After last night -plus- Burt playing well for an -entire- week, we're now offering up Dowd and Boyd as deadline bait!!
They want Burt to play better to gain interest, but as soon as he does they won't trade him.. "He's finally getting it" I can hear it now..
Good call Mick!!
No true fan is ever unhappy, when one of their players has a good streak, IN, AND OF ITSELF,! Even a short one, viewed as a singular event, is always GOOD!!
HELLO PEOPLE!! We have a little thing called HISTORY, on Bura, and A LOT of it!!!
Bura ALWAYS has a good streak, EVERY SEASON that he’s been a PRO!! Sometimes he’s even had TWO short litttle streaks in a season!!!.......Well frickin’ slap my ass, and call me Sally...SO WHAT!!
He is CONSISTENT!! Not at “getting it”! He’s VERY CONSISTENT at having been given super OPPORTUNITIES, to discover if he IS “getting it”!
H E I S N O T “G E T T I N G IT” N O W, E I T H E R !!!
He has not “finally come to understand”!! He does not “have a grip on things, now”!!
What he HAS done, is FAILED to respond positively to at least SIX, public disciplinary events!!
Never once positively responding in the time period following shortly after the discipline!!
RATHER, his “improvement”, AT BEST, came in a patternless, random fashion, without regard to whether the team was desperately in NEED, or NOT in need, of his newly found “good streak”!
We’ve made excuse, after excuse, for him, over the last few years, AND SO HAVE HIS COACHES!!
Bura has had a level of patience extended to him, that defies most pro sports logic!
NEVER, have I heard him utter a word of appreciation TO ANYBODY, in reference to those coaches OR fans, who have tolerated his career, thus far!! I’m not talking about the typical “thank you’s”, for the opportunity to play, Hell thats common to hear from many players!! I’m talking about specifically to his
singular and unique experiences! (And I am a post game interview hound dog)!!
What he has done lately, is having an uptick in his performance on the ice, which has helped our team!!
Surprise!!....That’s his expected JOB! We aren’t blessed OR lucky if Bura decides to play well!!
He’s having a good streak! That’s a GOOD THING! But here’s a nice little test if you’re not sure how you feel about Bura’s new good streak:
Ok... You magically get $10,000 given to you from a genie. You have only two things you are permitted to do with this money:
1) Bet it all that Bura will be a consistent, dominantly scoring, forward, for the rest of his career in the NHL. Feared by defenseman, throughout the league, and becoming a hall of famer, in the end!
2) Bet it all that Bura’s career never blossoms to his talents potential, predictably sputtering, in and out of acceptable play, ALL THE TIME!!! He will have occasional good streaks, but predominantly marked, more often, by sub-par play, more “mental issues”, resets, talking about how his legs are “feeling good”, etc. etc!!
Show me the $, if you’re betting on #1, and I will show you my $ for betting on #2!!
Matter of fact, I’ll take on any amount!!
Still liking what #65 is bringing, as of late, however!!