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Supplemental Discipline Song & Dance Theatre!!!
« on: Tuesday October 01, 2019, 01:16:23 PM Eastern »
No way this four games:

That linesman outta go to Europe or another Rec League if he felt he was “abused”.

Offline alta

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Re: Supplemental Discipline Song & Dance Theatre!!!
« Reply #1 on: Tuesday October 01, 2019, 04:13:13 PM Eastern »
There should be a rule about abuse of players
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Re: Supplemental Discipline Song & Dance Theatre!!!
« Reply #2 on: Tuesday October 01, 2019, 05:51:39 PM Eastern »
There should be a rule about abuse of players
No shit!!  What if Kane screwed up his leg on that?

With these refs jumping in so early all the time, something like that, or a ref gettin inadvertently cold-cocked is gonna happen pretty soon.

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Re: Supplemental Discipline Song & Dance Theatre!!!
« Reply #3 on: Tuesday October 01, 2019, 05:58:33 PM Eastern »
There should be a rule about abuse of players
Heh this is fun 😁

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Re: Supplemental Discipline Song & Dance Theatre!!!
« Reply #4 on: Tuesday October 01, 2019, 08:47:15 PM Eastern »
I guess the refs are having their own #MeToo movement


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Re: Supplemental Discipline Song & Dance Theatre!!!
« Reply #5 on: Wednesday October 02, 2019, 02:17:24 AM Eastern »
Sorry fellas.
Respectfully, I didn’t see it the same way.

The first thing that happens is that Kane attempts an ass slash, with his stick, on the Vegas guy.
Important point here now, is that KANE’S stick slash, although unintentional, actually lands with the majority of its force, on the referee’s backside.

At this point, the ref is beginning to escort the Vegas guy, away. AND the Vegas guy submits, and skates away, thus doing as instructed by the ref! No issue, so far.

Now, worth mentioning here, is that Kane, SHOULD be feeling at least, a little bad, for accidentally striking the ref. BUT....NO!!
Instead KANE chooses to circle back, in an attempt to advance towards the Vegas player, ignoring the referee’s original instruction.
Now, if you look closely, just prior to Kane starting to circle back, the ref is skating with his BACK to KANE, as Kane begins to circle around!!

This suggests, to me, that the ref was NOT planning to re-involve himself with Kane, and was most likely “shaking off” the accidental strike on him, from Kane’s stick.
From the refs point of view, it appears, both guys had started to separate in opposite directions.

NOW, as Kane is starting his circling back, the REF, looks back, over his right shoulder, and realizes that Kane is coming back for the Vegas guy!

The REF, most likely, with his backside stinging, still, from Kane’s stick hit, turns toward Kane, with a little more, easy-to-understand, assertiveness!

He then grabs Kane’s Jersey, (the guy who has not only struck him, but shows no remorse, or respect, for the refs original order to separate!)  Kane may have still been hyped up at the Vegas guy, but when you accidentally hit the official, you can, at least, show respect to the ref you hit, by, after the fact, following his order! KANE did the opposite!

IMO, it doesn’t appear that the ref was INTENDING to trip Kane, either. On the contrary, it looks more like Kane is pushing the ref, slightly, in the direction back towards the Vegas guy.
The REF, on the other hand was pushing on Kane, slightly, the other way, away from the Vegas guy!
This is a very common scenario in the NHL. Players pushing one direction, and refs pushing in another direction.

Then, I think their skates, or legs, simply got caught up with each other, and they tripped and fell!!
Easy as that!!

Then they both get back on their feet, and KANE, (not exactly being Mr. HUMILITY, here), pushes the official!
I think he’s a dumbass for doing so!!!

Well DC, looks like we may have to settle this one over a few tequila shots!!👍😂🤣

No matter what verdict we arrive at.....the frickin process will be fun!!!🤣😂🤣



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Re: Supplemental Discipline Song & Dance Theatre!!!
« Reply #6 on: Wednesday October 02, 2019, 02:38:37 AM Eastern »
No way this four games:

That linesman outta go to Europe or another Rec League if he felt he was “abused”.

