Author Topic: My Dog is an Asshole  (Read 38900 times)

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My Dog is an Asshole
« on: Sunday November 25, 2018, 03:20:54 PM Eastern »
    I take my dog Dakota for 2 or 3 walks everyday in the park which is a half block away from the house. She is very hyper and loves running around especially if there is wildlife around so I usually keep her on her leash. Once we are at the far end of the park I sometimes let her off her leash to play with some other dogs in the park. I call them her friends. Its pretty safe for the dogs there. It is wide open and the closest street is around 2 blocks away. The only problem is that there is a storm channel adjacent to the park. Not really a problem. The dogs tend to stay away from the water unless they want a drink. But with the freeze over and a bit of snow over the ice you can't see where the water actually is. So of course my dog has to make a run in that direction. And when she runs she will jump on some strides and today she jumped right onto that sheet of snow covered ice. And with the ice being so thin she falls in to water. And she panics because she hates water and she can't get out. Her head never went below the water so I could see her face when she was scrambling to get out. She was scared shitless. I had to jump in the frozen water and rescue her. Fricken cold. Anyway I got her out and she freaked. Starting running in circles. She would let me put her leash back on. Once I finally calm her down and get her leash on she doesnt want to come home, she wants to hang out with her friends. Finally I get her home and fight with her to give her a nice warm bath. And now she is sleeping in a nice warm blanket. Now its my turn to warm up. Good thing it's not too cold. Well I guess if it was colder we wouldnt have broke through the ice. The final result. My dog is an asshole.


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Re: My Dog is an Asshole
« Reply #1 on: Monday November 26, 2018, 12:11:45 AM Eastern »
LMAO, Maaco!
Good story, and glad it had a happy ending, in that all involved returned home ok!

As you know, I have a more rural property, with a, now, 14 month old German Shepherd! The vet told us not to allow her to roam freely, on our land, for the first two years as a puppy!

We have just a tad over 5 acres of wooded, unfenced, lot. Deer, and turkey, are a daily occurrence, with new bear tracks, and bear sightings about once a month!

My son let her off leash, not thinking, last week, and at just that time about 5 deer were cutting through. He couldn’t see them, but the dog did, or maybe smelled them!

She went chasing, in a predatory manner, like we had never witnessed before! This was approx 4pm.
The deer scattered, but she sort of honed in on one, that had separated itself, although she had no chance of keeping up with it!!

Within 2-3 minutes, I lost her completely! My son and I went searching the farm fields and woods around our area, to no avail!! We gave up when it got dark, (about 5pm), as we were on others property.

The story ends well, thank God, as one of the area farmers sons, came up the driveway, in a pickup truck, around 8pm, with our dog in the back of it!
Although it was our fault, she was also an asshole too, although not quite the level of what you went through!!🤣


Always hopeful, yet discontent -
He knows CHANGES aren’t permanent -
              BUT CHANGE IS!!!

RUSH - from “Tom Sawyer”


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Re: My Dog is an Asshole
« Reply #2 on: Monday November 26, 2018, 08:10:34 AM Eastern »
Glad you got her back. Once their instincts kick in they take off with out thinking. Do you think she would have been able to find her way home on her own? They are pretty smart. My dog doesnt get too far away. She doesnt like losing sight of me. So she will chase rabbits for a little while then turn around and run back to me.