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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #300 on: Monday August 22, 2022, 06:20:38 PM Eastern »
Went to the range this weekend (finally).  The Cove campground (and gun range) in Gore, VA.  WAY out there, but worth the trip - for a day of outdoor range with plenty of backstop.  Roughly ~100 yds for shooting....pretty much anything you want to bring including full auto if yuns special enough to own em, which I am not.  I say "roughly 100yds" I did not measure but it looks  a little shy and range guy said it's not quite 100m

Shot mostly a lot of 223 with my "tartget AR" build - 18" stainless barrel, some other upgrades, and a Vortex Strike Eagle 1-6 optic. - which is plenty for up to 300 yds for target IMO.  Pretty satisfied with the results of that gun.
Also shot my AR build in 7.62x39.  Has some light strikes on some of the steel rounds which I THOUGH I had resolved with an enhanced firing pin - first time I had any issues with it.
Also about 300 rounds of 9mm through a PSA Dagger (glock knockoff) and mostly thru my PSA AKV 9mm "pistol" which to me is more of a carbine.  That puppy is a blast to shoot.  Gong the steel all day long at ~100yds with the Romeo red dot on that gun.  35 round mags and fun and easy to shoot.
Ended with the AR-10...(prolly not the gun to end with after hours of shooting).  Too heavy and fatigued by the time I got around to that gun.  Tried to site in the 1-8 scope on that gun, but I was alone and I couldn't see the bullet strikes with the recoil.  Gonna have to go back with that one.
Now they DO have a long distance range (which was not open Saturday) which starts at 200 and has targets out to 500.  Got to make a reservation and pay your $50 per person for 2-1/2hours for long range shooting.
Cost for the "regular" range was $25 for all day - pretty reasonable.  I will be going back....on a weekday so it's not crowded.  Talked to the range officer and he said weekends are always busy but weekdays often only 1 or two shooters there.

Anyone know of any outdoor ranges with 200yds range or more, I'm looking for one within 90 minutes driving distance (from say Manassas area)
BTW - the 100yd range has wood "shooting benches", but is not covered.  I was there from 9-12:30 and was in the shade the entire time (targets in sun).  The long range has covered stations from what I was told, but I have not been there...yet.


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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #301 on: Monday August 22, 2022, 08:44:44 PM Eastern »
This is closer than going to the cove, but, always a butt. You can’t bring a bunch of crap(read trash) to use as targets

it’s the only place I know of other than Quantico in the region that has a 1000 yard range
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"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

Offline richkrt99

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #302 on: Tuesday August 23, 2022, 04:06:04 PM Eastern »
Thanks Alta....I checked out the website and it's about the same distance from me (as The Cove)....maybe a bit further, but mostly faster drive.
Might have to check it out.  I sent an email inquiry about the cost.

Not that I need a 1000 yard range.  Mostly what I want is mid-range 200-300, or maybe 500 (at least I think :-)


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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #303 on: Monday August 29, 2022, 08:57:56 PM Eastern »
Made some more buwwets this weekend.  Certainly needed to after that last range trip.  Tried out some Accurate 2230 I got recently.  Worked really well in my "target AR" - 18" stainless barrel...

1" groups at ~40yds.  Pretty nice.  First load was a hair light so I bumped it up a eventually worked up to and stuck with the 24.5gr which is just under the "published" max and kept  those 1" groups.  I had zeroed my scope in at 100yds at the range so everything was landing about 1.5" high at 40yds, which was expected.  Zeroed back in at the 40yds but Really want to do my zeroing in at 200 which I believe is sort of the preferred zero giving the best all around results at various distances.  Although after reading some their seems to be a lot of argument for zeroing a 5.56 rifle at 36yds.  Using a ballistic calculator (for relatively the first time) I'd say I have to agree with the 36yd zero for the most "uniform" point of impact from 0-300 yds

Also made up about 300 rounds of 62gr.  Have some 69 and 75 also but haven't worked up any loads for those yet.  If only I had a big dozer - I could cut me a nice 200-300yd range through some of my woods.  Way too thick to be shooting in their blind with no back stop.  I do have neighbors way back in the holler somewheres.

