Author Topic: today's horseshit for Rich  (Read 203298 times)

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Re: The dedicated boredom thread for Rich
« Reply #240 on: Thursday December 19, 2019, 10:18:24 PM Eastern »
I knew the U.S. isn't #1 ...

but very surprised at Belize
Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

Offline richkrt99

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Re: The dedicated boredom thread for Rich
« Reply #241 on: Thursday December 19, 2019, 11:06:08 PM Eastern »
well....what I meant was....
It is no LONGER equal cause we 'Mericans are fat
cause we drink too much beer.

And let me say I am most disappointed by the fact that MOST high school kids today have no idea regarding the difference between to and too, despite them passing the fucking SOL with flying colors every year and getting 3.6 GPA grades without knowing the difference or having a clue what the fucking Pythagorean theorem is....(which is MOST useful if you ever need to calculate the run of a roof pitch when you know the height an the length.)
Yes, that is correct, they call the "standards of learning" test the SOL...
in my day SOL meant Shit out of Luck, which is pretty much the state of today's public school graduate.

I do not consider myself one of the most studious or intelligent individuals on the planet, but Jesus, kids are just fucking dumb these days

and YES, I DID interview some stupid-ass young people for jobs today.  and YES, we do require you to be able to pass a drug test, and YES, we do require that you provide your own transportation TO work every day.

I am truly worried and stressed over the plight of our country.  The machine is going to fail.


Offline richkrt99

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Re: The dedicated boredom thread for Rich
« Reply #242 on: Thursday December 19, 2019, 11:14:34 PM Eastern »
How in the Hell can Belize and....
Qatar, Egypt, UAE, Jordan, and the Bahamas be in the top 15 of BMI?


But MF Egypt?  WTF they got to eat over there?  how many calories can you stuff into frickin rice, beans and falafel?

And how may fat Bahamianiens you ever seen?

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Re: The dedicated boredom thread for Rich
« Reply #243 on: Friday December 20, 2019, 12:37:41 AM Eastern »
I actually watched a few minutes of the deadskins game this past week.  Just happened to flip on the tube with the game almost over.  Pathetic.
They were tied with about 7 min left.  Then drove the field and because of a moronic play by the receiver missed a 1st down on 3rd down (near the 20 yard line) and ended up kicking a field goal to go ahead by 3 with like 4 minutes left.  I knew they were done right then and there.
The talking heads kept saying....the receiver made a rookie mistake...a rookie mistake.  The fucking guy IS a rookie, but you can't tell me he has never played the game before and doesn't absolutely KNOW he has to dive across the 1st down line, NOT stand there and try and juke a guy and then get stopped.  Rookie, okay, but the guy has played ball his WHOLE FUCKING LIFE.  And that's on the coach too.  And it was selfish.  He wanted the highlight reel with him juking the guy at the 20 and running it in.  IF he had just leaned forward, taken the hit and got the 1st down, it would probably won them the game (IF they managed to get a touchdown)

THe organization is a disaster so the team is a disaster. None of them play for each other.  They play for themselves.  Well, this is what you get.  I blame ownership and the brain trust.  They have run this franchise into the ground.  I use to be a fan and now the only feelings I feel are disgust, disdain, and shame.  I would be ashamed to call myself a Redskins fan.  I am ashamed that this is what has become of a team I once proudly and strongly supported.  The whole league is a disaster because of the values that they portray and embrace.  I haven't wanted to be a fan in years now an every time I slip up and watch ANY NFL football, I regret it.  The whole NFL deserves to die of it's own selfish greed.

I think that is why I am still a hockey fan, because to be successful in achieving the ultimate goal (Lord Stanley) you truly need a team effort, with all hands, all hearts applying themselves to one goal.  Everyone giving everything they have in a combined effort, feeding off one another.  THat was the best part of winning the cup...seeing all the guys pull together, all parts working, all guys all in, and being finally rewarded for their efforts.  It was a beautiful thing to watch and be a part of after decades of disappointment.
I honestly see some off that in this year's team.  These guys are enjoying the game and play for each other.

I do NOT see ANY of that in ANY of the NFL football I see.  It is such a turn off to watch.  I say FU NFL and the Redskins.

