Author Topic: G64 Capitals @ Jets 8:00pm Thu Feb 27, 2020 NBCSWA, ESPN+, TSN3  (Read 26250 times)

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Re: G64 Capitals @ Jets 8:00pm Thu Feb 27, 2020 NBCSWA, ESPN+, TSN3
« Reply #120 on: Thursday February 27, 2020, 11:31:08 PM Eastern »

Lil’. The real question may be what HARM could it do??😁
In all seriousness, though, I’ve seen virtually nothing that Rierden does, either PRO. or CON, that seems to have ANY effect on what happens with this team on the ice!

IMO,  The point is we don’t see anything GOOD, or BAD, that obviously shows itself, as something with Rierden’s signature on it!
 The guy is practically INVISIBLE!!.....and THAT is not at all good,If you’re the head coach of a team where it’s obvious, even to the fans,  what the issues are!!


WHO would you replace him with?
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Re: G64 Capitals @ Jets 8:00pm Thu Feb 27, 2020 NBCSWA, ESPN+, TSN3
« Reply #121 on: Thursday February 27, 2020, 11:50:05 PM Eastern »
It took Trotz 3 years to get our team to a Stanley Cup and he was an experienced Head Coach.  Many people on here were questioning HIM and calling for HIS head, remember???    Remember?

Jump off that bandwgon luv and THINK.

We WILL  make the playoffs.  if we didn't, then there is that dsicussion.
HOW we do in the playoffs is another.

Now is the most stupid time to talk about firiing an HC.
I am

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Re: G64 Capitals @ Jets 8:00pm Thu Feb 27, 2020 NBCSWA, ESPN+, TSN3
« Reply #122 on: Friday February 28, 2020, 12:18:31 AM Eastern »

Hypothetical question...

Lose to Pens in regular season -> fire TR -> Caps win Stanley Cup in 2020


Crush Pens in regular season -> don't fire TR -> Caps exit first round

Which would you choose?

Just checked.   Neither you, nor Apace have posted in the "Coaching" thread.........  Strange since you both seem so passionae about it............  Just sayin'  ..   ...   ...    ... luv....... :raspberry:
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Re: G64 Capitals @ Jets 8:00pm Thu Feb 27, 2020 NBCSWA, ESPN+, TSN3
« Reply #123 on: Friday February 28, 2020, 07:56:06 AM Eastern »

WHO would you get to replace him?  Your brother in law?  Who is available and competant and willing NOW, exactly?
'Cos having a shiny new coach is really vonna help our tem now. 


Plenty of coaches available. Laviolette, Gallant, Boudreau, DeBoer, and a handful of others. Not saying we'd want them all, but they pretty much all are more experienced than TR.

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Re: G64 Capitals @ Jets 8:00pm Thu Feb 27, 2020 NBCSWA, ESPN+, TSN3
« Reply #124 on: Friday February 28, 2020, 07:59:37 AM Eastern »

 It’s a no brainer, Zero!!.............DA CUP!!

Let’s add in sweeping the Hens, in four games in the second round of the playoffs to get there!!👍👍


Thank you lol. And that's my point. If TR is standing in our way of the Cup, and a better coach can get us the Cup, and if the only way we could get that better coach was failing in that Pitt game a few games ago and getting TR fired, I would take it in a heartbeat.

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Re: G64 Capitals @ Jets 8:00pm Thu Feb 27, 2020 NBCSWA, ESPN+, TSN3
« Reply #125 on: Friday February 28, 2020, 10:13:35 AM Eastern »

Plenty of coaches available. Laviolette, Gallant, Boudreau, DeBoer, and a handful of others. Not saying we'd want them all, but they pretty much all are more experienced than TR.

BB will never be a coach of OV again, garunteed
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Re: G64 Capitals @ Jets 8:00pm Thu Feb 27, 2020 NBCSWA, ESPN+, TSN3
« Reply #126 on: Friday February 28, 2020, 11:14:45 AM Eastern »

BB will never be a coach of OV again, garunteed

Agree 100%

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Re: G64 Capitals @ Jets 8:00pm Thu Feb 27, 2020 NBCSWA, ESPN+, TSN3
« Reply #127 on: Friday February 28, 2020, 11:43:19 AM Eastern »
You guys are all high and living in Fantasy Land if you think TR will be fired this season/

What viable reason would you give for firing?  Stating "because he sucks" is not a viable reason.
What grounds do you have for firing the guy?  Because the Caps are in lowly 1st place in the division?  Because they are only 3rd in the entire NHL?
Oh, maybe because our superstar Ovi is struggling mightily with this system and can't score goals and draw in fans anymore?
You don't fire a guy cause he's tall and goofy and the board fans don't like him.  If there was a team dynamic that caused the players to turn on him, then okay, but that has NOT happened with this team.

