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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #660 on: Friday October 02, 2020, 02:11:47 AM Eastern »
Anyone watch the debate? Any thoughts?
I think expectations for Biden were so low, in this sense he won himself. When Biden talks about buy American it's just a joke! What he was doing 8 years when those jobs sailing away? Covid gave him a chance to win, let's vote and see.

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #661 on: Friday October 02, 2020, 06:43:54 AM Eastern »

For real?  Like....for real?  I can't believe how fucking stupid America has become.

Can't we just use definitions as definitions?

Oh wait, I must be a billionaire, because I CHOOSE to be one.  Not that I've earned it or fit any definition of what one is, but I'd CHOOSE to be one so....
someone give me a billion dollars.  AHHH the social injustice of me not being a billionaire if I CHOOSE to be is just unjust and needs to be adjusted so I can justly adjust to my chosen billionaire lifestyle :raspberry: 

Fucking Retards...(threw that in there for Zero)  ;)
🤣Damn Right!!!!!

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #662 on: Friday October 02, 2020, 06:45:56 AM Eastern »
I’ve heard of Eric Mann, but thought he was dead, in prison, or just forgotten. I didn’t know he was still active & in this deep.

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #663 on: Friday October 02, 2020, 07:00:33 PM Eastern »
🤣Damn Right!!!!!

There's male and female. Go play in traffic if you think otherwise.

Fucking retard leftists.

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #664 on: Friday October 02, 2020, 07:17:11 PM Eastern »
Anyway, our president now has COVID which ain't good. I'm sure the retards are cheering. I feel like this is an even more major blow to the election. I can't see how this bodes well for Trump's chances...

Now we'll have to deal with four years of crybaby snowflakes who don't believe in accountability and think everyone else should support their stupid asses. Scumbags who think every criminal should get off scot-free because they are victims of society and were just trying to get a loaf of bread for their family.

I blame bad parenting. I feel like parents nowadays coddle their children too much, and tell them that they are special and can be anything they want to be and do anything they want to do.

Sometimes you gotta tell a kid that if they don't work hard and get a good job they could end up homeless. Sometimes you gotta smack a kid across the face to instill a sense of law and order.

But instead, the Biden voters, BLM rioters, etc...are folks who were told that going to a $200k college and learning basket weaving was perfectly OK as long as they learned something they enjoyed. They are the folks who were probably sent to school with a lunch box filled with gluten free organic free range quinoa and kale (i.e. pussy food) and a note from mommy telling them just how special they were.

Offline richkrt99

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #665 on: Saturday October 03, 2020, 01:40:45 PM Eastern »
Anyway, our president now has COVID which ain't good. I'm sure the retards are cheering. I feel like this is an even more major blow to the election. I can't see how this bodes well for Trump's chances...

Now we'll have to deal with four years of crybaby snowflakes who don't believe in accountability and think everyone else should support their stupid asses. Scumbags who think every criminal should get off scot-free because they are victims of society and were just trying to get a loaf of bread for their family.

I blame bad parenting. I feel like parents nowadays coddle their children too much, and tell them that they are special and can be anything they want to be and do anything they want to do.

Sometimes you gotta tell a kid that if they don't work hard and get a good job they could end up homeless. Sometimes you gotta smack a kid across the face to instill a sense of law and order.

But instead, the Biden voters, BLM rioters, etc...are folks who were told that going to a $200k college and learning basket weaving was perfectly OK as long as they learned something they enjoyed. They are the folks who were probably sent to school with a lunch box filled with gluten free organic free range quinoa and kale (i.e. pussy food) dildos and a note from mommy telling them just how special they were.

Someone must have hijacked Zero's account again, because this had to be written by someone over 50...well MAYBE 45  :raspberry:

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #666 on: Saturday October 03, 2020, 04:02:10 PM Eastern »
governor blackface said he tested positive for the covid 1984 two weeks ago, and no one cared

the covid has been in the environment for months to such an extent that there are going to be two types of people in this world, those that will have it and those that have had it
« Last Edit: Sunday November 01, 2020, 01:46:42 AM Eastern by alta »
Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #667 on: Monday October 05, 2020, 10:35:12 PM Eastern »
Be careful what you ask for America; you just might get it.

Online alta

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #668 on: Sunday October 11, 2020, 02:32:36 PM Eastern »
I noticed Canadiancapfan logged back in long enough to read the responses to his liberal brainwashing,
$20 says he won't come back to learn why he's wrong about trump too
Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #669 on: Monday October 12, 2020, 09:57:34 AM Eastern »
Liberal brainwashing...the Canadian guy would fit in quite well in America lol

Offline ArJunaZ

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Be careful what you ask for America; you just might get it.