Now that I started playing with the ballistic calculator - that damn Alta is gonna talk me into another damn caliber when I finally get serious about my targets at distance.  (Him and that 6.5 CM) Sumbitch just wants me to spend more money and more time at the loading bench  ;D

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #304 on: Tuesday August 30, 2022, 01:41:44 AM Eastern »

playing with different calibers is part of the fun, I’ve been stuck at 28 a while now, need to try something different

Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

Offline richkrt99

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #305 on: Tuesday August 30, 2022, 11:37:04 AM Eastern »
28 calibers.  Good Lord!  Hope you weren't counting (to 21) out in public  :snicker:

I don't even own 28 guns.
[size=78%](Holy Sheit, yes I do - I just counted and ....If you count Sleepy Joe's definition of "guns": parts that are yet to be guns.  But hey, if you count the 3 male "adult" boys and the wife, then I am not a TOTAL gun nut cause the FIVE of us only own "a few" each)[/size]

I think I'm only at 7 calibers though.  Okay 10 - forgot about the shotguns and the 30-30 until I started counting.
.45 ACP

I have dies for all (except 22 & shotguns, 30-30) but so far I have only loaded in .357 & 38special, 9mm, and .223.  Mostly target stuff in 9mm and several different loads for the .357 and 38spcl (including those spire points for the lever action rifle ;) . Pretty happy with one load I found this weekend (in 55gr), but yet to play with the heavier bullets for 223.  I've do have some Hornady 69gr & 75gr BTHP, but haven't loaded any yet.  Also have some Hornady 60gr V-max (polymer tip) which are supposed to be accurate.
Might play with some 7.62x39 loads next, but I don't have all that much Brass for it - just what I've shot.  I like that gun build though, it's fun to shoot.  AR platform.  Just open sights on that one, but good for clanging steel.  I've got a shit ton of that Russian powder than I just can't quite get to work in the .223 rounds - but expect it will be fine for the 7.62x39 & probably the .308 as well....when I get there....eventually.

Giddy up - the saga continues.

Offline richkrt99

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #306 on: Monday September 12, 2022, 05:14:23 PM Eastern »
Mixed my own Gun Case Lube brew - had the materials on hand for some time.  Pure Lanolin mixed with medical grade alcohol.  10-12 parts alcohol, 1 part lanolin.  Read about this a year ago and ordered the stuff.  Mixed mine 11:1 and it works fantastic and does not stink up the place like Hornady Gun Case lube aerosol spray.  Also my ingredients will last for several years and cost about $25 total.  Think I have enough to mix a little more this spray bottle 3-4 times
My bench is inside, so....toxic smells get noticed.  This stuff smells like....well alcohol, but its very mild.  I wondered how quickly it would separate, but after a week, there was only slight residue settled to bottom of bottle and a mild shake and good to go.  Have loaded about 300 rounds (long neck 223) so far and it has worked wonderfully.  Pretty happy with it.

(No Mick, you can't drink the medical alcohol.)


Offline richkrt99

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #307 on: Monday September 12, 2022, 05:23:02 PM Eastern »
Bench looks a bit different than it did a couple years ago...burdened down with more calibers, dies, bullets, supplies, manuals, etc, etc.

(still no weed killer on there though)  :raspberry:

Online alta

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #308 on: Monday September 12, 2022, 05:45:53 PM Eastern »
I don’t find gun lube to be the problem with vapor trails at the bench. It’s the cleaning supplies, primarily bore cleaner. I’ve been pretty happy with clp, it hit the mainstream 2002/03. I think because the early stuff was “mil spec”, and mil spec was all the craze in the AR world back then.

