Author Topic: The Calm Before the Storm  (Read 277523 times)

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #360 on: Saturday July 27, 2019, 03:21:19 AM Eastern »
I do believe the storm is approaching fast.
Be careful what you ask for America; you just might get it.

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #361 on: Sunday July 28, 2019, 04:35:37 PM Eastern »
I live in Baltimore, and TRUMP IS GOD DAMN RIGHT!!!’    The problem is caused by this corrupt trash who is making and keeping. Baltimore like this for there own gain.   Anyone who doesn’t like this, should go to the West Side, step over the homeless, hide from the crime and STILL disagree with him!   Chances are they will when they get jumped and robbed or shot in the head.

“Work with us”, these crooks won’t work with anyone that pay them under the table.  Just look at the past three mayors and the cricked congressman.

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #362 on: Sunday July 28, 2019, 04:40:08 PM Eastern »
This bitch is an example of the mentality that needs to get removed from any and all influence.

First we need to force or replace the AG, Police Commissioner, and Judicial branch’s to let the cops DO THEIR FUCKIN JOB!!!   

I’ll be getting Lady and I outta here very soon.

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #363 on: Sunday July 28, 2019, 07:58:04 PM Eastern »
I wish you the vey best. I read about it from time to time and that big story about the guy who was transported in the police van a few years ago and died afterwards. What a fiasco that was.
My wife is from Maryland, Cambridge that is, on the eastern shore. The only time we have been to Baltimore was to go to the inner harbor and an Orioles game. And then to the Port of Baltimore last summer to take a cruise ship to Bermuda. I try to shy away from the big cities, but I have been to New York City about six times. I find Times Square fascinating. Then again, there are a lot of cops around, uniformed and some you would never know were cops. I spent my honeymoon in Manhattan.
Getting back to Baltimore, I almost forgot about “The Block.” Maybe it is still there, corrupt as ever. But that was very long ago, when I was stationed with the Navy in Arlington, Virginia across the river from DC.
I don’t know as much about Baltimore as you all, except what I see on the news. But the mayor must be bad and I remember that bitch of a DA ? who was trying to prosecute those cops who drove and rode in the van with that prisoner. I wish you the very best in your endeavors.
Let me help you out. Which way did you come in?

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #364 on: Monday July 29, 2019, 01:32:54 AM Eastern »
I wish you the vey best. I read about it from time to time and that big story about the guy who was transported in the police van a few years ago and died afterwards. What a fiasco that was.
My wife is from Maryland, Cambridge that is, on the eastern shore. The only time we have been to Baltimore was to go to the inner harbor and an Orioles game. And then to the Port of Baltimore last summer to take a cruise ship to Bermuda. I try to shy away from the big cities, but I have been to New York City about six times. I find Times Square fascinating. Then again, there are a lot of cops around, uniformed and some you would never know were cops. I spent my honeymoon in Manhattan.
Getting back to Baltimore, I almost forgot about “The Block.” Maybe it is still there, corrupt as ever. But that was very long ago, when I was stationed with the Navy in Arlington, Virginia across the river from DC.
I don’t know as much about Baltimore as you all, except what I see on the news. But the mayor must be bad and I remember that bitch of a DA ? who was trying to prosecute those cops who drove and rode in the van with that prisoner. I wish you the very best in your endeavors.
Thanks bro!!

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #365 on: Monday July 29, 2019, 01:34:00 AM Eastern »
Another reason this man will never pay for a drink in my presence

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #366 on: Monday July 29, 2019, 11:10:52 AM Eastern »

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #367 on: Tuesday July 30, 2019, 03:14:40 PM Eastern »
Bearing as always  🤣🤣🤣🤣.   

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #368 on: Tuesday July 30, 2019, 04:10:38 PM Eastern »
this country would be an exceptional place if not for the socialist dnc run press...
« Last Edit: Thursday August 08, 2019, 02:58:33 PM Eastern by alta »
Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #369 on: Tuesday July 30, 2019, 05:07:19 PM Eastern »
HAHA!!!  This guy nailed it!!!