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #671 on: Wednesday October 14, 2020, 08:52:29 PM Eastern »
By the way, I was listening to the radio...and what I find incredibly stupid is people will stand on their soap box and say shit like "I ENCOURAGE EVERYONE TO VOTE, IT DOESN'T MATTER WHO YOU SUPPORT, JUST GO OUT AND VOTE! ESPECIALLY YOU YOUNG PEOPLE, YOU SHOULD DEFINITELY MAKE SURE TO VOTE"

Like, that's just a thinly veiled "let's all vote Democrat." The whole "it doesn't matter who you support" is a load of BS because immediately after they're encouraging a group of people who leans Democrat to get out and vote. They might as well just come out and say "HEY I ENCOURAGE EVERYONE TO VOTE FOR BIDEN"

Liberal bias even on the fucking radio. Fucking jokes.

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #672 on: Saturday October 31, 2020, 11:26:48 PM Eastern »
I've been working at the polls all week manning the Trump 2020 table. I set this guy up near me. Today I added an "I VOTED" sticker to his sternum.

Be careful what you ask for America; you just might get it.

Offline zerofox

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #673 on: Monday November 02, 2020, 11:19:28 PM Eastern »
Anyone else legitimately worried that if Trump wins, all the good-for-nothing leech non-contributing members of society are just going to throw a massive shit fit and riot everywhere and cause mayhem and destruction?

I remember when Trump won in 2016 there were massive protests in NYC. Just tons and tons of chronically unemployed basement dwellers, hippies, and know-nothing students just conducting a massive synchronized temper tantrum, whining and moaning and stomping their feet like the spoiled snowflake babies they are.

If Biden wins that will suck, but I for one have much better things to do than to run around the streets flipping over cars and breaking windows.

Online alta

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #674 on: Tuesday November 03, 2020, 10:16:47 AM Eastern »
Anyone else legitimately worried that if Trump wins, all the good-for-nothing leech non-contributing members of society are just going to throw a massive shit fit and riot everywhere and cause mayhem and destruction?


Absolutely, it is the only way true socialism has ever been implemented, by force. The coup attempt against trump started the morning after hillary lost the election

"the goal of socialism is communism" Vladimir Lenin

these communists protested when their side won with the occupy Wall Street protests, which cost this country a couple hundred million to clean up

Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

Offline richkrt99

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #675 on: Tuesday November 03, 2020, 02:48:12 PM Eastern »
Anyone else legitimately worried that if Trump wins, all the good-for-nothing leech non-contributing members of society are just going to throw a massive shit fit and riot everywhere and cause mayhem and destruction?

I remember when Trump won in 2016 there were massive protests in NYC. Just tons and tons of chronically unemployed basement dwellers, hippies, and know-nothing students just conducting a massive synchronized temper tantrum, whining and moaning and stomping their feet like the spoiled snowflake babies they are.

If Biden wins that will suck, but I for one have much better things to do than to run around the streets flipping over cars and breaking windows.


Why do you think nobody can by ammo?  And gun sales are at all time high?  Even some of the bleeding heart lefties are buying guns (not that they would admit it)

I'm not one to propagate violence, but I am worried that if Trump wins...exactly that will happen...Massive protests by the well...pretty much what you said, but I'm worried the tensions are so high there will be actually clashes in the streets (with real Americans).  I think we need to break out the water cannons and Scoops (see Soylent Green) to curb the protest VIOLENCE as SOON as it starts.  You are not violating their civil rights or right to free speech if they are committing violent crimes.  If you can violate my civil rights and my freedom to go to work and earn a living than we should damn sure violate the freedoms of violent mob protesters and throw their asses in jail.  Not like it will affect their employment.  WHo the fuck has time to go out and protest on a regular basis anyway?  I'm not against free speech or equal rights for every voice (of an actual citizen), but I am AGAINST free EVERYTHING.  Free for unemployment
IT's NOT FREE....It has a cost.  That cost will be our great nation.

