For 6 years you have to overpay a little. We have done this with a few quality players now, upping the salary a bit to make sure we get the term we want on some of these guys. I'm overall happy with the contract, although I do think Wilson has to (and likely will) show some improvements on the stat sheet this upcoming season and beyond.
while a strong if not unbeatable case for Wilsons contract in dollar value and years for overall player, leadership, example, exceeds the other resigning contracts GMBetaMale has made, a better GM, namely Holland, GMGM, The Captain, Lamerellio, Hextall, or Nill, would have near certainty got a better deal for The Caps.
This is one of the reason I call him GMBetaMale. Each of his resiging deals, and somd trades, have had strong cases for overpaying for to many years, and too many resources. “The Market”, “To Days Game”, has minimal effects on great GMs, and isn’t a significant excuse for overpaying in any business.
Clearly, he is being pushed around by Monumental, and the agents.
As this shows the precedent for future signings has been set for his competition. We should expect no great, if not reasonable, contracts for any “name” players while he’s here. . . and a certain “Salaru Cap Hell” on the horizon.