God damned Microsoft put out a recent security update that says "This might cause some users to have black screens and system crashes". Forbes magazine even jokes about the ludicrousness of Microsoft suggesting it is due to invalid configurations or display driver issues. I am running 100% Microsoft Certified Drivers ONLY. Microsoft says you can try adding a patch for the patch and pray it works until they find a proper fix.
My question is, if they intend to fix it then it must be their problem. This system is my security camera server and has barely any software installed. It has been running for nearly ten years nonstop without issue.
This happened to me a couple days ago and I uninstalled the offending two patches and it worked again. Sometime this evening Microsoft updated my system again and it crashed badly right at the end of the Caps game. This in spite of having DISABLED and stopped the Update Service. I have now restored it back a week or so and went through a very lengthy and challenging process to neuter the Microsoft Update Service. This is made almost impossible to do, but I can assure you it can be beat.
Every new version of Windows 10 makes it more difficult (almost impossible for average user) to disable Microsoft's ability to install whatever the fuck they want and reboot your computer whenever the fuck they choose. If you get fucked as a result they will accept ZERO responsibility.
FUCK MICROSOFT. Who the fuck releases patches with known SEVERE ISSUES? I am running the most prevalent Windows 10 version in use today. I am pissed off at Microsoft as I have been since about 1987.
System is running great again now and they can't fuck it up!