If Biden wins, all the clueless non-working types will be happy but it won't be good for the country.  Who are they all going to blame everything on when Trump is gone? (It will still be Trump's fault).  If Biden wins, I will be truly disappointed in the idiocy of our citizenry, but not surprised based on the socialist education and brain washing that has gone on in our society for decades. We can't be this blind...this easily manipulated...CAN WE?  Are we really that blind and stupid.  I am afraid that is so.
I know they have fabricated all this great unrest and blamed it all on Trump (along with the much of the Covid nonsense)

I am not taking Covid lightly or feel that it should be ignored, but I DO feel that we need to be realistic in the response to it.  It is a deadly disease.  People will die.  It is terrible.  But it is not the first and certainly won't be the last.  Should the reaction (and I did not say cure) be worse for the country than the disease itself?  I think not.  Look at the impact it has had on school already.  I can attest to the mediocracy of the education my children (well now only one of my children) are receiving in their "online" classrooms.  But this is horseshit.  The county in which I live had planned for a part virtual and part in school curriculum beginning the start of the school year and literally days before school started they switched to ALL VIRTUAL due to the Covid pandemic.  Was it for the safety of the students?  NO.  It was because of the political pressure and influence of the socialist communist teachers union.  Plain and simple.  The county in which I live has had less than 1130 cases of Covid and a TOTAL of 7 deaths.  (That's a .00619 death rate), and ALL of those persons who died had other contributing factors.  ZERO children have died from this in the entire county in which I live yet we are closing the schools?.  Explain the numbers and the science to me that these figures are so devastating that we will forever alter ALL schools/students education/teachers/support/families lives in order to protect these precious children....who are the LEAST likely to suffer from Covid anyway?  It does not add up.  It's NOT about the health of the students.  What about the mental health of students?
Even the second term which just began....schools allowed for 2 days a week part time IN SCHOOL learning.  My son hates the virtual classroom and planned to attend school on those two days until he learned he would be sitting in a classroom....on a computer WATCHING the class virtually because the teachers opted to teach virtually and would not be in the classroom.  Nor would 90% of the students.  So the IN-School classroom learning is basically a virtual classroom at the school.  A classroom the students are never allowed to leave...even for a bathroom break while school is in session.  This is HIGH SCHOOL!!!!  My soon cannot physically sit in a classroom for four straight hours without using the bathroom (medically speaking)  I asked my son to ask every single one of his friends and classmates if they thought they were getting a decent education with the online learning and he replied hell no.  It's awful.  They have dummied down the courses and made them easy for everyone because kids can't keep up in this virtual learning environment.  Many are not even attending the virtual classes.  Tell me how this benefits the STUDENTS whom school is supposed to be about?  Make it easier or just skipping critical learning experience is NOT going to make it easier for them.  SOME OF US EMPLOYERS may want to actually employ some of these students some day. We don't want to spoon feed them or have to teach them everything about life they missed by attending virtual classes.

This is nothing short of one group forcing their social agenda on us.  The liberal socialist teachers union have control of the classroom and curriculum.  You should see what they teach in PULIC schools for sex Ed these days.  It is astonishing.  It's brain washing based on a social liberal agenda...NOT the science of actual human development.

Anyway....rant over...sorry got carried away as usual.

I hope Trump wins.  Biden is an idiot and I know only enough about Harris that I don't ever want to see her president.  I don't like Trump, but he had some good policy and programs that helped this economy toward recovery.  He tried to employ those things he campaigned to do in 2016.  As a conservative God-fearing American, I vote for the candidate that most supports my Christian beliefs.  I vote for the candidate that I think will be best for the country.  I vote pro American.  I voted for Donald Trump again in 2020.  I hope I am pleasantly surprised by tonight's outcome and the reaction of the nation.  I hope I am not disappointed in my fellow Americans.  I am worried that I will be.

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #676 on: Tuesday November 03, 2020, 08:07:29 PM Eastern »

I hope Trump wins.  Biden is an idiot and I know only enough about Harris that I don't ever want to see her president.  I don't like Trump, but he had some good policy and programs that helped this economy toward recovery.  He tried to employ those things he campaigned to do in 2016.  As a conservative God-fearing American, I vote for the candidate that most supports my Christian beliefs.  I vote for the candidate that I think will be best for the country.  I vote pro American.  I voted for Donald Trump again in 2020.  I hope I am pleasantly surprised by tonight's outcome and the reaction of the nation.  I hope I am not disappointed in my fellow Americans.  I am worried that I will be.

I'm not religious. But I'm someone who...

1) Studied hard as a youngster, while many other kids were busy being idiots

2) Got into a good college and continued the hard work ethic in college

3) Didn't listen to the idiots who said "you can do anything you want!" and actually majored in something useful (i.e. not philosophy, basket weaving, gender studies, art history, writing, etc) 

4) Graduated from college and got myself into a good, high-paying career

5) Worked hard to climb up in said career

6) Currently makes a good living, pays taxes, saves for retirement, and am generally fiscally responsible

And as someone who has done all those things, I'm just sick and tired of the Libtards who refuse to acknowledge that hard work, ambition, and intelligence are factors to success. Instead, to them success is purely luck-driven. You are successful because you are lucky and consistently take advantage of the less fortunate. You are unsuccessful not because you lack brains or work ethic, but because you are just unlucky and a victim of society. And the successful are responsible for supporting the unsuccessful.

If Person A has been working as a janitor at McD's for 30 years with 5 kids not making ends meet, Libtards complain and say Person A should be making a higher wage and the "haves" should be supporting the "have-nots." They never stop to think, "hmm maybe Person A shouldn't have had 5 kids when they were unable to financially support them. Maybe Person A should have pursued educational opportunities." They are opposed to self-responsibility and accountability. They love to spend Other People's Money to support causes that make them feel compassionate. Ask a college student Libtard if they would support a grading system where if they get good grades, a portion of that grade is given to those who are failing so that everyone can have a decent grade. Their answer will be a resounding NO but yet they demand higher taxes on hard working Americans to support the bums and layabouts so they can spend their days protesting and rioting instead of contributing to society.

And don't get me started about BLM. Listen, I'm not arguing that racism doesn't exist. It certainly does. But give me a fucking break when some you-know-who with a rap sheet, possibly in the middle of committing a crime, gets shot by police for resisting arrest or attempting to grab the officer's gun. If you do that shit, you SHOULD get shot. But BLM cries foul, blames racist cops, and says that the "victim" was an innocent child, beloved by his community, just on his way to school/buying groceries for said family. I RARELY hear one of them say "well maybe the dude shouldn't have been fucking around with police." That's what ACCOUNTABILITY is. I've heard stories of someone literally breaking into a house, getting shot by the homeowner, and the family of the criminal blames the homeowner! "WHY DID YOU USE LETHAL FORCE? KEYSHAWN WAS JUST LOOKING FOR SOME MONEY!" Not once do they say "maybe I should have been a better parent so my son wouldn't resort to such bullshit."

No one wants to take accountability for their own actions or life situations. Everyone wants to play the victim and complain. Everyone wants to make excuses. No one wants to listen to hard truths. Everyone wants to take from the "haves" to compensate the "have-nots" for their circumstances. No one wants to take money from their own pockets to support their so-called compassionate causes.

That is my #1 biggest gripe with the Left.

That and the fact that they made it so you can't call anyone a faggot anymore. Seriously in middle school/high school that was like the #1 insult and no one gave a shit.


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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #677 on: Tuesday November 03, 2020, 08:11:40 PM Eastern »
depending who you were talking to, it could've been a compliment or term of endearment in a jackass way


"That and the fact that they made it so you can't call anyone a faggot anymore. Seriously in middle school/high school that was like the #1 insult and no one gave a shit."
Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #678 on: Wednesday November 04, 2020, 03:27:59 PM Eastern »
Well folks, looks like Biden is on his way to winning. Not official yet but he's got leads in the final two states (MI and NV) he needs in order to win the Presidency.

Not at all surprised. You have a lot of people in cities who are still sucking on the government's teat. You have a bunch of people who want free everything. You have a bunch of people who don't want to be called racist so they stomp around asking for police to be defunded (which almost feels like a "hey my best friend is black" in terms of trying to "fit in"). And you have people who just don't like Trump's brashness and are offended by him or who don't like how he's handled things thus far.

I was kinda looking forward to a Trump win and a complete Liberal meltdown though. I would have immediately flipped to CNN or MSNBC just to watch the color leave the faces of those clowns lol.

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #679 on: Wednesday November 04, 2020, 04:25:25 PM Eastern »
So I heard this on the radio today....

Wisconsin has tallied 3,230,000 votes.
Wisconsin has a total of 3,100,000 registered voters.

They received 130,000 more votes than they have registered voters?  That's a pretty good turnout.

And Sleepy Joe "has won" this state by a narrow 21,000 votes.

Good thing 104% of registered voters actually there could be an extra 130,000 votes to count.

Although SNOPES Fact Check says this is garbage.
Says there are 3,684,726 registered voters and so far...3,296,836 votes counted, so that's about a 90% turnout.