[size=78%]rant over[/size]

 Could not have said it better myself rich, between the NFL and hockey!👍👍😁

IMO, one of the main differences, as to why earning the Stanley Cup, is STILL considered the hardest, and most respected achievement to attain, of the BIG 4, pro sports in the USA, is in the fact that HOCKEY, by the very NATURE of the game, itself, demonstrates, even to the layman, in a raw, basic, and easily understandable way, the absolute inter-dependence, the skaters require, from each other, in order to excel and succeed!

The tough and tiring path, for youngsters, to the NHL, is also part of what contributes to the preciousness of its Trophy, at the very end!!
Naturally weeding out, a much higher percentage of those, lacking the character needed for CONSISTENT EXCELLENCE, at the high standard of professional sport!

Pre-Madonna’s, spoiled crybabies, whiners, and those that think their shit don’t stink, are filtered out, much better, all through, and at given points, in this grueling process!!  It’s simply inherent, in the nature of getting there!!

It is plainly evident, even in just the cursory viewing, by a non-hockey fan, including those that don’t care for hockey at all,  that heavy teamwork, must occur, in order to WIN!!
It’s INTEGRITY, exists, as a FACT, in and of itself, and stands alone, being NOT dependent on media promotion, to validate its presence!!

 Don’t get me wrong, the media is there doing its thing, as the media will always do! NHL Hockley gets cheaply promoted also, but just not at the same degree, because the nature of the sport, simply cuts through it anyway!

As opposed to the current NFL, for example.
 Sure, the Super Bowl trophy, could still be said to honor the hard work, necessary to triumph!! But the PROCESS, in getting there, starting every season, from mini camp, through preseason, and the regular season, has been so weakened, and withered down, especially over the last 15-20 years, as to be  barely recognizable as the same sport!  At least to us older folks, who have memories to compare too, against today’s football!!

 Let’s take the example you just used in your post Rich, with the announcer talking about the “rookie mistake“, that was made! (Fuckin’ LMFAO, already at this point)!!
 What we view here, is an end result example of acceptance, and rationalization of an extremely damaging, and IDIOTIC, play!!

This play overflows, with the evidence of a rookie, who has been through a long process, from high school,  through college, and into the pros, where coaches don’t give out discipline, that is meaningful individually, to that player!  Whether it is the nature of the coach, OR he is forced to act in this manner by his higher-ups, is irrelevant!!  Either way, the player then begins to learn an indelible bad lesson!

As the player continues along his career path, learning, about the lesser emphasis of having to pay for your performance mistakes! We then witness, this idiotic mental mistake,  in which the media themselves, have learned over the years, that if they want to continue to be profitable, they have to cleverly make the unacceptable, and stupid plays, seem acceptable to its audience!! (They continue to lose this battle every year, by the way).

NOW.... magnify this example by several hundred-fold, that is to say, many NFL players, hundreds of media personnel, “OK’ing”, the players habitual, undisciplined, and individually selfish play!!
All the while, soft ass owners, firing coaches, who won’t “babysit“, or cover the basic flaws, in fundamentals, (which any NFL fan with half a brain notices),  and he stops, or won’t, sugarcoat things in the media interviews!!!

 It’s called promotion from the negative. Being able to call shit, “SHINE-OLA”, is how it’s referred to in the old school!!
It’s an ever present disease in today’s sports, but I’m glad that at least NHL hockey has a naturally higher level of antibodies against it!!


Always hopeful, yet discontent -
He knows CHANGES aren’t permanent -
              BUT CHANGE IS!!!

RUSH - from “Tom Sawyer”

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Re: The dedicated boredom thread for Rich
« Reply #244 on: Friday December 20, 2019, 03:13:24 PM Eastern »
How in the Hell can Belize and....
Qatar, Egypt, UAE, Jordan, and the Bahamas be in the top 15 of BMI?


But MF Egypt?  WTF they got to eat over there?  how many calories can you stuff into frickin rice, beans and falafel?

And how may fat Bahamianiens you ever seen?

somebody on crack on this list

they are all countries that are fairly wealthy, which gives them a richer more plentiful diet while at the same time not requiring hard strenuous work that burns off all those calories
Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

Offline alta

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Re: The dedicated boredom thread for Rich
« Reply #245 on: Friday December 20, 2019, 03:25:40 PM Eastern »
the Caps do have a game tonight
Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

Offline richkrt99

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Re: The dedicated boredom thread for Rich
« Reply #246 on: Friday December 20, 2019, 03:36:02 PM Eastern »

they are all countries that are fairly wealthy, which gives them a richer more plentiful diet while at the same time not requiring hard strenuous work that burns off all those calories

Yes, I hear you.  Really it was Egypt and Bahamas that surprised me.

