My grandfather was a leader in the French Resistance in Paris, France during WWII. My Mom remembers them hiding weapons and people in the attic. They helped Allied soldiers and other so-called dissidents escape the country. As a child my Mom was a courier for the Resistance. She used to carry messages and sometimes underground newspapers to other underground people, often stuffed inside a baguette. She remember walking past German soldiers and being nervous. We're talking like 5-6 years old. She also told stories of German soldiers entering their home and searching while there were people hiding in the attic. Lots of cool stories. I lived in that house the first 18 months of my life. I wish I had been smart enough to grab some of those guns when we left. not sure if I could have gotten away with carrying weapons at 18 months though.
I have some cool documents of my grandfather's from that period, many of them are on
This past Christmas in my Mom's house I found the ignition switch and key from my grandfather's motorcycle that he used during and after the war. He died from complications from a bullet wound he suffered during the war when it was aggravated by an accident on his motorcycle. I never got to meet him. My Mom always said that I was a lot like him.
On my Dad's side my grandfather worked at the DMV.
These old stories are cool to listen too. It's important that we pass them down to our children as best we can.

1943-04-22 Louis Berthault aka Morin During WW2 Louis Berthault had to assume a false name to protect his family while he joined the French resistance, opposing Hitlers occupying German forces. This forged document for Louis MORIN is what he carried.