Let me follow up too DC! If the lineman commented that he felt abused, well then he’s a pussy too!

Also, whoever that bald dude commentator is, he’s a poster boy for why many of these young hockey players, lack discipline and respect for authority!!

The guy said the ref was MAD, and TACKLED Kane, insinuating the ref behaved out of anger, giving a rationalization for Kane’s behavior!!

Now there, is a REAL, douche, pussified announcer!! To call that a TACKLE!!! Well, if that’s not a stretch, then Nancy Pelosi’s tight facial skin is totally NATURAL!! BWAHAHA!😂🤣

....And you wonder why these young athletes act like spoiled brats sometimes!! Thank God, the other commentator said, at the very end of the video, that you can never hit an official!!


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Re: Supplemental Discipline Song & Dance Theatre!!!
« Reply #7 on: Wednesday October 02, 2019, 09:25:34 AM Eastern »

Let me follow up too DC! If the lineman commented that he felt abused, well then he’s a pussy too!

Also, whoever that bald dude commentator is, he’s a poster boy for why many of these young hockey players, lack discipline and respect for authority!!

The guy said the ref was MAD, and TACKLED Kane, insinuating the ref behaved out of anger, giving a rationalization for Kane’s behavior!!

Now there, is a REAL, douche, pussified announcer!! To call that a TACKLE!!! Well, if that’s not a stretch, then Nancy Pelosi’s tight facial skin is totally NATURAL!! BWAHAHA!😂🤣

....And you wonder why these young athletes act like spoiled brats sometimes!! Thank God, the other commentator said, at the very end of the video, that you can never hit an official!!

Yep, but  I think the real issue is that linesman and refs
L need to be more responsible, and even have a modicum of responsibility when “stopping” fights, particularly with the seemingly at any cost.   

While yes, tackle is a stretch, the linesman went overboard to stop a fight.  Particularly when one wasn’t a “non-fighter”.  Which is on him/the NHL.

That being said, ya can’t have players throwing haymakers at refs either, and Kane knows better. 

However, grabbing a fistful of jerseys and a saying a few words is a far cry from “abuse”.  All things considered, the Game Misconduct should of been enough and NHL marketing didn’t need to get involved,

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Re: Supplemental Discipline Song & Dance Theatre!!!
« Reply #8 on: Wednesday October 02, 2019, 09:33:46 AM Eastern »
Can't shove an official, period.. The rest of it seems of little consequence to me.. How many games did he get?

Offline alta

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Re: Supplemental Discipline Song & Dance Theatre!!!
« Reply #9 on: Wednesday October 02, 2019, 11:43:08 AM Eastern »
Can't shove an official, period.. The rest of it seems of little consequence to me.. How many games did he get?

yea, we get that, but the way these linesmen are jerking around players isn't going to end well
Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

Offline Mickstix

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Re: Supplemental Discipline Song & Dance Theatre!!!
« Reply #10 on: Wednesday October 02, 2019, 12:13:40 PM Eastern »
If you make contact with an official, purposely, it certainly won't..  :wackysmile: 

Who's ready for tonight?? (THIS GUY)  :uh-huh:  Prolly have to catch most of it on tape tho..  :raised-eyebrow:

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Re: Supplemental Discipline Song & Dance Theatre!!!
« Reply #11 on: Wednesday October 02, 2019, 01:51:11 PM Eastern »
Kane got a three day vacation, he and Kuzy can talk about it
Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

Offline richkrt99

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Re: Supplemental Discipline Song & Dance Theatre!!!
« Reply #12 on: Wednesday October 02, 2019, 02:39:05 PM Eastern »
I pretty much agree with everything Rush said...

I hate what the announcers had to say...they have no idea what the linesman was thinking so how the F can they say anything about it.  (just imagine what they'd "imagine" Wilson was thinking if he were the one involved in this)

Looks like the trip was accident and if KANE was not being a bad boy, none of it would've happened,
And most importantly....