And since this IS THE THREAD FOR IT, and we are talking Egypt, here are some useful tidbits for your next Egypt themed party:

-If you unwrapped the bandages from an ancient mummy, they could stretch a mile

-Peasants in ancient Egypt put a bag of mouse bones around the neck to cure bed wetting.

-King Tut may have been killed by a hippopotamus

-Ancient Egyptians invented toothpaste

-Cleopatra, the most famous of Egyptian queens was actually a Greek...Well, her ancestors were Greek...her heritage was Greek...but nobody really knows what was "in the woodpile" after generations of ancestors lived in Egypt.


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Re: The dedicated boredom thread for Rich
« Reply #247 on: Friday December 20, 2019, 03:37:43 PM Eastern »

Offline richkrt99

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Re: The dedicated boredom thread for Rich
« Reply #248 on: Friday December 20, 2019, 03:38:30 PM Eastern »

Which translated from Bones' speak to mean...



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Re: The dedicated boredom thread for Rich
« Reply #249 on: Friday December 20, 2019, 04:09:25 PM Eastern »

And let me say I am most disappointed by the fact that MOST high school kids today have no idea regarding the difference between to and too, despite them passing the fucking SOL with flying colors every year and getting 3.6 GPA grades without knowing the difference or having a clue what the fucking Pythagorean theorem is....(which is MOST useful if you ever need to calculate the run of a roof pitch when you know the height an the length.)
Yes, that is correct, they call the "standards of learning" test the SOL...
in my day SOL meant Shit out of Luck, which is pretty much the state of today's public school graduate.

I do not consider myself one of the most studious or intelligent individuals on the planet, but Jesus, kids are just fucking dumb these days

and YES, I DID interview some stupid-ass young people for jobs today.  and YES, we do require you to be able to pass a drug test, and YES, we do require that you provide your own transportation TO work every day.

I am truly worried and stressed over the plight of our country.  The machine is going to fail.

I had to give you two likes for this post.  It is amazing, isn't it?  I know professionals with 4 year college degrees that are dumb as a Greta Thunberg (aka. ROCK).
Be careful what you ask for America; you just might get it.

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Re: The dedicated boredom thread for Rich
« Reply #250 on: Friday December 20, 2019, 04:31:33 PM Eastern »
Damn!  My music might be a tad loud.  Just took a reading and the meter is showing 95-112db RMS @ 1m from left speaker.
Still 18db of volume control left though. . .  Should I?  The sub spec says it can do 122db
 :thumbsup: :thumbsdown:

According to conventional "wisdom" I should be deaf already, but my hearing is actually damn good still.  The trick was going to Ted Nugent concerts at a young age (see Metallica concert in chart below) and working those cochlear hairs regularly with loud music.  It also helps to spray silicone protectant in your ears.
 :huh: (Kids, I am joking. Do NOT spray any sound lubricants in your ears) :devil:

Be careful what you ask for America; you just might get it.

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Re: The dedicated boredom thread for Rich
« Reply #251 on: Friday December 20, 2019, 04:42:03 PM Eastern »
How in the Hell can Belize and....
Qatar, Egypt, UAE, Jordan, and the Bahamas be in the top 15 of BMI?


But MF Egypt?  WTF they got to eat over there?  how many calories can you stuff into frickin rice, beans and falafel?

And how may fat Bahamianiens you ever seen?

somebody on crack on this list

Qatar and UAE are very rich and they also can hide their fat lazy asses under their thobes and kandourahs (robes).
Be careful what you ask for America; you just might get it.

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Re: The dedicated boredom thread for Rich
« Reply #252 on: Friday December 20, 2019, 05:04:26 PM Eastern »
More on your points about the NHL vs. other sports Rush.  Hockey is IMO a much more complex sport to fully understand as a spectator.  When someone new to hockey watches a game they have little understanding of what they are watching. Initially it appears to be a chaotic scramble on the ice. Then you slowly evolve to understand the complexities of what's happening, which is quite complex.  Hence the term "Hockey I.Q.."  It applies to players and spectators IMO.  Those that watch as much as we do can, after many years, begin to predict plays and see what the thought process is on the ice. 