Just reread your post. Are you using this as a gun lube, or a case lube?
Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

Offline richkrt99

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #309 on: Tuesday September 13, 2022, 10:06:45 AM Eastern »
Sorry....Lanolin mixture is for Case lube.  I see I did type Gun lube there.
I used Hoppes gun cleaning since forever, but yeah inside it's rough.  I tried some CLP couple years ago and pretty much switched over since I do the bulk of my gun cleaning inside.  Although.....I don't mind the smell of Hoppes but everyone else (okay....the wife, which is the only one that matters) doesn't like it.


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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #310 on: Saturday September 17, 2022, 01:25:06 PM Eastern »
Wife don't like the smell of Hoppes??  :raised-eyebrow:  That's grounds imo.  :raspberry: :snicker: 
And I knew that medical alcohol was useless. For drinkin anyway. You might could sniff it??  :huh: :rofl:

My bench don't have weed killer on it anymore either! Drank Cleaned all that shit off there last month! I actually have a functioning garage again!  :hearts: 

Online alta

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #311 on: Saturday September 17, 2022, 05:21:48 PM Eastern »
I’m surprised Micks bench isn’t covered in tackle
Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

Offline Mickstix

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #312 on: Saturday September 17, 2022, 05:43:06 PM Eastern »
I’m surprised Micks bench isn’t covered in tackle
There's boxes and bins of it, it's just not on the bench.  :wackysmile:

Offline richkrt99

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #313 on: Thursday September 22, 2022, 06:31:44 PM Eastern »
Shot the Colt Gold Cup 45 this weekend.  I don't shoot 45 much and I don't know if they all this way or it was the ammo, but this thing was downright dirty when I was done.  Sellior & Bellot 230gr factory ammo.  Everything I read says this is a clean as any.  This ammo is from my old stock....which means within the last 10 years.  Shot about 80 rounds of it.
Cleaned easily enough (for a 1911), but sure seemed dirty for 80 rounds.

Offline Mickstix

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #314 on: Friday September 23, 2022, 04:32:47 PM Eastern »
My (cheap) 45 is dirty as hell too. I haven't shot it in a couple years, but iirc it doesn't seem to matter if it was store bought or reloaded ammo. Then again, the only store bought I ever shot with it was Winchester or Blazer from Walmart.  :wackysmile:

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #315 on: Saturday September 24, 2022, 10:57:37 AM Eastern »
I haven’t touched Blazzer in probably 20 years because it’s so dirty. I think S&B is similar to Winchester white box. I haven’t used that in years either because there are cleaner options.
Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

Offline richkrt99

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #316 on: Friday October 21, 2022, 04:47:26 PM Eastern »
Okay, I did it.  Added one more caliber.  Finally broke down and got a 300BO barrel/upper.  Have everything else to build it.  Gonna do a 300BO pistol AR platform
Gonna have to get the dies now.....this viscous cycle never ends  :wackysmile:

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #317 on: Thursday November 17, 2022, 05:09:53 PM Eastern »
Boom!  There it is...

.300 Blackout AR Pistol

Surprised the recoil is about the same as 5.56, but it sure thumps the steel a lot harder.  Very easy to control - pretty happy with the performance so far.  Sure as hell is LOUD as all get-out. 7.5" barrel Blackout pistol not all that gentle on the ears.


Offline richkrt99

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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #318 on: Wednesday November 30, 2022, 10:45:48 AM Eastern »
with some alterations...


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Re: Guns and Blowin Shit Up!
« Reply #319 on: Wednesday November 30, 2022, 11:40:05 AM Eastern »
Make sure you keep the .300 and 5.56 ammo separate as well, I have seen an odd round get mixed in before. A 5.56 getting ignited in a .300 barrel is no big deal. A .300 getting ignited in a 5.56 is.

I haven’t bought anything new in a while. Just playing with 10mm and .30 carbine loads.
Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round