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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #640 on: Friday September 11, 2020, 10:06:06 AM Eastern »

I'm not an old white guy lol. I'm 32 and not white. But unlike a lot of other people in my demographic cohort (Millennials) I wasn't brainwashed by crybaby lazy ass do-nothing social justice warrior leftists. I give zero fucks about a little snowflake getting offended at the word retard or homo. I give zero fucks about some idiot who racked up $200k in college loans for a fucking basketweaving degree and is stuck working the night shift at McDonalds. Probably should have learned a real skill. I give zero fucks about the family who decided to have 5 kids when they clearly couldn't afford it financially. It shouldn't be my job or the job of other hard working Americans to support people who made bad decisions. People should be ACCOUNTABLE for their own life choices. Want to make money? Learn a useful skill and work hard. Want to have kids? You better be able to afford it. That said, some people do encounter bad luck (like an injury or illness that prevents you from working, etc etc.). But those are different scenarios to be handled differently in society.

I also give zero fucks about BLM and people who want to defund the police. First of all, when a police officer is about to arrest you, maybe don't fucking resist. Also don't fucking grab his weapon or reach for your own weapon. Seems like that's common knowledge. Play retarded games win retarded prizes. And don't sob and cry when a criminal who does all those things gets shot by the police. Do you expect the police to just stand there eating donuts while said criminal grabs his gun and shoots everyone in sight and escapes? 

The Left are the biggest bunch of pussies who want to support causes that make them feel good inside, but that always require Other People's Money. Ask a leftist to donate to the poor and they'll say "no, just tax the rich they have enough but I don't I'm saving up for a new iPhone!" They don't believe in personal responsibility and accountability because apparently it is society's job to save you from your dumb life choices. They don't believe in free speech. They don't believe in law and order. They believe in chaos. When Trump won in 2016, they marched in the streets of NYC crying about it. When a criminal gets shot by white police, they burn businesses down and steal. This is not the party of progress and compassion. This is the party of temper tantrum toddlers.

This is why I will always be a proud Republican. Maybe that is the old white guy mentality but it sure beats the "child with no life experience who doesn't know what it's like to work a real job and be accountable" mentality.

Amen, brother.  (and there was no judgment or ill-intent in the old white guy remark - just how I describe myself and I have a similar outlook).

You sure you're only 32?   ;D Sounds like you've actually had to work to get where you are and for what you have.  Are you sure you aren't supposed to be entitled to something?
Wise beyond your years.  I've got 20 years on you, but I feel like a grumpy old timer most of the time with all this bullshit going on.

Oh, and back to re-education you must go.  You referred to "accountability" more than once and that simply is no longer allowed.  It's not fair for people to be accountable for their actions (or lack there of) in this socially unjust, unfair society where people who work for what they have wish to defend or keep it....or give it to whom they choose, rather than have it taxed from them to give to everyone else.  You see how it works is.....the rich (white) democrats should decide for you what is right and wrong.  If you decide to work and study harder than others that's your choice, but EVERYONE...especially the socially unjust downtrodden should get to share in the spoils of your hard work and success,'s just not fair.

Defund the police?...I can't believe they are actually pushing this.  How about ask anyone over the age of 40  (okay...32), who has a job, and is NOT a criminal, and lives in a high crime area if THEY want the police defunded in their neighborhoods.I own my own very small business which I have worked my entire life to build and keep going, and I am more worried of the outcome of this upcoming presidential election than anytime in history.  If the Dems win, whats left of my business (after this Covid insanity) will surely be destroyed by the Biden economy.  If Trump wins - (he is my only hope of a recovering economy), I'm afraid the idiots looting and rioting in the streets will just get worse, and we will have REAL violence on our hands.  I can't imagine how angry and violent I would be if one of these social injustice idiots looted and destroyed my business that I spent my entire life building.  Nobody reports about that aspect.  Nobody is talking about the lives of hard working actual citizens being destroyed by the CRIMES perpetrated by these "protesters".  Now THAT is social injustice.

