Author Topic: G30 Capitals @ Kings 10:00pm Wed Dec 4, 2019 NBCSWA, ESPN+, SN, FS-W  (Read 19395 times)

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Offline ArJunaZ

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Re: G30 Capitals @ Kings 10:00pm Wed Dec 4, 2019 NBCSWA, ESPN+, SN, FS-W
« Reply #80 on: Monday December 09, 2019, 04:10:33 PM Eastern »
I don't think there is a member here that is not happy to have John Carlson on this team.  Some simply say he is not worthy of being called the best defenseman under the older definition of what that means, which is a shutdown defensive player. I think everyone here is in agreement that Carlson is the best offensive defenseman in the league.  It's not a black or white thing.
Be careful what you ask for America; you just might get it.

Offline richkrt99

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Re: G30 Capitals @ Kings 10:00pm Wed Dec 4, 2019 NBCSWA, ESPN+, SN, FS-W
« Reply #81 on: Monday December 09, 2019, 04:21:36 PM Eastern »
I don't think there is a member here that is not happy to have John Carlson on this team.  Some simply say he is not worthy of being called the best defenseman under the older definition of what that means, which is a shutdown defensive player. I think everyone here is in agreement that Carlson is the best offensive defenseman in the league.  It's not a black or white thing.


You just had to go and make it racial.  :huh:

Now we're really gonna here it.




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Re: G30 Capitals @ Kings 10:00pm Wed Dec 4, 2019 NBCSWA, ESPN+, SN, FS-W
« Reply #82 on: Monday December 09, 2019, 11:48:56 PM Eastern »
The dislike for Carlson on this forum is ridiculous. People here loved to hate on this guy and now they are begrudgingly giving him some credit white still looking for ways to rip on him. This group has some of the most negative people I’ve ever seen. I barely come here anymore (not that anyone cares), but I pop back in and while the team is off to the best start in their history and Carlson is having an amazing season I see some people still finding ways to be negative.......amazing.

Hey Kit!
 I wanted to respond to your post, as I believe we’ve posted in the past, with each other, at least a time or two.  First off, I hope all is well with you, because it’s been a while.

I do respect your civility, and tact, in keeping anonymous, and not naming, those whom you feel are too negative on Carlson.  It’s suggestive of a generally caring and empathetic person.  Rare qualities in people these days, IMO, so thank you!

It’s probably not a stretch for me to assume that I’m one of those posters, that you’re talking about.  FWIW,  I take no offense from you posting your opinion.

I don’t feel, at all, that I “begrudgingly”, give Carlson his credit!

On the contrary, the credit I give to him, is given with complete sincerity, and with admiration for the VASTLY IMPROVED, offensive skills, which HE has chosen to put an abundant amount of EXTRA practice time into, for the RESULTS, that HE personally desires for himself, and his career direction, AND with coach RIERDENS’ obvious allowance, and blessing!!

 In short, JOHN CARLSON IS LIVING HIS DREAM!!  At least for his NHL hockey career!
Without a doubt, John Carlson is exceeding HIS COACHES expectations,  and playing at the pinnacle of TODAY’S NHL STANDARDS!

 I am absolutely, NOT BITTER, at all, at John Carlson for this achievement!  I’m happy about the great contribution his achievements add to our overall Capitals success, and truly hope he keeps it up!
Simple as that!!

 I also have a brain, surely like many others, that has the ability to simultaneously ponder, PARTITION, and separate, different feelings, ideas, and theories about all sorts of subjects in our world.  I imagine that you do also!

I’d kindly ask you to consider that, the possibility exists of being able to entertain opposing thoughts and ideas about a certain substantive issue, (in this case, Carlson)!

Specifically, and for clarity purposes, I feel that the MAJORITY of tactics used in Carlson’s defensive repertoire are quite BELOW AVERAGE, or ABSENT,  and even more so when you consider his physical size!!
 The fact that GMBM, and the coaching staff, have found creative ways to reduce the impact of Carlson‘s poor defensive skills, to the team, is a plus for both the CAPS and Carlson!!
 This is my opinion!!

 It is also my opinion, that whatever defensive shortcomings John Carlson has, through hard work with the teams coaches, he has become an incredible offensive threat to our opponents!!
 The magnitude of this threat, again, in my opinion, greatly outweighs the defensive consequences of him being on the ice!
 Even better, GMBM, the coaching staff, and the players, all seem to think so!!

IMHO,  both thoughts can be simultaneously true!!

 Respectfully, Kit, what is so negative about my way of thinking?
 Where is the begrudging credit, in those thoughts?

 Let me add also, sincerely, that I’m not trying to put anyone on the spot!
 Just trying to offer you support for my position!
Thanks Kit!  Good to see you on the board. Feel free to respond.



Always hopeful, yet discontent -
He knows CHANGES aren’t permanent -
              BUT CHANGE IS!!!

RUSH - from “Tom Sawyer”


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Re: G30 Capitals @ Kings 10:00pm Wed Dec 4, 2019 NBCSWA, ESPN+, SN, FS-W
« Reply #83 on: Monday December 09, 2019, 11:53:41 PM Eastern »


You just had to go and make it racial.  :huh:

Now we're really gonna here it.


LMFAO, Rich!!

 I’m already hearing echoes of that famous duet from Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder...”Ebony and Ivory”!😂🤣😂🤣
 And if you remember that song buddy, we are freaking OLD, dude !!!

Always hopeful, yet discontent -
He knows CHANGES aren’t permanent -
              BUT CHANGE IS!!!

RUSH - from “Tom Sawyer”