Author Topic: GDT#45 Blues @ Capitals 7:00pm Mon Jan 14 2019 NBCSWA, SNE, SNO, SNP, FS-MW  (Read 17363 times)

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Offline richkrt99

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Re: GDT#45 Blues @ Capitals 7:00pm Mon Jan 14 2019 NBCSWA, SNE, SNO, SNP, FS-MW
« Reply #80 on: Tuesday January 15, 2019, 08:58:10 AM Eastern »

Kuzy has been atrocious since his concussion. Reminds me of Oshie last year.

The problem with this is.....the Caps tend to go as Kuzy goes.  When he's on fire, the Caps are great.  When he's dogshit, well.....

So somebody please light Kuzy on fire for us.


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Re: GDT#45 Blues @ Capitals 7:00pm Mon Jan 14 2019 NBCSWA, SNE, SNO, SNP, FS-MW
« Reply #81 on: Tuesday January 15, 2019, 08:59:22 AM Eastern »
I wonder if we should have Backstrom and Eller centering our top 2 lines until Kuzy gets his shit together.

Sit Kuzy a game.  Put Boyd at 2C and leave Eller where he is.  Give Jaskin a sweater.


Offline richkrt99

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Re: GDT#45 Blues @ Capitals 7:00pm Mon Jan 14 2019 NBCSWA, SNE, SNO, SNP, FS-MW
« Reply #82 on: Tuesday January 15, 2019, 09:21:03 AM Eastern »
At this point all I can really root for is Ovechkin hitting 50+ goals and winning another Rocket and therefore getting closer and closer to reaching Gretzky. Honestly Ovi has a better chance of achieving that than this shit team's chances of getting past the 1st round this year.

I don't think Ovi gets there...or even close really (to catching Gretzky).  I'd love to see him get to 800 or 802.  Hell, I just want him to pass Jagr (766).  800 would be a nice number - I'd have no problem with Ovi being behind two legends.  (I never considered Jagr a legend.)  Maybe I'm bitter cause he was a disaster for the Caps.

Ovi needs 254 (or so) more goals to catch Gretzky.  He would need (5) more 50 goal seasons (counting this one) then some spare change.  I can see him playing till age 37, but not producing at that pace.  MAYBE if he ends up playing as many games as Gretzky (1487), he could catch him, but that would require 439 more games.  That would be at least 5 more full seasons after this one.  Who knows, maybe he'll be a Messier or Jagr and play till he's 40.  We shall see.

(Every time I delete text in the middle somewhere it F's up the font/size.)

Offline Beaglefan2

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Re: GDT#45 Blues @ Capitals 7:00pm Mon Jan 14 2019 NBCSWA, SNE, SNO, SNP, FS-MW
« Reply #83 on: Tuesday January 15, 2019, 10:22:46 AM Eastern »

Yes....why the heck can't Jaskin get into a game?  At least he HITS people.  Maybe he gets in tonight against a tougher team?  I would have like to see him vs Boston.  Hell, I would like to see him ANYDAY over Bura.  Maybe he's in the doghouse for something we don't know about.

I realize the Caps are heavy with bottom six forwards, but Bura isn't really one of them and is a waste of a sweater in that role.  I have no problem with Boyd getting a sweater - he has taken advantage of his opportunities.  Dowd also is serviceable.  He usually is reliable and fills 4c role well.  To me Smith-Pelly/Stephenson/Jaskin should be fighting for the last sweater and Jaskin should get at least a shot now and then.  I'd be okay with swapping out Dowd and even Boyd as well, but somebody give Jaskin a chance already.  I know he's no all-star, but we need some 3-4 line hitting added in.  I'm not down on Stephenson and Smith-Pelly but they aren't helping a whole lot lately.

Go Caps

I am getting down on Stephenson and DSP - especially DSP.  However, I knew what to expect with DSP as he is what he is - a slow, plodder that fills a slot.  Again, if he had not had a few key goals in the Cup run, I think he is beings scratched or waived. 

