That may be the case, but from the information in your link, he has admitted to doing coke. Now that's just plain, dumb=ass stoooopid!Not the admitting bit, the actual doing class A drugs when you're in the spotlight, like he is.
What the fuck did he think was going to happen?
He TESTED positive for coke???I would suggest that he needs a whole new bunch of friends, 'cos those ones ain't doing him any favours. Those people, in my book, could never be classed as "friends". They most certainly don't have his best interests at heart.
I really like Kuzy. He comes across as funny, charmming and obviously very talented. I hope this little blip on his landscape is just that. A "blip" and that he can overcome whatever brain fart he had which drove him into this situation.
Sadly, I rather suspect this will follow him for a very long time.