Author Topic: GDT#48 Capitals at Blackhawks 12:30pm Sunday Jan. 20 2019  (Read 33991 times)

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Re: GDT#48 Capitals at Blackhawks 12:30pm Sunday Jan. 20 2019
« Reply #140 on: Sunday January 20, 2019, 10:09:01 PM Eastern »
wow, took a while to put that all together huh Arj? 🤣

Definitely more effort than usual. I've gotten pretty quick at typing these up. I needed to do it for my own record keeping anyhow. I also like having this info in the GDT for future reference. Makes it easy to go back and find all the pertinent data for each game.  That also why I add it back to the OP on all GDT's.  During most games I type these during intermissions or commercial breaks.
Be careful what you ask for America; you just might get it.

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Re: GDT#48 Capitals at Blackhawks 12:30pm Sunday Jan. 20 2019
« Reply #141 on: Sunday January 20, 2019, 10:48:23 PM Eastern »
Brooks Orpik, despite being Brooks Orpik and missing so many games, has more even strength goals than Kuzy.

Wow... just wow!  I would have lost a lot of money on that Vegas prop bet.

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Re: GDT#48 Capitals at Blackhawks 12:30pm Sunday Jan. 20 2019
« Reply #142 on: Sunday January 20, 2019, 10:55:50 PM Eastern »
I’ve stopped trying to figure out NHL coaching. I do wonder why:

1. Why Jaskin line didn’t get more ice time when even the announcers recognized it was our best line.

2. Why Reirden can’t even get a ref to come over to explain a penalty call - when they do it routinely for other coaches.

3. Why DSP continues to get a jersey.

4. Why Oshie continues to be in the slot on the PP when all he does is whiff and fall down.

5. Why Backstrom doesn’t get scratched when he continues to give no effort.


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Re: GDT#48 Capitals at Blackhawks 12:30pm Sunday Jan. 20 2019
« Reply #143 on: Monday January 21, 2019, 12:53:44 AM Eastern »
Good points Beags!
Especially on Jaskin! He should be regular on the 4th, and for the last few weeks, for that matter! The guy goes all out, makes a difference, and IS effective!

Current Caps situation is very frustrating right now, mainly, IMO, because there isn’t just ONE issue, AND, no evidence of progress to go on, to try and summarize any actions to be taken!!

They seem to be shaking things up, just for the sake of shaking things up! Hoping, at a minimum, to extract some info about WHAT TO DO!!
This means, most likely, that they ARE GUESSING, at solutions! Not a good place to be, right now!

With all this melting pot of issues going on, both in the lack of good sharp skills, AND mental lapses, and disinterest, with general lack of wherewithal, I’m wondering if there may be some real personal tension amongst some of the players.!! I’m not kidding!
Ya know, resentment, finger pointing, “why-me, not him”, type of stuff!  Possibly lying under the surface, with the added frustration of having to “hold it in”, in front of media, for example!  Just a guess, again, but it would sure help explain, at least some of the stuff we’re seeing now with the team!!
And maybe even add in Rierden, and staff, being clueless as to how it should be handled? Maybe it’s been brewing up slowly, over the last month, and we’re starting to see the first “boiling bubbles”??

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Offline richkrt99

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Re: GDT#48 Capitals at Blackhawks 12:30pm Sunday Jan. 20 2019
« Reply #144 on: Monday January 21, 2019, 09:18:51 AM Eastern »
At this point...we ALL need an all star break.  Too bad the Caps team started theirs two weeks ago  ::)

I honestly thought the Caps put forth a little more effort yesterday, but absolutely nothing went their way.   Well they DID get two goals they didn't deserve, but they had some other great chances that didn't go in.  It was no way a complete game, and their team D is still totally absent, but there were some glimpses of sustained EFFORT on their part (followed by total lapses on D).  Sustained is probably not the right adjective, but it was the effort that gave me a bit of hope.  Maybe that (appearance of effort) was partly due to the bottom feeder team they were playing, but they didn't play like a bottom feeder.  The Hawks got great goaltending (well...stellar at times, good most of the time, and out to lunch a couple times), and definitely had their O going.  Yes, the Caps total lack of D made it easy

I hated the third line even before the game.  Fucking Kuzy and Bura together is just a recipe for opponent's scoring.  Yesterday should have been Bura's absolutely last game in a Caps sweater.  I know the coaching knows and sees more than I do, and you don't want to just throw away a skilled player, but we are way past the point of hope for Bura.  At some point you have to cut him loose.  So what if he blossoms elsewhere?  It obviously is NOT happening here.  We are upside down on him....cut him loose.