Offline DC_1908

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #370 on: Tuesday July 30, 2019, 05:10:00 PM Eastern »
this country would be an exceptional place if not for the socialist dnc run press...
DAMN RIGHT!!! Even this corrupt CuntTrash Cum-ins  endorsed said it!

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #371 on: Tuesday August 06, 2019, 08:51:42 AM Eastern »

Why the hell did they take this trash alive?  It is funny how the Dayton shooter is hardly mentioned isn’t it.  Oh ya, Antifa are The Dems champions.

The Dems and media are pissin off, probably deliberately, the wrong group of people.  These lunatics arent hipsters with cement milkshakes.  They have arsenals and spend a shit load of time traing on them, who in general are likely to keep to themselves unless provoked. 

Yet, they are turned into near “boogie men” in numbers about 1000x times bigger as Anti-Trunp political entertainment and personal financial gain.  Because keeping distance and leaving them alone isn’t entertaining

Online alta

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Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

Online alta

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Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

Online alta

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #374 on: Thursday August 08, 2019, 11:26:06 AM Eastern »
this is a good opinion piece...

I'm not condoning anything, except learning. Which means listening to all sides and forming your own opinion. That means listening to sources that are not on the socialist DNC approved list. This is not how the leftists in this country operate. If you don't believe as they do they attack you, quite often physically.

It's a good time to consider moving out of the city, if that's where you live.
Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

Offline Caps17201

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #375 on: Thursday August 08, 2019, 01:11:19 PM Eastern »
Yep, I would agree, around 1964. And down hill from there. It was a pleasure growing up in the 1950’s. A time of renewal, after WWII. Of course then there was the Korean War. But times were “happy days,” like they said. Then that big bloody war in Vietnam was heating up by the mid 1960’s, hippies etc. I got my draft notice in the Spring of 1965, but I figured I would wind up in the jungle and a good chance of coming home in a body bag. I joined the Navy and avoided being drafted into the Army. Anyway, it was nice going to school back then and not have to worry about being gunned down.
Let me help you out. Which way did you come in?

Online alta

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #376 on: Thursday August 08, 2019, 10:09:19 PM Eastern »
Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

Offline DC_1908

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #377 on: Friday August 09, 2019, 06:40:13 AM Eastern »
Go ABL & Tucker!!

Offline DC_1908

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #378 on: Friday August 09, 2019, 06:57:40 AM Eastern »
I expect DC to lose his shit over this one😂....
Yep Eiger and Krazy Kathy Kennedy are running Star Wars, and Disney into the ground.  They are completely clueless and aim to run off the “old” fan-base (that go to the movies five times and buy damn near anything that says “Star Wars”, and replace them with  “new”, and younger fans, that don’t go to movies, and/or are to poor do buy anything.  Then say it’s “Star Wars Fatigue”, which is a bullshit cover up for the new stuff sucking.

Now no one wants to go StsrWars world where 15-10years ago there woulda been week long waits at a (stand alone) Star Wars theme parks. Star Wars merch floods discount stores like Ollies and drives Toys R Us to bankruptcy where people used camp outside stores before the realease date.  In general, fan interest has collapsed.

How stupid and incompetent do you have to be make the biggest movie and merch franchise ever, with the biggest and loyaltist fan base ever, loose money and tank?

Online alta

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #379 on: Friday August 09, 2019, 07:51:16 AM Eastern »
I saw Rouge One the other week, I didn’t realize where in the storyline it was supposed to be until the very end. I thought it was pretty good, except for the final scene where they rather poorly put a computer generation of Leia’s face on a model. I also saw the latest one where Han dies. I thought that was pretty good too. I had no problem with the General Leia thing, it actually made sense with how involved she was with planning the fighting in Empire Strikes Back. It sucked Han died, but he needed to. Sorry to say but it’s kinda obvious why he landed his plane on a taxiway instead of the runway. I think it’s pretty obvious Rey is related to one of the main characters, and I’ve got no problem with that character being a female. When it’s done well it doesn’t matter(except for 007). It doesn’t need to be rammed down my throat that the main character is female, as long as it fits the main story and not an obvious this character needs to be female for once liberal woke bullshit. I can’t wait to see how well Mark Hammil can still act, now I’m going to go watch Corvette Summer again...
Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round