Whoops...soap box appeared out of no where.  Sorry...didn't mean to rant all over your post

Peace out.

Offline richkrt99

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #641 on: Friday September 11, 2020, 10:47:07 AM Eastern »

Not my content...copied from a comment on a BLM "protest" video...

“The more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we are doing it.” Joseph Mengele
It’s just a mask.
It’s just two weeks.
It’s just to keep from overwhelming the healthcare system.
It’s just non-essential businesses.
It's just a peaceful protest.
It’s just to “flatten the curve”.
It’s just until more cases go down.
It’s just to keep others from being scared.
It’s just a couple of more weeks.
It’s just communion and singing.
You can still meet.
It’s just until we get a vaccine.
It’s just a few side effects.
It’s just a bracelet.
It’s just to let others know you’re safe to be around.
It’s just an app.
It’s just to let us know who you’ve been in contact with.
It’s just a few months.
It’s just a YouTube video.
It’s just an email account.
It’s just to protect other from hate speech.
It’s just a few people.
It’s just a credit card company.
It’s just google ads.
You can still use cash.
It’s just a few places that don’t accept cash.
It’s just a little chip.
It’s just for medical information and paying for things.
It’s just so you can travel.
It’s just so you can get a drivers license.
It’s just a statue.
It’s just a building.
It’s just a street name.
It’s just a song.
It’s just a piece of paper.
It’s just a flag.
It’s just a piece of cloth.

It’s not just a piece of cloth.
It’s not just a mask.

Offline zerofox

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #642 on: Friday September 11, 2020, 01:56:26 PM Eastern »

 ;D ;D

I'd like to see the idiots who want to defund the police live in a separate police-free zone with other idiots who want to defund the police. See how that works out for them. The Left is all about supporting causes without understanding repercussions. Laws are needed because without laws and without the enforcement of such laws society devolves basically into "The Purge" (if you've seen that movie). Just one big clusterfuck free for all.

I think that absent minded Biden will win, unfortunately. Despite the fact that he's basically 2 days away from being officially diagnosed with Alzheimer's I think he will win.

A big part of that is because colleges are just pumping out a bunch of know-nothing pussies year after year. I've seen YouTube videos of people on the Right going to college campuses and asking various questions. It's hilarious. Asking a college student about politics is like asking a 7 year old if they think dentists should be banned and candy be free for everyone. They're all going to say the same thing because they don't know any better and care about their own causes without thinking about consequences. They all want to look/sound compassionate and anyone with a decent head on their shoulders will probably be peer pressured into thinking like a complete moron because they want to get laid. Imagine how few friends you'll have being the only sane (Republican) kid on campus when everyone else is a hippie dumbass Leftist. 

The voting age should be raised considerably.

And you should probably invest in a gun. Hopefully the laws down there are cool with defending personal property. If I were in your shoes I'd definitely want to adopt a "shoot first ask questions later" and not a "get shot and robbed and call the police later" mentality if some criminal comes by.

Offline richkrt99

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #643 on: Friday September 11, 2020, 04:50:39 PM Eastern »

 ;D ;D

I'd like to see the idiots who want to defund the police live in a separate police-free zone with other idiots who want to defund the police. See how that works out for them. The Left is all about supporting causes without understanding repercussions. Laws are needed because without laws and without the enforcement of such laws society devolves basically into "The Purge" (if you've seen that movie). Just one big clusterfuck free for all.

I think that absent minded Biden will win, unfortunately. Despite the fact that he's basically 2 days away from being officially diagnosed with Alzheimer's I think he will win.

A big part of that is because colleges are just pumping out a bunch of know-nothing pussies year after year. I've seen YouTube videos of people on the Right going to college campuses and asking various questions. It's hilarious. Asking a college student about politics is like asking a 7 year old if they think dentists should be banned and candy be free for everyone. They're all going to say the same thing because they don't know any better and care about their own causes without thinking about consequences. They all want to look/sound compassionate and anyone with a decent head on their shoulders will probably be peer pressured into thinking like a complete moron because they want to get laid. Imagine how few friends you'll have being the only sane (Republican) kid on campus when everyone else is a hippie dumbass Leftist. 