ORLOV - WTF dude?  None of thought he was ever worth the contract he received, but Jeez...I thought he was at least an NHL caliber D man.  WTF is he smoking this year?  (probably very expensive cigars packed with Dylan's weed, laced with Dylan's ludes, wrapped in $1000 bills)  I'm not that bent over him swatting one into our net - just instinctive swat and a bad miss there.  The whole freaking game went that way.  The rest of his D game.....(I leave this blank since there was no D game there).

Bowey looked he had never played a pro game at any level before.  What the hell happened to him.

Nisky - honestly looks hurt.  He is SLOW, and he was never fast, but He looks to be laboring in his skating.  I hope for our sake, he is nursing something and not just in a career ending downward spiral

Orpik - SLOW SLOW SLOW.  I am not too upset because we've known this for years.  Looking like maybe he is NOT playing next year.  Too bad.  I like what him and what he brings to the team, but he might just be getting to the point of more harm than good.  He and Bowey absolutely did NOT look good together.  They feed each other's weaknesses instead of helping cover them yesterday.

Carlson...couple nice goals, but we should just move him to third line winger in place of Bura.
Someone posted yesterday he was our only good D man  (I want you to define D, and ....we need to stop letting Maaco hijack other's profiles and posting in their name)

Who the hell was the other D?  Kempny  (I don't recall wanting to throw anything at the TV directly because of him, so maybe he had on okay day)....for Kempny - or maybe he didn't play at all?  And an okay day for a Caps D-man these days is one where you do not DIRECTLY assist the other team in scoring

Ovi - looked like he was trying.  Brought the physical game, showed some heart.

Wilson - always hustles, was definitely hitting yesterday.  Made a terrible read and let him man go in the O zone (who went to the net and scored).

Goaltending - I am not blaming them, but ....well, you can only do so much, but after Goal three, Holtby looked like he quit on his team about as much as his D was helping him.  I know it's not all on the goaltender, but we do need one/both of you to stop a break away now and then.  How about....the FIRST one of the game so we don't immediately go down a goal and start the spiral?

NBC....well no need to rehash their unbridled love for everything that is not Washington Capitals.  I really wonder where this comes from.  Oh, they did give some love to Carlson, since he's our Norris candidate worthy D man  :huh:

Officiating was absolutely terrible.  I never put the game on the refs (this one included) but they certainly shift the momentum at critical times that DOES have an impact on the game.  THe officiating has definitely been worse this year.  There are always missed calls, and I can deal with that.  But the calls are just inconsistent and that leads to confusion and frustration by everyone - players, coaches, fans.  You have to have SOME consistency in the calls.  Their were calls they let go (boarding, hooking, holding) on the Hawks.  The call on Backy that resulted in goal was atrocious.  I know we all mad at Backy for lack of effort, but go back and watch it.  There was NOTHING there to call.  Cost us a goal.  I think that goal broke the Caps.  They were already fragile, but that one hurt.  I was shocked the Caps came back after that...well, "came back"
The total mystery of the combination of penalties that ended up in NO Caps power play is beyond me.  They HAD a delayed penalty already called.  Then Wilson gets involved with TWO guys and somehow their THREE penalties and our one guy turns up being even?  WTF was that?  Reirdon should have went berzerk and tossed the entire bench of sticks on the ice.  They would not even give him an explanation.  That is just wrong.  Rierdon should have got himself tossed at that point instead of standing there looking puzzled (which I'm sure he was).  GO berzerk - show some heat, heart, passion.....maybe it will trickle down to your team.  (Maybe is probably too strong a word there)

Okay, so after browsing some of my points...maybe the Caps did NOT show more effort yesterday.  But while watching the game, I thought they did.  It certainly did not go their way, but They were certainly hitting more and they did crash the net and screen the goalie.  It did appear they were trying (well some of them)

Yaskin should get a sweater every fucking game.  I'll take his play over just about any of the "bottom six" we have going right now.

Way beyond Time to send a message, but if I were Rierdon and wanted to keep my job through this year... I would be going absolutely ape shit in the locker room and would be sitting guys.