I don't believe TR is a great coach.  I never liked the choice, but understand the process and commitment the team made to him.
Having said that, there's no way they fire him at this point in the season based on the level of success (more importantly standings points) the team has this year.
The caps have 18 games left.  What veteran coach would want to come in at this point to a team that fired a head coach that was in 1st place?  What effective changes could he make with essentially 4 weeks left in the season?  Not saying it isn't possible, but it won't happen.

For better or worse, the Caps are committed to the horse they rode in on at this point.

I doubt very much the Caps would even fire TR after we fail to progress in the playoffs (again).



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Re: G64 Capitals @ Jets 8:00pm Thu Feb 27, 2020 NBCSWA, ESPN+, TSN3
« Reply #128 on: Friday February 28, 2020, 02:27:08 PM Eastern »
 I’m gonna try to form a response covering the last posts from Lily, Zero, and Rich, in this post.

So, Lily asks me WHO, would I replace Rierden with?
Zero says Rierden is standing in the way, or hurting our chances at getting another Cup, and
Rich, says we’re committed too deeply to Rierden, already, as a franchise, AND that the Caps high position, both in the Metro, and the entire league, counters any justification for firing him!

Now, let me step back a bit, before replying, in order to apply my ages old theory, that the Caps PLAYERS, basically DO WHAT THEY WANT, this is IRREGARDLESS, of ANYONE, who is Head Coach!!

This applies to the Caps players overall commitment level, motivation, effort output, lack of energy, ability/desire of execution, does NOT apply to, game plan, opponent assessment, PK/PP strategy, and other CONCRETE  coaching duties, that COACHES are also responsible for!

My claim has ALWAYS been that NO COACH, can change these guys attitudes, with any noticeable reliability! Attempting to change the “mental core” of this team, is like trying to UNSPOIL an 18 year old, AFTER they’ve been extremely SPOILED for the first 17 years of their childhood!!
 Ever tried it, or seen any parents who have attempted to do it???
IT AINT HAPPENING, PERIOD!!!  That is the reality!

 With this backdrop, we now respond to Lily, Zero, and Rich’s posts:

First, to Rich.  I agree that Rierden will not be fired!  He is NOT going anywhere for the exact reasons you state!!   This also, however, has nothing to do with whether he is an innocuous, meaningless, coach!
I happen to believe that the caps being in first place, OR if they were in last place in the division, would have not much to do with Rierdens effect on the team!  In other words, the CAPS are leading the division now, because they WANT to, themselves!  And I admit this is a unique characteristic to only a FEW elite teams in the NHL, who have the unique ability to do this, in the first place!

To Zero, I, of course, like you, think Rierden sucks, BUT,  I don’t think TR stands in the way of whether we get another Cup, or not!
I also feel that a different Head Coach, would NOT change our chances of getting a Cup, one way or the other!

 My contention IS, that the only barrier standing in the way of us getting a Cup this year,  are the PLAYERS THEMSELVES, and whether or not they want to conform their attitudes together, and commit to it, as they did in 2018!  I believe only they, the players, know!

 And as fickle, and difficult, as it is to win the Stanley Cup, even if the players DO all commit to it in the playoffs, and are basically on the same page, it doesn’t GUARANTEE a Cup, but just makes the chances of getting one much more likely, for us!

To Lily, as to WHO, would be a good replacement for Rierden?
 As odd as my answer may seem, I feel it’s consistent with my prior comments on the subject.  For me, the true answer is.....NOBODY!!  It simply doesn’t matter WHO is in the head-coaching spot, for us, in particular,  for the very reasons I’ve stated!

I believe that the majority of this teams problems, even mostly the problem with their poor defensive skills, as a whole, originate from MENTAL...motivation/effort/complacent/laziness issues!!  I don’t think there is any coach, anywhere, that can solve this huge, historical, and deeply dug in, problem!
I think it gets resolved ONLY when the teams leaders, and players, DECIDE, that week, or that night, or for that period, that they are going to STEP IT UP!
We’ve seen this happen OVER and OVER again!!