Stephenson on the other hand is a big disappointment mainly because I was really, really high on his potential.  I thought he could be much more than a defensive specialist with good speed.  I am afraid he is going to just turn out to be average and he doesn't seem to have any fire in his makeup - doesn't show the consistent drive that I would expect. Hope I'm wrong. Note - if I were the Caps coaches, I would just have Stephenson practice breakaways all practice long, every practice.

Offline justwincaps

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Re: GDT#45 Blues @ Capitals 7:00pm Mon Jan 14 2019 NBCSWA, SNE, SNO, SNP, FS-MW
« Reply #84 on: Tuesday January 15, 2019, 01:33:54 PM Eastern »
I'm with you on Stephenson.   High expectations that haven't been fulfilled yet.  Don't think the book is completely written on him yet, but we're getting closer to the end than the beginning.
DSP - as long as he performs the way he did last year in the playoffs this year, I'll tolerate a lot of regular season disappointment.
I'm with an earlier poster - give Jaskin a sweater.  If it's truly "Will over Skill" - he's got as much will as anyone else on the team, and since we haven't seen enough "skill" lately, let's inject some will.

Offline Surreylily

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Re: GDT#45 Blues @ Capitals 7:00pm Mon Jan 14 2019 NBCSWA, SNE, SNO, SNP, FS-MW
« Reply #85 on: Tuesday January 15, 2019, 05:18:47 PM Eastern »

"The PP and PK are awful, but how important are those in the playoffs?  PP seem to be few and far between in the playoffs.  I mean it certainly will be a factor if we truly have the worst, but not as big a factor as total shitty team play at 5v5.  I am not inferring that the caps WILL make the playoffs, but that is the 1st mail goal of the actually get there."

I don't think our PK is that bad.  God knows we've managed to engineer enough practice at it, huh?  All the stupid, dumb and unneccesary penalties - constantly.   :stupid:   Our PP, however is in the cellar.  If there was a below cellar I would go for that.  Appalling.  So much talent - so much waste.
Top of the league in taking stupid penalties, bottom of the league in PP.

Pfffff. :angry: :crying:

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Offline Surreylily

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Re: GDT#45 Blues @ Capitals 7:00pm Mon Jan 14 2019 NBCSWA, SNE, SNO, SNP, FS-MW
« Reply #86 on: Tuesday January 15, 2019, 05:32:51 PM Eastern »
I agree with many of you about Jaskin.    I think he has more of what we need than some others.  I wonder if it's a chemistry thing?  Maybe it's just a ruling out thing?  A few of us really like... liked ....  LOB, but the big boys didn't seem to think he had what it takes.  They know miore than me.. so.....
Imho, he's put up a pretty decent showing so far.

Maybe it's more basic than that.  Immigration issues, tax stuff,   Who knows?  I for one would like to know.   :huh:
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Offline zerofox

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Re: GDT#45 Blues @ Capitals 7:00pm Mon Jan 14 2019 NBCSWA, SNE, SNO, SNP, FS-MW
« Reply #87 on: Tuesday January 15, 2019, 09:11:20 PM Eastern »

I don't think Ovi gets there...or even close really (to catching Gretzky).  I'd love to see him get to 800 or 802.  Hell, I just want him to pass Jagr (766).  800 would be a nice number - I'd have no problem with Ovi being behind two legends.  (I never considered Jagr a legend.)  Maybe I'm bitter cause he was a disaster for the Caps.

Ovi needs 254 (or so) more goals to catch Gretzky.  He would need (5) more 50 goal seasons (counting this one) then some spare change.  I can see him playing till age 37, but not producing at that pace.  MAYBE if he ends up playing as many games as Gretzky (1487), he could catch him, but that would require 439 more games.  That would be at least 5 more full seasons after this one.  Who knows, maybe he'll be a Messier or Jagr and play till he's 40.  We shall see.

(Every time I delete text in the middle somewhere it F's up the font/size.)

I think realistically 800 and change is doable for Ovechkin for 2nd on the all-time list, but reaching #1 by passing Gretzky is probably a reach, I agree. If he's 2nd I'm perfectly happy with that.