More than likely, you're correct.
So, what happened with the late, great, gang Green? Nobody wanted to rent him for a playoff run??
Thought he was the most sought after 4th scoring forward on the moving block?
More than certainly GMBetaMale bumbled and out mamouverd.
There was zero logic in him realistically after Karlsson, particularly after the disasterous off season he had a who he was going up against.
A better GM would of driven up the price of Karlsson, and snuck a desk for Green in while everyone was looking at Karlsson,. . .
Or tried held out to get the second playay on your list st, for three picks you don’t need, or get three picks and hold on to a D that can help with a playoff push
Or sneak a deal for the ot D to help your first place team in while everyone watches Karlsson.
If not, just say “we like where we are, didn’t see a good deal”. . .
Dickless and GMBetaMale are out of their league and need to relieved of their duties ASAP
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