The voting age should be raised considerably.

And you should probably invest in a gun. Hopefully the laws down there are cool with defending personal property. If I were in your shoes I'd definitely want to adopt a "shoot first ask questions later" and not a "get shot and robbed and call the police later" mentality if some criminal comes by.

So....when you say "down there"....where is Up there?  Without being too specific.  Where are you located?


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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #644 on: Friday September 11, 2020, 07:14:28 PM Eastern »

So....when you say "down there"....where is Up there?  Without being too specific.  Where are you located?

New York City. Deep in the heart of enemy territory lol. Back in Nov 2016 those Clinton Crybabies caused all this traffic protesting Trump's election. Had to inconvenience everyone else just because they wanted to throw their little temper tantrum...

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #645 on: Friday September 11, 2020, 09:17:06 PM Eastern »
I'm glad I did all the touristy crap in NYC when I was younger, the islamofacists would have to take down another building for me to go back any time soon. I haven't been there since I paid my respects at ground zero about 2004
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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #646 on: Friday September 11, 2020, 10:40:57 PM Eastern »

Parents, you're paying tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars to have your kids become complete idiots!

Offline ArJunaZ

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #647 on: Saturday September 12, 2020, 04:35:22 AM Eastern »

 ;D ;D

I'd like to see the idiots who want to defund the police live in a separate police-free zone with other idiots who want to defund the police. See how that works out for them. The Left is all about supporting causes without understanding repercussions. Laws are needed because without laws and without the enforcement of such laws society devolves basically into "The Purge" (if you've seen that movie). Just one big clusterfuck free for all.

I think that absent minded Biden will win, unfortunately. Despite the fact that he's basically 2 days away from being officially diagnosed with Alzheimer's I think he will win.

A big part of that is because colleges are just pumping out a bunch of know-nothing pussies year after year. I've seen YouTube videos of people on the Right going to college campuses and asking various questions. It's hilarious. Asking a college student about politics is like asking a 7 year old if they think dentists should be banned and candy be free for everyone. They're all going to say the same thing because they don't know any better and care about their own causes without thinking about consequences. They all want to look/sound compassionate and anyone with a decent head on their shoulders will probably be peer pressured into thinking like a complete moron because they want to get laid. Imagine how few friends you'll have being the only sane (Republican) kid on campus when everyone else is a hippie dumbass Leftist. 

The voting age should be raised considerably.

And you should probably invest in a gun. Hopefully the laws down there are cool with defending personal property. If I were in your shoes I'd definitely want to adopt a "shoot first ask questions later" and not a "get shot and robbed and call the police later" mentality if some criminal comes by.

I don't see a snowball's chance in hell of Biden winning the election. Trump voters will devastate the Marxists.  The media is portraying an illusion of mass support for Biden.  The victory will be much greater than 2016.  Do not fall for the fake news narrative. 

We are at WAR!!!!

America is not that dumb that they would throw this country to the wolves.  I had a four hour conversation with an old Indian fellow I met at the park yesterday. He's a brilliant PhD Quantum Physicist with a heck of a resume.  Among many things he shared he said the Indo-American vote is traditionally 95% democrat and that this figure has radically swung to the Republican party since 2017.  He was a life long democrat and is now a huge Trump fan. India is going through a similar populist uprising and Prime Minister Modi is thought of like Trump in India.  The black support for Trump has gone from 8% in 2016 to currently 48% and growing. Hispanics, most of whom came from socialist countries have no desire to run that course again.  In 2016 Trump was an unknown to most folks.  He miraculously took the presidency from the cabal anyway. Now he's a known man of the people with principles that have not changed in more than 40 years.  Can you say LANDSLIDE?