Send a message...If you don't want to play, then you are NOT going to play...

move Boyd to line one with Ovi & Wilson.  All three guys seem to care.
L1:  Ovi / Boyd / Wilson
L2:  Vranna / Eller / Oshie
L3:  Jaskin / Dowd / Connolly
L4:  scratch all the fuckers who've shown they don't put forth the effort and PLAY 3 fucking lines!  Send a fucking message already that THIS IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH (Ō_ƆŎ)

Dress 7 D.  The FIRST one that does something stupid - bench him the entire rest of the game.  Scratch him the next game.  Repeat the process until you find 6 guys that want to play.

Kuzy #1 SCRATCH  (Burka doesn't even deserve the scratch, but okay he is #1 scratch until we offload him)
Backy #2 SCRATCH
Smith- Pelly - SCRATCH
Stephenson - SCRATCH

Now THAT will send a message.  Dress 9 guys on offense and scratch the rest.  Scratch the "stars" that are not playing worthy of themselves.  I know we don't want to wear guys down at this point, but playing like total dog shit wears the whole team down.  Love to see how this looks on the bench - four guys missing.  Lots of room on that bench

In another organization, I think one more loss would result in a New coach...or at least the firing of one.  I certainly don't expect that from the Caps.  Ted is too loyal (and patient).  I don't dislike those qualities, but it's not helping this team.

Geez Louise.  Nothing is working for this team right now.

Go Caps. Much needed break coming up.  (caps are good at breaks - it's the coming back from the break they struggle with)

So glad Ovi is skipping the all star game.  Holtby should too.  How the F is he an all star this year?  Carlson....meh.  He is the type of D the NHL loves.  GO fucking play - the all star game is perfect for Carly - No D is played, No hitting.  Lots of skating and shooting and passing.

 :praying: :huh: (Ō_ƆŎ) :O= 8-0 :-\ :-( >:( :( :'( :thumbsdown: :poop:


Offline richkrt99

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Re: GDT#48 Capitals at Blackhawks 12:30pm Sunday Jan. 20 2019
« Reply #145 on: Monday January 21, 2019, 09:23:24 AM Eastern »
Media: Todd, can you tell us why you think your defense was struggling this game, letting up 8 goals?

TR: Huh? Not sure what game you guys were watching but our defense scored 5 goals I thought they had a hell of a game. Actually scratch that. 6 goals, one of which counted for the other team for some reason. I tried asking the refs to explain that but they ignored me. In my mind, Carly and Orly both scored twice and they'll be rewarded as such.

Media: And what about getting blown out by the Blackhawks, the worst team in the league?

TR: You know, the Blackhawks are a great hockey organization. They've won 3 Cups in recent memory. I don't get all the comments about the Hawks being in last place. You don't win 3 Cups without being a really good team.

Media: can clearly see in the NHL stand-

TR: Standings schmandings. Read my lips. 3 Cups.

Media: Okay...can you explain your rationale behind the Kuznetsov demotion?

TR: I wouldn't call it a demotion. Kuzy has been a strong player for us, I just wanted to give the 3rd line a much needed spark. When he tries to dangle through 5 defenders I take a video of it and post it on YouTube. Me and the other coaches get a kick out of it. It's pretty cool. Such a skilled player.

Media: And what about the team's Power Play woes? What are you and Blaine going to do about it?

TR: Everyone expects us to score on this so-called "power play." It's 5-on-5 just like the rest of the game how are we supposed to have a better chance at scoring?

Media: It's 5-on-4...

TR: We have 5 players on the ice, they do too.

Media: No they have 4 players plus 1 goalie on the ice, you have 5 players plus 1 goalie on the ice.

TR: Yeah but our goalie is all the way on the other end of the ice. So it's our 5 guys vs. their 5 guys. Even stevens.

Media: Um okay, moving on. Your team has lost five in a row now. What are you going to do to get the team back on track?

TR: I like to take the optimist's approach. My team didn't lose five games in a row. They got on the ice and had fun five games in a row. That's what counts. None of these guys have to play hockey. They do it for the love of the game.

 :snicker: :lol: :rofl:

Now this is funny.  Good work by at least one of the Caps fans.


Offline richkrt99

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Re: GDT#48 Capitals at Blackhawks 12:30pm Sunday Jan. 20 2019
« Reply #146 on: Monday January 21, 2019, 09:31:53 AM Eastern »
We have 1 quality D man right now. Carlson. The rest suck.

