday August 01, 2022, 06:25:27 PM Eastern »
Wake up Rednecks....another episode of As Rich's reloading world turns..... absolutely favorite AR build failed me yesterday.  I finally got back to the loading bench and loaded some new powder (Accurate 2230) for .223 rounds.  Set up the press and loaded 10 rounds on lower end of data.  Took them out for test fire and fired fine, fully cycled, landed on target.  Went to fire the second round and no joy.  Re-charged the gun and out popped the new had already fully chambered.  Fired again and same.  Third time I realized the gun was cycling fine, but the trigger was not resetting.  I could fire after each shot only if I pushed forward a wee bit on the trigger to reset it.  All 10 rounds fired fine, but no trigger reset.  I grabbed a mag of factory ammo and same thing. Hmmmmmm.

This gun has a Rise Armament trigger...a relatively high end one.  RA-536.  This is an factory assembled drop in trigger.  I absolutely love this trigger.  Very short reset, very crisp, nearly no take up.  This is a very fast trigger and to me (an admitted well experienced novice) a great trigger for my go to AR.

I opened the receiver and looked in and could not find an issue.  I tested the trigger/reset by hand and same issue.  Doesn't do it every time, but it would hang up.  I could see the back of hammer being pushed back to far and catching on the .....sear? If I pushed the hammer fully back and down by would catch every time.  If I pushed it just until it locked back, then trigger worked every time.

After a couple looks I saw a tiny spring and tiny set screw lying down in the bottom of the lower.  I thought a detent and spring fell out from somewhere and could not figure how that was possible.

I looked at the set screw and the allen wrench side of it they had filled with clear hard epoxy to prevent anyone tinkering with it.  I looked at the body of the trigger and apparently this spring and set screw is a fine adjustment to prevent the hammer from setting back (down) too far.

I went to the Rise Armament website and although could not get a schematic of the trigger assembly, I did see in the expanded "key features" details...the very last item:  "Note: The center set screw should not be tampered with.  Any attempts to modify the trigger will void the warrantly"
So I reached out to their help with an email with description and photos at 4:19 yesterday.  To my surprise, I received a response this morning with them offering to repair/replace at no cost and they sent me a packing list to include free shipping both ways.

I am disappointed that my trigger failed, but pleased at the response from RA.  I have read they had some issues with some of their products, but before purchasing this trigger, I saw nothing but good reviews and raves from users about this particular trigger.

So ended another day in the life....

and since I'm the only one using this thread....I keep humming "Dancing with myself" whenever I posting to myself here.  Hah! Now that damn song is stuck YOUR head

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #294 on: Tuesday August 02, 2022, 12:09:14 AM Eastern »
Every manufacturer will make a lemon from time to time, as long as there aren’t a bunch of reports on the interwebs about the minor defect I’d say you got one. Rise has been around a few years and I’ve not heard bad things of them so this can’t be a frequent thing.

When you say it’s your go to, do you mean for the range or for zombies? A range toy can afford to have an issue now and then. Annoying but it won’t get you dead. If I were relying on it to defend life and property I think I’d not use that type of trigger. Primarily I have Geissele triggers, very good product but pricey. I try to find them on sale. I also have a some of his wife’s triggers, ALG Defense, they are good too but a heck of a lot cheaper. Lots of very good triggers out there that don’t cost Geissele money.
Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

Offline richkrt99

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #295 on: Tuesday August 02, 2022, 04:58:16 PM Eastern »
My go to for ...everything.  Like to shoot it and it's my zombie gun too.  What's weird is absolutely never had a failure with this gun/trigger in about 500 rounds.  Then suddenly failure....I guess that happens when parts fall out.  After I removed the trigger (assembly) from the lower, I can see the screw/spring simply pushes downward force on front of bottom of trigger/sear which rocks the sear back from hammer just a tiny bit, keeping them out of contact.  Really, if they had not filled the set screw with some solid hard epoxy, I could have just screwed it back in.  Looks to me like they forgot the thread lock cause there is absolutely none on this set screw.  I could go to the hardware store and get one, surely voiding the warranty, but since they been so nice, I will just send it back and let them adjust it properly.


Offline richkrt99

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #296 on: Monday August 08, 2022, 04:21:52 PM Eastern »
Rise Armament sent me a brand new replacement trigger...received today.  Good customer service - they have not even received my old one back yet.
Woot  :thumbsup:


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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #297 on: Monday August 08, 2022, 10:22:22 PM Eastern »
Hey, I can hit the gong from 10' too!!  :rofl: 

Is that yer trigger there, or are ya just happy to see me?  :raspberry:

Offline richkrt99

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #298 on: Monday August 15, 2022, 04:32:20 PM Eastern »
New trigger installed.  Tested on 20 rounds.  So far so good.
Also tested a new 223 load recently produced - Little lite, but all fully cycled - roughly 2:30 ejection consistently.  I prefer more of a 4'oclock ejection.  Gonna bump that load up.


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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #299 on: Monday August 15, 2022, 08:00:54 PM Eastern »
I’m highly considering a barrel in .338 federal for an upper I want to build.
Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round