I don't know of any other sports that requires more individual skill, endurance, and teamwork than hockey.  I agree that it is the pinnacle of sports based on the criteria you (and I) laid out.

On a totally different note:

Too bad the "progressives" are beginning to destroy this too.  Fucking "Pride night" and now there is the NHL's "Hockey for Everyone" push for hockey to be inclusive "regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, gender identity or expression, disability, sexual orientation and socioeconomic status".  I have heard them say on air that there is a need to practically force more diversity in these areas.  I am so sick of good people bowing to the insanity of these crazy fucks that use language (and fear of language) to twist us all into a bunch, vomit on us, and make some of us vomit on ourselves. It's time that good people told these SJW's to pound sand.

I believe in equality, but we don't need to make a scene of it.
Be careful what you ask for America; you just might get it.

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Re: The dedicated boredom thread for Rich
« Reply #253 on: Friday December 20, 2019, 05:19:12 PM Eastern »
I mean, I wasn't -front row- for any of the Metallica shows, but I was there!  :uh-huh:  (Far as I remember)  :snicker:  Terrible Ted at Kings Dominion? Yep!  :uh-huh:  Van Halen, Ozzy, Pantara, KISS, KIX, Skynyrd, Boston, etc., etc.. Yep, Yep, Yep and Yep.. Grateful Dead and Little Feat.. Oh hell yea!! Sux getting older.. Havent been to a live show in ages.  :-\   

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Re: The dedicated boredom thread for Rich
« Reply #254 on: Friday December 20, 2019, 06:22:51 PM Eastern »
Cleopatra was a Ptolemy(the P is silent), Ptolemy's were closely associated with Alexander the Great...

and, by all accounts she wasn't very good looking either
Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

Offline richkrt99

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Re: The dedicated boredom thread for Rich
« Reply #255 on: Thursday December 26, 2019, 11:36:03 PM Eastern »
And since I'm Christmas-ing down in sunny is some random shit about FLA...

No matter where you are in FLA, you are within 60 miles of an ocean

It is illegal to sing while wearing swimwear in public (don't till Mick....but then he's probably learned this the hard way already)

Florida is the flattest state with the max and min elevation differing only 345'

Oral sex is illegal in FLA (again, Mick...well Nevermind)

The number of visitors to Orlando every day equals the population of Atlanta

Bigfoot is known by most people, but FLA has their own version called the skunk Ape (insert your own comment about Mick here)

The first ATM was installed in Miami - (designed for roller-bladers who could not enter the bank)

No pigs allowed on Miami Beach (MICK...they mean actual swine...not cops, so leave the thingy at home)

There is an estimated 2 Trillion dollars ($2,000,000,000,000) (that's twelve zeros) worth of lost treasure within 60 miles of the coast of Florida.

Florida has a museum of poop.  The South Florida Museum has the world's largest collection of fossilized poop. :poop: (Mick's second cousin is the head curator)

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Re: The dedicated boredom thread for Rich
« Reply #256 on: Thursday December 26, 2019, 11:39:52 PM Eastern »
Okay, I made that last shit up.

Not the poop part, but the part about Mick's second cousin being the curator.
(it's actually his uncle)

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Re: The dedicated boredom thread for Rich
« Reply #257 on: Friday December 27, 2019, 09:17:16 AM Eastern »
I can take a punch, but DON'T BE HATIN on SKUNK APE!!!  :raised-eyebrow:  He REAL DAMMIT!!! HE REAALLL!!!!  :uh-huh:

The Thread Man??? Where's the Thread???  :snicker: 

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Re: The dedicated boredom thread for Rich
« Reply #258 on: Friday December 27, 2019, 04:02:47 PM Eastern »
it has been said that the Gulf Stream where it goes in between FL and Cuba, then up along the keys is indeed paved with gold, from Spanish and Portuguese shipwrecks sending home looted treasure
Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

Offline richkrt99

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Re: The dedicated boredom thread for Rich
« Reply #259 on: Monday December 30, 2019, 10:59:58 AM Eastern »


Why is the Tuesday game at 1pm?  Stupid NHL.  I know the Caps used to frequently play a matinee on new year's day, but on new year's eve?
I will be watching that game later that evening I reckon.