Can't push/hit a ref no matter what.  Kane should know better.



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Re: Supplemental Discipline Song & Dance Theatre!!!
« Reply #13 on: Thursday October 03, 2019, 03:04:50 AM Eastern »
Yep, but  I think the real issue is that linesman and refs
L need to be more responsible, and even have a modicum of responsibility when “stopping” fights, particularly with the seemingly at any cost.   

While yes, tackle is a stretch, the linesman went overboard to stop a fight.  Particularly when one wasn’t a “non-fighter”.  Which is on him/the NHL.

That being said, ya can’t have players throwing haymakers at refs either, and Kane knows better. 

However, grabbing a fistful of jerseys and a saying a few words is a far cry from “abuse”.  All things considered, the Game Misconduct should of been enough and NHL marketing didn’t need to get involved,

I’ll grant you, DC, that a fight would have happened. I’m totally with ya, on letting dudes scrap when they want to. I also like officials to have a general attitude of “let em go at it”, for a variety of good reasons!
And, like you, I agree the NHL has interfered so badly, trying to soften the game, and, of course, you know, I completely reject their attempts to do so! Total WUSSIFICATION, I always say!!👍

The difference here, bro, for me, is that the ref didn’t just stop a fight in a vacuum! There was A LOT that occurred, in an instant, just prior to the refs actions to prevent a fight, i.e.,  restraining Kane, and such.

Kane got caught red-handed, and by surprise, when the back of an officials legs, suddenly came between Kane’s attempted cheap shot, with his stick, intended for the Vegas guy!
Talk about an “OOPS...OH SHIT”, moment, for Kane!😂🤣😂

These little cheap shots are done all the time in the NHL, with the initiating players intentions, to be out of the officials view! Hell, they often try to TIME IT, so that it’s out of the refs sight line, completely, to be sure! BUT....

When fights start, normally, in the NHL, the officials haven’t been STRUCK by a stick, just prior, and are usually some distance away, give or take. So the fight starts, uninterrupted in that case!
When they DO get interrupted by an official, prematurely, it pisses me off too!

As far as the ref grabbing Kane’s jersey, well brother, this is one where I’ll have to claim a disagreement with you, that’s worth, at least, a “two vodka shots, head start”, on you, if you’re still comin by this weekend!!😂🤣😂

I figured you might give the ref some props for gettin physical!! 😂 I mean, we see officials, all the time, in head locks, arm and shoulder locks, leg locks, etc, with players!! (Just playin w/ya, buddy)!!

(BTW, DC, while my mind is on it, if you could let me know by Friday, about this weekend, for Saturday, I’d appreciate it. Either I’ll come up, or you down!

Don’t forget my two shot, head start, buddy! (I have a feeling, Sunday morning may be a bit ROUGH)!😁😆

Always hopeful, yet discontent -
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RUSH - from “Tom Sawyer”

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Re: Supplemental Discipline Song & Dance Theatre!!!
« Reply #14 on: Monday December 30, 2019, 04:20:16 PM Eastern »
Trotz is a dick, but I do love that he is one of the few, maybe only coaches that calls the refs and officials out

Offline richkrt99

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Re: Supplemental Discipline Song & Dance Theatre!!!
« Reply #15 on: Monday December 30, 2019, 06:28:43 PM Eastern »
Damn right Tortz  (DC can't spell Trotz/Tortz)....

and now comes the fine $$$

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Re: Supplemental Discipline Song & Dance Theatre!!!
« Reply #16 on: Monday December 30, 2019, 08:21:08 PM Eastern »
I don't recall Tortz getting fined the last time he called out the zebras
Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

Offline Mickstix

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Re: Supplemental Discipline Song & Dance Theatre!!!
« Reply #17 on: Monday December 30, 2019, 09:49:09 PM Eastern »
I saw his interview.. Good for him calling out the league! But what actually happened? "They wouldn't of lost their goalie or the game"?  :huh: