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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #40 on: Thursday March 22, 2018, 01:36:13 AM Eastern »
I used to read this blog from a man, a wordsmith like no other. He died doing what he wanted, what he loved. The family left the blog up for awhile but it was eventually shut down. He wrote about life, his job, his observations, family. The blog was Neptunus Lex. I just found an archive of his put together by a friend he never actually met, Lex had many of those. I highly recommend the index section(best of), start with Signing The Logbook....

a sample entry.....
A little negative ‘g’
By lex, on August 31st, 2004
Yesterday we talked about losing your cookies (not that kind) in the cockpit.
Once I lost a pen.
It can seem like such a small thing, to drop one’s pen in the work place. You might do it once or twice a week, if not more.
But it’s considered really bad form in the cockpit of a carrier jet.
You see, in the Navy, as in most of the other armed services I suspect, there is a tradition of “a place for everything, and everything in its place.” This is not merely (but it is also) the mark of a culture which values order and discipline – it is a necessity.

Once you’re strapped into the ejection seat, it’s hard to bend over and pick something up that fell to the floorboards. The shoulder restraints tend to hold you back, and the survival gear gets in the way of a truly good bend over. The difficulty is this: Murphy’s Law is alive and well at all times in aviation. A pen that is not in your pocket, or in your hand, will find a way in time to migrate to that one place that it can really least afford to be. That might be a flight control bell crank, or a throttle quadrant slide bar, but whatever it ends up being, it can cause a real mess. Numerous aircraft have been lost over the years because a US government Skillcraft pen has somehow found its way to somewhere it shouldn’t be and then got in the way of someone doing what he was supposed to be able to do, but couldn’t because of that pen.
It’s called “FOD in the cockpit,” the FOD acronym standing in for Foreign Object Damage. And it’s a big deal, and if you can’t find it before you land, the jet is down.
Because of the way things which are not restrained by harnesses and the like tend to get flung around during catapult shots and arrested landings, loose objects can move almost maliciously to places they don’t belong – it can take hours, if not days, before the cockpit is thoroughly turned out (including removing and re-installing the ejection seat) and the object either found or consigned into the “never was” category. For the maintenance folks, who give a pilot a perfectly good airplane in the often vain hope that he will return it in at least as good condition, this can cause a great deal of heartache and despair.
For the squadron CO, who is counting on having the aircraft for the next mission after you’re done screwing around with it, thank you very much, it can be a matter of great importance. And trust me, if the skipper finds it interesting, you’re eventually going to find it fascinating, if not downright riveting.
Mostly, over the years, I learned to tie my pen to my kneeboard with a length of parachute line – that way if it dropped, I could retrieve it. Just like hauling up a fish!
But one day, my US government Skillcraft pen came apart, having come unscrewed at the center barrel, and dropping small pieces of itself all over the place. Some of these pieces I recovered in my lap – some went down to where I could not instantly reach them. Being a conscientious pilot, and cognizant of the concerns both of the maintenance folks who worked for me, and the CO for whom I worked, I determined that greater efforts were required.
I safed my ejection seat, and unstrapped my shoulder harness, the better to lean over and blindly grope around on the deck. No luck, the little pieces maddeningly evaded my probing fingers… what to do?
Just then, the local sea range called me up, asking me to relay a rather complex series of instructions from the ship to the shore. My attention was thoroughly diverted to this important task for several moments.
When the task had been done, I recalled my FOD in the cockpit conundrum. Suddenly a blinding flash of insight!
When I was an instructor in the mighty T-2C Buckeye, we used to do a maneuver called the “Zero airspeed recovery.” I’d briefed my student on the procedures: A smooth pull up to 60 degrees nose high in the vertical, followed by reducing the throttles to idle. As the airspeed decayed through 60 knots, she’d gradually push the nose over at half a g – no less! – and recover to the horizon with full power.
In execution, she performed the pull up and throttle reduction flawlessly. At the peak climb angle, as the airspeed dropped through the target band, she started to push over, but too hard! We went to a slightly negative g, causing a mass of fetid water from some Mississippi rainstorm to pool above my head in a shimmering, glutinous mass, trapped against the canopy’s curvature. I hesitated for a moment, wondering what to do. In my moment of hesitation, she remembered my warning against going past a half g, and reapplied aft stick. The pool above my head cascaded down into my upturned face.
Purely as a means of demonstrating to the student the consequences of her action, I took control of the jet. Once again, up, up into the sky we pointed the nose. Again, as the airspeed decayed, I pushed over – this time to negative half a g. Once again, the malodorous water collected and pooled above my head.
Somewhat differently this time, I put the speed brakes out. The sudden deceleration caused the water to rush forward, to her cockpit. She gazed up at it wonderingly, raising one gloved hand to touch the oily mass.
And I reapplied the g. Sauce for the goose, sauce for the gander. We were a team, my student and I. If one of us was going to get soaked with filthy water, it was only right that both of us should share the honor.
But now those memories came cascading back – The best way to get the loose assembly of pen parts up where I could reach them was to do a variant of the old zero airspeed recovery, pushing over hard enough to get the gear to float up where I could grab it at my leisured ease. If necessary, I could even use the speed brakes to break them loose of whatever might be holding them down! It was brilliant, and I privately congratulated myself on my experience, insight and acumen.
I got a good bundle of knots up on the jet. No sense fooling around, 450 knots should do it. I pulled the jet nose high, not quite 60 degrees (no reason to spoil all that airspeed), rolled inverted and shoved the stick forward. Hard.
Forgetting, for the moment, that I had removed my shoulder straps.
One hundred and eighty pounds of expensively educated, carefully selected, expertly trained, knife-in-the-teeth, God-and-country fighter pilot slammed into the canopy overhead, helmet first, at a high rate of speed. That I did not actually pierce the canopy, exposing myself to vicissitudes of high speed fate and wind blast was no doubt due to the efforts of some one hundred and thirty five pound, over-educated, pencil-pocket-protector-wearing engineer. Who probably could never had anticipated such buffoonery in the design process, but went ahead and built in provisions for it anyway. And whom I never got to thank.
Moral? Nah – there’s no moral to this tale.
It’s just another sea story.
« Last Edit: Thursday March 22, 2018, 10:20:51 AM Eastern by alta »
Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #41 on: Friday March 23, 2018, 10:28:47 PM Eastern »
this is a few years old now, but you gotta have a sense of humor while embracing the suck....

Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

Offline DC_1908

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #42 on: Tuesday March 27, 2018, 07:16:16 AM Eastern »
Mayhaps a trite bit apprapos. . .

Offline ArJunaZ

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Katy Perry: ‘Human Flesh Is The Best Meat; Cannibalism Got A Bad Rap’
« Reply #43 on: Wednesday April 11, 2018, 08:43:13 AM Eastern »
 :O= :devil: HRC & HA :devil: :O=

The Cannibal Club
Specializing in the preparation of human meat, Cannibal Club brings the cutting edge of experimental cuisine to the refined palates of L.A.’s cultural elite. Our master chefs hail from around the world for the opportunity to practice their craft free of compromise and unbounded by convention.

Katy Perry: ‘Human Flesh Is The Best Meat; Cannibalism Got A Bad Rap’

Katy Perry Admits To Being An Illuminati Slave In ‘Bon Appetit’ Video

The Cannibal Club, Cheese Pizza And Human Meat Pies

Be careful what you ask for America; you just might get it.

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Re: Katy Perry: ‘Human Flesh Is The Best Meat; Cannibalism Got A Bad Rap’
« Reply #44 on: Wednesday April 11, 2018, 11:28:29 AM Eastern »
:O= :devil: HRC & HA :devil: :O=

The Cannibal Club
Specializing in the preparation of human meat, Cannibal Club brings the cutting edge of experimental cuisine to the refined palates of L.A.’s cultural elite. Our master chefs hail from around the world for the opportunity to practice their craft free of compromise and unbounded by convention.

Katy Perry: ‘Human Flesh Is The Best Meat; Cannibalism Got A Bad Rap’

Katy Perry Admits To Being An Illuminati Slave In ‘Bon Appetit’ Video

The Cannibal Club, Cheese Pizza And Human Meat Pies
Lucky Illuminati. . .

Offline alta

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #45 on: Wednesday April 11, 2018, 12:08:50 PM Eastern »
interesting show yesterday, explained Muller, and how this is nothing more than a coup attempt against Trump...

the three hour show is less than two without all the commercials....
Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

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Be careful what you ask for America; you just might get it.

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #47 on: Wednesday April 11, 2018, 07:49:52 PM Eastern »
interesting show yesterday, explained Muller, and how this is nothing more than a coup attempt against Trump...

the three hour show is less than two without all the commercials....

Thanks for posting that. I listened to the show.  I've known for ten years that Robert Mueller was a criminal dirt bag.  That second story Mark Levin talked about, the Anthrax attacks investigation is one I am quite familiar with.  I am very good friends with a scientist at Fort Detrick, who was also my Communications Director when I was president of Montgomery County Emergency Communications Agency at the time this happened. That was supposedly where the Anthrax came from.  Also during the second portion of Mueller's investigation of that attack my attorney was one of two attorneys representing Dr. Bruce E. Ivins, whom Mueller was viciously going after as the suspected perpetrator solely based on circumstantial evidence. This was in 2008. 

I remember one day meeting with my attorney and he appeared to be upset and depressed, which was highly unusual. To that point he had never mentioned any details of the anthrax case to me.  He told me he was upset that his client had just committed suicide because of the relentless pursuit of the FBI. He shared with me that he knew with certainty Bruce Ivins was innocent.  Ivins, he said , was being financially and emotionally ruined by the relentless attack by the FBI. He told me that had the case gone to trial there was no doubt Ivins would have been exonerated.  Later that day it was all over the news.

It was very sad; Ivins had a wife and two kids and had served his country with honor for decades before being randomly accused by Mueller. After his death much evidence came out exonerating him to a large degree. Mueller was looking for a scapegoat. When the 5 year investigation of their prime suspect Steven Hatfill petered out they came down hard on Ivins, driving him to suicide. My friend at Fort Detrick told me there was no possibility that Ivins could have done it, and that he did not even have access to the equipment to do it in his lab.

As what we're seeing now with President Trump, Mueller was never about justice. He was all about force fitting an outcome regardless of facts.  The FBI got caught with their pants down and now it's a race to see who can take down who first. Obama, HRC, Holder, and Jarrett are all being held in the balance for the time being. I have no doubt President Trump will take them all down.

Be careful what you ask for America; you just might get it.

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PROOF Faked Chemical Attack Video used to bait the USA
« Reply #48 on: Thursday April 19, 2018, 08:22:25 AM Eastern »
I have been researching the hell out of this Alleged Syrian chemical attack ever since it happened. I never believed for one second that the videos were real. I've learned a ton. A couple hours ago I found a video of a Russian reporter interviewing the very same 11-year-old Syrian boy shown in the fake video seen on every news station. He is Hassan Diab. He was found and interviewed along with his father and mother. In the video he said the alleged chemical attack in Douma was staged by the White Helmets, a group that I know beyond any doubt is funded by CIA, Saudi Arabia, British SAS, Israeli Mossad, and possibly Australia.  Hassan Diab states clearly that he was grabbed outside of a hospital and forced to take part in the film. Watch the full interview by Russian war reporter Evgeniy Poddubnyy on my YouTube channel.

I located the hospital where this took place. Here is the Google Earth Link for Exact Location where fake video was filmed

I also know that President Trump was fully aware this was fake. Many will doubt this, but I believe President Trump and the Pentagon actually bombed deep state CIA bunkers manned by those intelligence services I listed. They were warned to get out in time.  Most of the missiles we fired were shot down by Russian air defenses in spite of what you heard on the news.  The battle against the deep state is HUGE and a massive WAR is going on right under our noses. We are seeing many politicians resigning or announcing they will not run again. You will see many, many more in the coming weeks and months.  If they did not accept these "deals" a full 70% of Congress would end up in prison. It's funny, because I have used that number 70% to estimate for decades what percentage of Congress I believed to be traitors and that is now being confirmed by my sources.

These CIA intelligence bunkers are used to coordinate terrorist and "rebel" (also terrorist mercenaries) forces to take down the Assad regime.  The motivation for all of this is the fact that Saudi Arabia wants to build a gas pipeline to Europe and to do this they need to go through Syria, but Bashar al-Assad will not allow it. Ever since then they've been trying to take down Assad. Of course the Russians want to sell their own gas/oil to Europe and thus their interest in taking down the terrorists attacking Assad. There's more to their interest than that, but I won't get into that now. Suffice it to say that Russia is battling the same forces that we are here in the deep state. They have tried to establish themselves in Russia, but for 20 years Putin has either killed them or ejected them from Russia. That is why we see such seemingly baseless animosity towards Russia. I have a lot more detail on that, but again I will save it for another day.

More interesting videos:

2018-04-10 - Syrian chemical attack - terrorists teach children how to fake it

Rand Paul Says Syrian Gas Attack Was False Flag, or Assad is Dumbest Dictator on the Planet

Be careful what you ask for America; you just might get it.

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #49 on: Tuesday April 24, 2018, 08:18:47 AM Eastern »
For those of you who haven’t seen this. this what happens when a delusional entertainer tries to take on a Clinical Paychologist.

Watch how this stupid bitch just makes up pure fiction and delusion instead of listening to his answers
I like this debate! I have watched it before, she was trying to bully her usual way, but something went wrong!

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Re: PROOF Faked Chemical Attack Video used to bait the USA
« Reply #50 on: Tuesday April 24, 2018, 08:37:35 AM Eastern »
I have been researching the hell out of this Alleged Syrian chemical attack ever since it happened. I never believed for one second that the videos were real.
White Helmets should get another Oscar for a fake viral video. But this is not a scary part. 