In THEORY,  it SHOULD, be resolvable by good, strong, disciplined, coaching!!
In PRACTICAL REALITY, We, as fans, have witnessed, with our OWN EYES, over several of the last seasons, with both Trotz, and Rierden, that IT HAS NOT BEEN RESOLVED AT ALL?

I personally, have seen enough proof, And am out of patience to wait for any more proof,  and therefore don’t have the EXPECTATIONS, that this huge issue could EVER be resolved by coaching!

 Our CORE is just too cocky and full of themselves, at the heart of it, EVEN THOUGH they are generally considered, and rightfully so, a very WINNING hockey team!!


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Re: G64 Capitals @ Jets 8:00pm Thu Feb 27, 2020 NBCSWA, ESPN+, TSN3
« Reply #129 on: Friday February 28, 2020, 06:34:47 PM Eastern »
It took Trotz 3 years to get our team to a Stanley Cup and he was an experienced Head Coach.  Many people on here were questioning HIM and calling for HIS head, remember???    Remember?

Jump off that bandwgon luv and THINK.

We WILL  make the playoffs.  if we didn't, then there is that dsicussion.
HOW we do in the playoffs is another.

Now is the most stupid time to talk about firiing an HC.
    Definitely not the time to be replacing your head coach.  But I wouldn't comparing our coach to Trotz. Trotz took over a very undisciplined team and turned them into a very good defensive team as soon as he got there. Infact one of his seasons here we allowed the fewest goals in the NHL. As soon as Reirden took over we went back to that undisciplined team.
    I would have no problem at all if Reirden was fired. I didn't like him as our coach from the get go. Probably because I was Trotz supporter and liked his coaching style.


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Re: G64 Capitals @ Jets 8:00pm Thu Feb 27, 2020 NBCSWA, ESPN+, TSN3
« Reply #130 on: Friday February 28, 2020, 07:22:38 PM Eastern »
    Definitely not the time to be replacing your head coach.  But I wouldn't comparing our coach to Trotz. Trotz took over a very undisciplined team and turned them into a very good defensive team as soon as he got there. Infact one of his seasons here we allowed the fewest goals in the NHL. As soon as Reirden took over we went back to that undisciplined team.
    I would have no problem at all if Reirden was fired. I didn't like him as our coach from the get go. Probably because I was Trotz supporter and liked his coaching style.

Trotz was the only coach in the Ovi era to even be able to ADDRESS discipline, effort, and buying in to the game plans he set for the team as a whole!

 In my opinion, I don’t think he necessarily, “solved”, the “low effort” issues, but he addressed, and dealt with them, way more effectively, and he TOLERATED such things, much less often!  He was much more effective, and CLEAR, in delivering INDIVIDUAL expectations to each player, and held them more accountable as such!!  He did not like individual player SELFISHNESS, and would “reset“ players, occasionally, if they thought their heads got too big!

 You could actually see tangible results of Trotz’s coaching, evidenced, on the ice, whereas with Rierden it is a completely blurry picture as too WHERE, or WHAT, if any, the effects of his coaching influence is!!

Rierden, most likely, fits better as an asst. Coach.  I guess the Capitals felt they owed him a shot, and maybe that decision was made even easier, since Trotz knew he wasn’t returning, and we had just won a Stanley Cup.  I will say as assistant coaches I always liked Lambert better than Rierden, and I’m not a big fan of Forsythe, either!

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Re: G64 Capitals @ Jets 8:00pm Thu Feb 27, 2020 NBCSWA, ESPN+, TSN3
« Reply #131 on: Saturday February 29, 2020, 08:01:54 AM Eastern »
Interestingly, we aren't alone in the "woe is us" boat.  It appears at the moment, as the season heads to March, that most of the Metro Division, except for Philly, is now in a rut also.  It almost feels as if the strong competition in the Metro this year has spurred the teams that have been toward the top to efforts to maintain or improve their position, and they are now hitting a wall, while Philly and the Rangers, two teams lying toward the bottom and "waiting in the weeds" are now coming on stronger.  With regard to the Caps, JJ Regan had been predicting this drop-off ever since November.

There can be a psychological advantage to being a team that no one is really paying attention to.  And there can be psychological burdens attached to great expectations.  I prefer to look at it as the ebbs and flows of a long, wearing season that, in the end, doesn't mean squat to a lot of fans, as long as their team makes the playoffs.


