I stated it was a possibility, and a feesiblle one given this teams history of throwing him to the wolves and/or under the bus. So yes conjecture, certainly nothing that was reported.
However, extending a backup goalie, that was part of two of the biggest recent trades, after a very bad loosing streak, and when trades are heating up, is assuredly to be more than justr locking up a backup goalie for the playoffs, so everything should be at least considered.
Yeah, I here you, but Holtz is a fan favorite and if Monumental is all about marketing and image, trading Holtz would make them look bad..unless they pulled off some major blockbuster deal. (as if)
I have no problem with the $$/deal for Copley. Not sure why they would bother...Unless is he UFA next year and they just want to get it done? Seems like pretty bargain price from Caps end. Not sure how this is great from Copley perspective.
Sure as hell wish they would move Burka already, but looks like nobody wants him. I mean we could use the cap space and he is dead wood at this point. Maybe he should go dangle in Europe. He is just too soft on the puck for his size. Got some mean skills, but they aren't getting him anywhere without the proper attitude or coaching or teammates or whatever the hell would get him going. Time to cut bait with him has long past.
I don't see the Caps creating the cap space to make the trade they need (real D), so I don't expect much real movement from them by the trade deadline.
Maybe we can just give Burka, Smith-Pelly, Orlov, & Djoos to some team even-up trade, no money, no picks for.... a bag of NEW pucks. Four shiny Hockey Players for a bag of pucks....even a small bag...okay used pucks, we'll take a small bag of used pucks.
Imagine what we could do with Orlov & Burka salary. 5.1+3.25 = 8.35 mill/year. Hell, we could get another Carlson for that
Smith Pelly was a fair price at 1mil. I have no issue with that except that he has become (or always was) Mr Stonehands. He does bring some physical play though, so I'm not so down on him. Oh, and the caps are celebrating "Hockey is for everyone" and Black History month now, so we can't trade away our token player. (WHERE's the GASP/SHOCKED face emoji?)It annoys my anal retentive ass to no end that the text size and font shrinks when I hit the back space key. Don't you people know some of us make mistakes while typing and SOME (ahem..DC...cough, cough)of us actually want to correct it so we can get our very important opinions across to others
I can't believe all the happy hype talk (even on these boards) about Djoos getting close to coming back. So what? The guy is a waif. Has no business in the NHL. I'd stick with Ziggy at this point over Djoos. Ziggs definitely needs some work and experience, but he is three years younger than Djoos and outweighs him by 40 lbs. Either that or Djoos seriously needs a trainer so he can bulk up in the off season to a whopping 175 (oohhhh....scary - I'm sure McDavid is quaking in his boots just thinking about it)
Peace out Peeps.