I have paid very close attention to politics and geopolitics for longer than you've been breathing.  The way this country got to this critical point is because it was operating under a false dichotomy closed loop "two-party" system filled with massive corruption financed by dark forces that have been in psychological, financial, and physical control for thousands of years. Since I began breathing it has been especially the Democrats that have been tasked with steadily implementing their plan which was meant to culminate in a totalitarian technocracy.  Many books I've read from about a century ago predicted all of what we see now.  It would be unfair not to acknowledge that many Republicans knowingly went along with this subversion of our republic, but it was led by the radical left.

Trump team has no intention of losing and are going to be a few steps ahead of the radicals at every turn.  The surveillance apparatus put in place for the cabal to control us has now been turned on them and they cannot hide from it.  Trump and his team have coerced thousands of national and global deep state minions into playing ball on his team by showing them evidence of their (often very sick) crimes and threatening to publicly nail them individually to a cross. Yes, many of them will be rooting for his loss, but they must tread carefully under essentially the threat of blackmail.

I saw this time coming more than 20 years ago.  I predicted, no actually I had this powerful knowing that the world would radically change between 2020 and 2025.  That is when I really started in earnest to build up my arsenal, just in case it went south.  Back then though I was REALLY hard pressed to find anyone that was awake and I actually got really depressed about that.  It seemed to me we were all doomed to fall for the globalists' plans.

Thankfully times have changed dramatically and I am now convinced the next five years will bring us an unrecognizable world, but for the betterment of the entire world.  Trump will show America what darkness has been going on literally for millennia and how we have been psychologically enslaved our entire lives and how we must take this new awareness and run with it to bring in a world that leaves no one anywhere wanting.  This can be done without socialism or communism.  This vision of the future has been my primary driving force and we are on the precipice of realizing it.  This will require the majority to open their eyes and see the chains that have bound us.  Once the ancient occult cults have been exposed along with their raping, stealing, and pillaging of the world they will never be able to that genie back in the bottle.  While it is easy to blame 'them' for our enslavement, the truth is we have all implicitly consented to being enslaved by choosing ignorance.  Oddly, I have found that consent seems to be a universal rule and the rulers have known this is and as such had to hide everything in plain sight.   I have also oddly been aware of their symbolism flaunting this stuff right in our faces since I was very young.  I had the fortune to grow up in many famous old cities where their presence was unmistakable to my eyes, such as Paris, London, Madrid, Athens, and I got to visit a ton more places in Europe for a total of 13 years of my life.

We are living in historic times that will in the future be seen as a major turning point for civilization across the planet.

Make no mistake, this is WAR, and everyone needs to engage.  I wish Trump supporters would be less afraid to show their colors in front of all.  The silent majority needs to become the vocal majority so we can push all these cabal terrorists and their supporters into the trash bins of history.  I went out today in my Trump 2020 shirt, an NRA ball cap, and a 17-inch long (legally open carried) Kukri machete on my belt.  No one gave me any grief in this corrupt supposedly leftist stronghold I live in.

 Trump and his team can never fix all this on their own because once someone else is in the White House there is no telling how we could fall again for the manipulation.  This is why the Trump team must SHOW Americans the truth as opposed to telling us the truth.  The truth will be very difficult to take for the vast majority.  I know everyone I have awakened lost sleep for weeks or months when they finally realized the ugly world I described was reality.  Once you learn to truly see you can no longer not see and that is when the age old cabals will be completely out of power.

IMO it will likely be a brutal transition over the next few years as reality sinks in of what has been and while the old guard and their institutions are deconstructed.  Good news is that on the other side of that, with an aware populace, we should never succumb again anytime soon to the prison planet.  BTW, please don't think this prison planet thing came from Alex Jones.  I called this a prison planet long before he came on the scene 20 some years ago.

Everyone be ready to go out and vote IN PERSON November 3rd.  Voter fraud has been a huge problem, but this election it will be even more so.  Mail in voting is the worst.  The results will be contested, but Trump support will be so overwhelming that even massive voter fraud won't overcome the gap.  That's when the old guard will fire all guns at once in their last ditch attempt to save themselves.

FUCK 'EM !!!   If they want a war they will get it and lose.  Now why am I up so late?  Bedtime!  Sorry for writing a book in this post.  It just streamed out.
Be careful what you ask for America; you just might get it.

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #648 on: Saturday September 12, 2020, 09:59:49 AM Eastern »
The most Russians vote republican, even Russian jews. 19 years ago I was leaning to the Dems, but those shifted so much left, so no thank you. I don't particularly like Trump, sometimes he is ignorant, but an alternative is much worst. I have no idea who will win, with all grievances in California people are keep voting for the Dems.

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #649 on: Saturday September 12, 2020, 09:17:10 PM Eastern »
I hope you are right Arjuna

By the way, more liberal stupidity

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #650 on: Sunday September 13, 2020, 10:44:39 AM Eastern »
Even folks in other countries have a better understanding of Biden's failings than the stupid half of our nation. This is from Sky News AUSTRALIA!

Maybe we can pool our money together so we can bribe the Biden teleprompter person to type in "my name is Joe Biden and I'm a dumbass" and see if he reads it on national TV

Offline richkrt99

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #651 on: Monday September 14, 2020, 05:48:23 PM Eastern »

Parents, you're paying tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars to have your kids become complete idiots!

Clueless.  Fucking Clueless.  fucking spoiled kids know nothing.  How could you be on the side of rioting..."well...uh....there's a larger justification and the powers that be have stolen much more so...."

"And it a small price to pay for a small business owner"....BS!!!...YOU PAY the small business owner then fucktard!

Great, the only guy they interview that has ANY sense is the obvious non-citizen (who maybe knows what it's like NOT to have freedom) and he is on the side of the law.

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #652 on: Monday September 14, 2020, 09:20:55 PM Eastern »

Clueless.  Fucking Clueless.  fucking spoiled kids know nothing.  How could you be on the side of rioting..."well...uh....there's a larger justification and the powers that be have stolen much more so...."

"And it a small price to pay for a small business owner"....BS!!!...YOU PAY the small business owner then fucktard!

Great, the only guy they interview that has ANY sense is the obvious non-citizen (who maybe knows what it's like NOT to have freedom) and he is on the side of the law.

Yep yep. Complete idiots. I'd really like the voting age to be raised significantly, because these kids are IDIOTS. They go around thinking that just because they went to college it means they're "educated." They're not. Hopefully they'll grow up eventually and smarten up and become Conservatives but I'm not holding my breath.

And I HATE the thought that "rich people / businesses have money, so they can pay for everything" or "rich people only got to where they are by taking advantage of people" or "rich people are just lucky, everyone is equally intelligent and hard working and everyone should be treated equally." What a load of bull. The sooner they get that stupid thinking out of their heads, the sooner they can get a real job. Otherwise they'll be stuck at McDonalds or Gamestop until they're 60 years old wondering why they're still making minimum wage after ~40 years of working and "blaming the system" instead of realizing maybe they should have taken steps to improve their own lives.

True story - the last time I called myself a "Democrat" was in high school. I had no idea what the fuck that meant versus what Republican meant. I just told people I was a Democrat because of a girl I liked who was very Liberal  :lol:

Then I went to college, and unlike these uneducated hippies you see in the video I studied Finance and Technology (you know, useful fields with good career prospects). Been a Republican ever since. 

But yeah, as you can see it is really dangerous when you give people who are so clueless and probably just like X candidate because their friends told them to the ability to vote...

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #653 on: Tuesday September 15, 2020, 06:07:09 PM Eastern »
I noticed the Israeli prime minister entered the White House through the front door today, first time in 13 years
Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #654 on: Wednesday September 30, 2020, 03:30:11 PM Eastern »
Anyone watch the debate? Any thoughts?

Unfortunately I felt like Biden "won" insofar as he did a good enough job of not appearing to be a senile old dementia patient. Trump was as expected. The thing is, I feel like the undecided voters might have been turned off by Trump's aggression and probably felt like "well Biden isn't in the nursing home just yet."

I didn't really pick up much on the issues. Not that I personally need to since my biggest concern is the economy/taxes and I know what's what. But for undecideds, I didn't think they got much from the debate.

Definitely worried Biden will win. A Leftist America is a weak America with crybabies, snowflakes, social justice warriors, victims, takers, excuse-makers, beggars, layabouts, bums, and people who generally are against personal responsibility/accountability and law and order. Could be a bad November...

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #655 on: Wednesday September 30, 2020, 05:06:30 PM Eastern »
My favorite part of the debate (debate with Chris Wallace was it?  J/K) was when Biden tried to paint all patriots as white supremacists and then Trump asked him to name a single white supremacist group and Biden said, "The Proud Boys".  Trump said, "Proud Boys stand back and stand by!"

The Proud Boys are NOT racist and in fact have black leaders and members.  In fact, two of the Proud Boys leaders are men of color. Dante Nero, who the Proud Boys call their “Pope” because he helped found their “religion” is a black man. Their national president/chairman Enrique Tarrio is Afro-Cuban.  In the FAKE NEWS media out there these facts are ignored and without a shred of evidence they pound the message that these patriots are racists and terrorists.

Trump knows how to cause the commies to have fits.  I do not like that the some members of the Trump team are trying to walk back that comment.  I fully support it.

I also liked when Trump said, “They came after me trying to do a coup. We’ve caught ’em all.”   Shit will hopefully hit the fan soon and many people must go to prison.  If no one goes to prison over the Russian hoax/coup then I promise you that America is finished.  Brennan, Clapper, Obama, Hillary, the entire top floor of the FBI in Washington, and others should get life in prison or execution for this assault on the American people.
Be careful what you ask for America; you just might get it.

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #656 on: Wednesday September 30, 2020, 06:54:05 PM Eastern »


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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #657 on: Wednesday September 30, 2020, 11:35:35 PM Eastern »
My favorite part of the debate (debate with Chris Wallace was it?  J/K) was when Biden tried to paint all patriots as white supremacists and then Trump asked him to name a single white supremacist group and Biden said, "The Proud Boys".  Trump said, "Proud Boys stand back and stand by!"

The Proud Boys are NOT racist and in fact have black leaders and members.  In fact, two of the Proud Boys leaders are men of color. Dante Nero, who the Proud Boys call their “Pope” because he helped found their “religion” is a black man. Their national president/chairman Enrique Tarrio is Afro-Cuban.  In the FAKE NEWS media out there these facts are ignored and without a shred of evidence they pound the message that these patriots are racists and terrorists.

Trump knows how to cause the commies to have fits.  I do not like that the some members of the Trump team are trying to walk back that comment.  I fully support it.

I also liked when Trump said, “They came after me trying to do a coup. We’ve caught ’em all.”   Shit will hopefully hit the fan soon and many people must go to prison.  If no one goes to prison over the Russian hoax/coup then I promise you that America is finished.  Brennan, Clapper, Obama, Hillary, the entire top floor of the FBI in Washington, and others should get life in prison or execution for this assault on the American people.

Media is retarded. People bitch and moan about how "biased" Fox News is and then they go home to their CNN and MSNBC.

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #658 on: Thursday October 01, 2020, 05:38:22 AM Eastern »

Media is retarded. People bitch and moan about how "biased" Fox News is and then they go home to their CNN and MSNBC.
The media, particularly the left, is only classical conditioning in the guise of entertainment.

The 24 Hour cycle of Triumph Of The Will

Offline richkrt99

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #659 on: Thursday October 01, 2020, 07:14:11 PM Eastern »

For real?  Like....for real?  I can't believe how fucking stupid America has become.

Can't we just use definitions as definitions?

Oh wait, I must be a billionaire, because I CHOOSE to be one.  Not that I've earned it or fit any definition of what one is, but I'd CHOOSE to be one so....
someone give me a billion dollars.  AHHH the social injustice of me not being a billionaire if I CHOOSE to be is just unjust and needs to be adjusted so I can justly adjust to my chosen billionaire lifestyle :raspberry: 

Fucking Retards...(threw that in there for Zero)  ;)