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Re: G64 Capitals @ Jets 8:00pm Thu Feb 27, 2020 NBCSWA, ESPN+, TSN3
« Reply #132 on: Sunday March 01, 2020, 01:12:57 AM Eastern »
Interestingly, we aren't alone in the "woe is us" boat.  It appears at the moment, as the season heads to March, that most of the Metro Division, except for Philly, is now in a rut also.  It almost feels as if the strong competition in the Metro this year has spurred the teams that have been toward the top to efforts to maintain or improve their position, and they are now hitting a wall, while Philly and the Rangers, two teams lying toward the bottom and "waiting in the weeds" are now coming on stronger.  With regard to the Caps, JJ Regan had been predicting this drop-off ever since November.

There can be a psychological advantage to being a team that no one is really paying attention to.  And there can be psychological burdens attached to great expectations.  I prefer to look at it as the ebbs and flows of a long, wearing season that, in the end, doesn't mean squat to a lot of fans, as long as their team makes the playoffs.

Pretty good info, and interesting observation on the Metro situation, Black!👍
With the exception of the Pens and Islanders, I hadn’t been keeping very close tabs on our fellow Metro buddies lately!

 As you’ve mentioned, both Pittsburgh and Islanders have been slumping, while Philly has been quite hot, and the Rangers are also making themselves heard!

 At the time of this post, the Islanders have already lost again today, and Pittsburgh is down one nothing in the second period to a near bottom feeder San Jose team,  and the Pens lost yesterday as well!

Definitely agree also with both the mental advantages, and pressures that you’ve mentioned, can come with being at the top, OR, being hidden somewhere in the middle of the league!

Lastly, I think you hit on a good subject having to do with fans, and the attitudes, they retain, throughout the season, as they experience the ups and downs, as their team drives towards the playoffs!

As you say, while also allying yourself, with those many multitudes of fans who are more tolerable, or accepting, of the regular season, “ebbs and flows”, SO LONG AS, their team gets to the playoffs.

This really does help to define, and understand better, for me, as an old schooler, the many, many, fans that aren’t as rattled about the ups and downs, VS, the many, like me, who get quite unnerved, and are less tolerant, and the “ebbs and flows”, DO mean squat, even though their team makes the playoffs!
It helps illuminate the ways, two different groups of fans view their hockey fan experience!

Sincerely, I say that neither view is right, wrong, better or worse, than the other!  It’s more like different ways to slice an apple, and it’s very interesting to be aware of, IMO!!👍

 The group of fans, of your ilk, seem to see things more in the MACRO, where the overarching goal, and top priority, is making the playoffs, with a LESSER emphasis/focus, on examining how we played, in order to ARRIVE, at playoff time!!👍
Resulting in LESS anxiety during the season, as long as the playoffs are made, but possibly experiencing a bigger disappointment, than the other fan group, if the team doesn’t make the playoffs! Knowing WHY they didn’t make the playoffs doesn’t help much, as the team just didn’t fulfill their goal!

The fan group I tend to be like, seem to see it more MICRO, where focus on the details, that contribute to our teams shortcomings, throughout the season, are EXTREMELY IMPORTANT, as it fulfills a more stronger desire, even possibly a NEED, to understand and make sense, personally to us, as to WHY, our team either DID, or DID NOT, make the playoffs!!👍
 This may result in more anxiety during the regular season,  and of course, great disappointment if their team doesn’t qualify for the playoffs, however, accompanied with a sense of understanding as to why it all happened, adding some possible help with acceptance!

Ya know, it is kind of funny to imagine all the members that I see posting here, as to whether they fall more likely into the first or second group, MACRO, or MICRO, or a little bit of both!!😁😁

Both groups ways of thinking, are hopefully designed to lessen the suicide rate amongst ALL fans, if we God forbid, DON’T make the playoffs!!😂🤣😂

Good post Black!


UPDATE: Hens LOSE to the Sharks, 5-0!!👍👍👍
( you’re right Black, we’re not the only ones with “WOES“)😁

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Re: G64 Capitals @ Jets 8:00pm Thu Feb 27, 2020 NBCSWA, ESPN+, TSN3
« Reply #133 on: Sunday March 01, 2020, 01:37:56 PM Eastern »

BB will never be a coach of OV again, garunteed
I hope BB won't come back. Observing Caps during the last ten years. Trotz was the best coach. I would say Caps had a very good shot for SC at least for three seasons. Two times Pens crossed the road and won, but Caps may be were a better team compression to the one which won SC. BB as well as TR were lucky to be with Caps, but ultimately the team made them look better, and not other way around.