Hey folks!
Rush, (aka molasses thumbs), here, attempting to keep pace on the GDT!
In the heavily popular, “lip service” world, that NHL coaches have to play in occasionally, with the media, It is so cool to witness, in real time, evidence, proving that an aspect of something they’ve been working on has now began to bear fruit!!
Enter coach Rierden, and his declaration, during preseason this year, that the coaches would be working with John Carlson on his offensive skills!!
A few seasons ago, had I witnessed a goal similar to John Carlson‘s 2nd goal tonight, I would’ve blabbed on about what a crappy defenseman when he was, and spouted off something along the lines of “even a blind squirrel, gets a nut sometimes”, or any other analogy that would fit!!
Simply put, John Carlson has obviously put the time in, AND Rierden had the foresight to make the call, to allow special training time at practice, for it to happen!!
Hands down, this training has really paid off!!
In my opinion, I don’t think there’s anyway JOHN Carlson would have made that kind of quick, and coordinated move, to make that goal, just a couple seasons ago!! NO WAY!!
Kudos to both Rierden, and Carly for a nicely coordinated job well done!!!
(Ok, he’s still a defensive pussy, BUT THATS NOT THE POINT)!!😁😆😁😆
Every month, John Carlson continues to show the value he is to this team!