Author Topic: Need some of the papers from the parade! PLEASE  (Read 2413 times)

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Need some of the papers from the parade! PLEASE
« on: Thursday June 14, 2018, 07:18:08 PM Eastern »
Hello all and Congrats on our boys Stanley Cup win!  So i was at the parade on Tuesday but like a fool I only grabbes one of the papers full of good articles.  Did anyone here pick up some extras that I could pay them shipping and maybe even a little extra to mail me a few of them?  I would really like to get another 3 or 4 of them.  Even if you only have one extra it would be greatly appreciated.  I would be willing t9 send you some pics from the very front row of the rally stage in returm!!!   Yes, I got there before 6am to be in the very front row!!  Thank you all as we really are the best fans in the world!!!  BACK - TO - BACK!!!!

Offline ArJunaZ

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Re: Need some of the papers from the parade! PLEASE
« Reply #1 on: Friday June 15, 2018, 04:25:23 AM Eastern »
Welcome to the Forum!

I was at the parade. I was maybe 100 feet behind you at most. Got there around 7am. We each handed those DC Metro "We ARE #ALL CAPS" signs and the red Budweiser 2018 Stanley Cup Champions sign.  I saw the guys handing out papers, but was too focused on getting to the stage to stop.  I wasn't even sure if they were giving them out or selling them.

I would imagine someone might scan and post the papers that were available. I will search for that too going forward.

Good luck
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