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #51 on: Thursday April 26, 2018, 09:15:33 AM Eastern »
Count Dankula avoids jail and gets £800 fine:

1. Europe is all but gone
2. I’m gonna be laughing at Law & Order: Special Snowflakes Unit for a while
3. I’m gonna throw in on Danks go fund me project. I generally hate the go-fund me stuff, but this will send a middle finger to censoring politians and thier snowflake voters.   He’ll get well over 100k anyway, but the more media attention and firepower he gets to do it with the better.
« Last Edit: Thursday April 26, 2018, 09:31:06 AM Eastern by DC_1908 »

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #52 on: Tuesday May 22, 2018, 08:52:44 AM Eastern »
Just for a few lols

Offline alta

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #53 on: Saturday May 26, 2018, 06:30:38 PM Eastern »
Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #54 on: Tuesday May 29, 2018, 09:26:26 AM Eastern »
One of the best YouTubers got his channel deleted.  Another example of poor, lazy, untrained, over-sensative, posh Euro-trash, SJWs crying about people smarter people who work harder being better than them

 Hopefully Bear gets his channel back as this SJW/3rd Wave Feminist Supremacy fad is starting loose steam and proving it’s not a viable buisness tactic.

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #55 on: Tuesday May 29, 2018, 11:26:43 AM Eastern »
YouTube and Facebook are socialist bastions, it's hard to spread lies when too many are telling the truth. Yet they, the modern American liberal, calls everyone else fascist. Which is also why they must ridicule Fox News, they can't argue with facts so they must attempt to destroy the messenger. The sad part is a simple 30 second Google search usually gives you enough facts to prove the left wrong on the average daily news story. Though sometimes a more in depth 45 second search is required.

Today, all corporate Starbucks are closing for the racial sensitivity training. They don't want their employees to offend anyone again like they did in Pilly. It's kindve hard to not be racist when the liberals change what offends them on a daily basis. These tards were offended by a cotton bloom last summer, and none of them thought to ask each other what their underwear is made of.
Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #56 on: Wednesday May 30, 2018, 11:45:08 AM Eastern »
YouTube and Facebook are socialist bastions, it's hard to spread lies when too many are telling the truth. Yet they, the modern American liberal, calls everyone else fascist. Which is also why they must ridicule Fox News, they can't argue with facts so they must attempt to destroy the messenger. The sad part is a simple 30 second Google search usually gives you enough facts to prove the left wrong on the average daily news story. Though sometimes a more in depth 45 second search is required.

Today, all corporate Starbucks are closing for the racial sensitivity training. They don't want their employees to offend anyone again like they did in Pilly. It's kindve hard to not be racist when the liberals change what offends them on a daily basis. These tards were offended by a cotton bloom last summer, and none of them thought to ask each other what their underwear is made of.
Yep, being an SJW-3rd Wave Feminist-Antifa-Libtard is just an easy way for the unsuccessful and lazy to make themselves feel important, relevant, and faux-superior. And a large part of corporate America sees an easy revenue source  from marketing and selling to them. 

This basically amounts to the buying and selling of “feelings”, which the lower class treats like a form of  currency as they lack the ability to generate ample legitimate legal tender and say:
“I don’t need paper with old white slave dealing males on it”

Meanwhile, corporate entities are back stabbing the those of us that are above this trash by going for the welfare, charity, and other income not given in a proper paycheck by those that aren’t.

This is a despicable form of class warfare.  Selling feelings and fake superiority to those that can’t afford it, but now think everyone should obey them because of said “feelings” and “superiority”

On one side this is a bubble scheme as the revenue source can’t sustain the corporate expectations for much longer.  How ever this is a hell of a mess to clean up.

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #57 on: Monday June 04, 2018, 09:01:50 AM Eastern »
Good news, The Bear got his channel back on. . .

He also covered for one the few sensible Brits left, Saargon of Akaad, for this weeks "This Week In Stupid" video

This includes one of the other few sensible Brits left, The Great Tommy Robinson, being arrested (agin) for simply showing up (which automatically hurts the Mussys and Femmies fee-fees). . .however you do get see the growing sensible, and intelligent Brits protesting against Identity Politicians enforcing insanity trough thought policing.

But theses other fun stuff, like the kid getting tossed out of a mall  :lol: , but what who hasn't been thrown out of a mall at some point?

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #58 on: Monday June 04, 2018, 09:34:00 AM Eastern »
Good news, The Bear got his channel back on. . .

He also covered for one the few sensible Brits left Saargon of Akaad for this weeks "This Week In Stupid" video

This includes one of the other few sensible Brits left, The Great Tommy Robinson, being arrested (agin) for simply showing up (which automatically hurts the Mussys and Femmies fee-fees). . .however you do get see the growing sensible, and intelligent Brits protesting against Identity Politicians enforcing insanity trough thought policing.

But theses other fun stuff, like the kid getting tossed out of a mall  :lol: , but what who hasn't been thrown out of a mall at some point?

LOL, that was pretty funny, and sad. The world is going mad.
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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #59 on: Wednesday June 06, 2018, 02:19:39 PM Eastern »

Some of these may be fake, but god damn “effects of feminism” is hysterical