I found Maaco.  He hasn't disappeared....just hiding


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Re: GDT#48 Capitals at Blackhawks 12:30pm Sunday Jan. 20 2019
« Reply #147 on: Monday January 21, 2019, 09:46:24 AM Eastern »
Hey - where the heck to you find an actual Box score of the game?


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Re: GDT#48 Capitals at Blackhawks 12:30pm Sunday Jan. 20 2019
« Reply #148 on: Monday January 21, 2019, 02:32:55 PM Eastern »

The total mystery of the combination of penalties that ended up in NO Caps power play is beyond me.  They HAD a delayed penalty already called.  Then Wilson gets involved with TWO guys and somehow their THREE penalties and our one guy turns up being even?  WTF was that?  Reirdon should have went berzerk and tossed the entire bench of sticks on the ice.  They would not even give him an explanation.  That is just wrong.  Rierdon should have got himself tossed at that point instead of standing there looking puzzled (which I'm sure he was).  GO berzerk - show some heat, heart, passion.....maybe it will trickle down to your team.  (Maybe is probably too strong a word there)

Kuzy #1 SCRATCH  (Burka doesn't even deserve the scratch, but okay he is #1 scratch until we offload him)
Backy #2 SCRATCH
Smith- Pelly - SCRATCH
Stephenson - SCRATCH

richkrt99 - great post.  For years, I have been screaming about the Caps not ever, ever, ever benching key players for poor performance.  I just don't get it.  If they don't want to embarrass one established star, then bench 2 or three of them at the same time.  Right now, I would bench Backstrom, Oshie and Kuzy for the next game before the break.  Then let them stew over the break and come back pissed off.

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Re: GDT#48 Capitals at Blackhawks 12:30pm Sunday Jan. 20 2019
« Reply #149 on: Monday January 21, 2019, 09:36:09 PM Eastern »
Richkrt99, I agree with a lot of your post but note that Burakovsky was actually on the 4th line and Jaskin was on the line with Kuzy and Connelly.  FWIW Burakovsky was credited with two assists. 

Also watching Florida putting it to the Sharks so they will be in a foul mood tomorrow.  Also I believe if they lose to tonight they will have lost 3 in a row.  The next two games against the Sharks and Toronto will not be easy.  Obviously Caps need to play much better if they are going to win. 


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Re: GDT#48 Capitals at Blackhawks 12:30pm Sunday Jan. 20 2019
« Reply #150 on: Monday January 21, 2019, 11:23:17 PM Eastern »

richkrt99 - great post.  For years, I have been screaming about the Caps not ever, ever, ever benching key players for poor performance.  I just don't get it.  If they don't want to embarrass one established star, then bench 2 or three of them at the same time.  Right now, I would bench Backstrom, Oshie and Kuzy for the next game before the break.  Then let them stew over the break and come back pissed off.

I liked Rich’s post too, Beags!
Plus I like that he can rant as long as I can, and maybe with even more substance!!🤣😂 (Love ya, Rich. Just picture De Niro in the movie “Analyze This”, pointing his finger at Billy Crystal saying...”You’re good, Doc...No, No...You’re good...No, No...YOU are good”)!!😁😁

I too, saw a little bit better effort, especially early on! Too bad the D was just collectively out to lunch!!
Nisky, Orlov, Orpik, Carlson, and Bowey, ALL had MULTIPLE failures on clearing or bringing up the puck! Hell, even Kempny had a couple, and that’s one of his strengths!  A lot of forwards also missing MULTIPLE, MULTIPLE, simple passes, by not being detailed!!

These are HUGE mistakes that lead to unnecessary, repeat CHANCES for opponents SOG’s!
In this case, even if the effort is better, it cannot compensate for THAT many breakdowns, I dont care if you play gritty and hustle the entire game!

Hustle and good effort can win games even with SOME poor execution, but the AMOUNT of the lack of execution in this game, would doom any team!! AND IT DID!

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RUSH - from “Tom Sawyer”

Offline Mickstix

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Re: GDT#48 Capitals at Blackhawks 12:30pm Sunday Jan. 20 2019
« Reply #151 on: Tuesday January 22, 2019, 08:50:58 AM Eastern »
Don't forget the goaltenders! On top of the shit D and O, the goaltending has been suspect as well..

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Re: GDT#48 Capitals at Blackhawks 12:30pm Sunday Jan. 20 2019
« Reply #152 on: Tuesday January 22, 2019, 11:36:35 AM Eastern »
Don't forget the goaltenders! On top of the shit D and O, the goaltending has been suspect as well..
I’d say more resigned, cynical, or apathetic before suspect.

This circus ac . . . er “system”, of Reidons is dependent on the goalie(s), winning games on thier own while the seven forwards pad their stats.

I wouldn’t blame either if they stopped and called their agent when facing, yet another, odd man rush

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Re: GDT#48 Capitals at Blackhawks 12:30pm Sunday Jan. 20 2019
« Reply #153 on: Tuesday January 22, 2019, 11:39:41 AM Eastern »

I liked Rich’s post too, Beags!
Plus I like that he can rant as long as I can, and maybe with even more substance!!🤣😂 (Love ya, Rich. Just picture De Niro in the movie “Analyze This”, pointing his finger at Billy Crystal saying...”You’re good, Doc...No, No...You’re good...No, No...YOU are good”)!!😁😁

I too, saw a little bit better effort, especially early on! Too bad the D was just collectively out to lunch!!
Nisky, Orlov, Orpik, Carlson, and Bowey, ALL had MULTIPLE failures on clearing or bringing up the puck! Hell, even Kempny had a couple, and that’s one of his strengths!  A lot of forwards also missing MULTIPLE, MULTIPLE, simple passes, by not being detailed!!

These are HUGE mistakes that lead to unnecessary, repeat CHANCES for opponents SOG’s!
In this case, even if the effort is better, it cannot compensate for THAT many breakdowns, I dont care if you play gritty and hustle the entire game!

Hustle and good effort can win games even with SOME poor execution, but the AMOUNT of the lack of execution in this game, would doom any team!! AND IT DID!

🤣or . . .

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Re: GDT#48 Capitals at Blackhawks 12:30pm Sunday Jan. 20 2019
« Reply #154 on: Tuesday January 22, 2019, 11:56:36 AM Eastern »
Odd man rush or not, they've got a job to do and can't let every single one end up in the back of the net. Copley especially has looked like shit the last 2 times he's been in goal.

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Re: GDT#48 Capitals at Blackhawks 12:30pm Sunday Jan. 20 2019
« Reply #155 on: Tuesday January 22, 2019, 02:14:25 PM Eastern »
Odd man rush or not, they've got a job to do and can't let every single one end up in the back of the net. Copley especially has looked like shit the last 2 times he's been in goal.
yet, you can’t hand the pharos general a fly swater and hold him responsible for swans of locusts can you?

Offline Mickstix

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Re: GDT#48 Capitals at Blackhawks 12:30pm Sunday Jan. 20 2019
« Reply #156 on: Tuesday January 22, 2019, 03:04:09 PM Eastern »
yet, you can’t hand the pharos general a fly swater and hold him responsible for swans of locusts can you?

Yes! err... No?? uh.. :huh: Hell, Im holdin em' all accountable!! No free lunches!! :uh-huh:

Offline richkrt99

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Re: GDT#48 Capitals at Blackhawks 12:30pm Sunday Jan. 20 2019
« Reply #157 on: Tuesday January 22, 2019, 05:47:55 PM Eastern »

yet, you can’t hand the pharos general a fly swater and hold him responsible for swans of locusts can you?

Classic DC.  And he was PROBABLY even sober when he typed this.  8)

Offline richkrt99

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Re: GDT#48 Capitals at Blackhawks 12:30pm Sunday Jan. 20 2019
« Reply #158 on: Tuesday January 22, 2019, 05:51:20 PM Eastern »
Holy Shitnik Batman.

I just saw how long my rant post was.

Sorry guys.  Sometimes you just got to purge....

NOT feeling all that stoked about tonight.  Holy crap - didn't realize it was a homer.  I will be watching the first from work (thanks again for the streams AJ)

Do we have a lineup yet...WITH SEVERAL GUYS SCRATCHED!!!! (Ō_ƆŎ)

I will watch the rest on delay.  Be prepared for full rant tomorrow.  ;)


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Re: GDT#48 Capitals at Blackhawks 12:30pm Sunday Jan. 20 2019
« Reply #159 on: Tuesday January 22, 2019, 06:55:35 PM Eastern »


Classic DC.  And he was PROBABLY even sober when he typed this.  8)
little column A

little column But