Author Topic: I've lost ALL Respect for DSP. I'm PISSED!  (Read 91618 times)

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Re: I've lost ALL Respect for DSP. I'm PISSED!
« Reply #80 on: Monday June 11, 2018, 09:47:13 PM Eastern »
All this talk reminds me of the time that I was part of a sports team that went as a group and got to meet the president.  I couldn't stand the President at the time, but the thought never crossed my mind to not attend.

Someone who gets it!! Ya didn't cut your nose off to spite your face.. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity!!  :thumbsup:

Offline KitFistosBrotherInLaw

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Re: I've lost ALL Respect for DSP. I'm PISSED!
« Reply #81 on: Monday June 11, 2018, 10:07:21 PM Eastern »

My concern for what you think is the lowest possible priority of my day. In addition,  if you don't think that the left uses every opportunity to play the race, gender, sexism, islamaphobic or whatever other card they choose then you're a fool. The left LIVES for it.

I have to admit I was secretly applauding Thomas when he refused to go to the White House.  I did not care for Obama and I can make a big story about my very honorable reasons to dislike Obama... Who cares? So DSP does not like Trump because of racism.  Honestly, I would be surprised to meet a single person of his socio-cultural background(wink-wink) who wouldn't be bent out of shape over racism. And Trump.

I spent the last 2 years in an office where almost everybody hated Trump. So, you throw facts at them and they shut up and then they go back to square one next day.  Like, this Jewish guy sitting across from me was concerned about anti-semitism because obviously Trump was a Hitler hell-bent on sending Jews to gas chambers.  So I politely inquired if he was going to send his own grandchildren to a gas-chamber.  Another female was upset about the way Trump was treating women.  So I politely inquired how many women accused Trump of violently raping them using brute force (we will never forget you, Bubba, the first black President of this country). They shut up for half a day and next day is business as usual.  People don't change, they have their pet peeves.  I surely have mine and I fully endorse DSP's right to have his.

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Re: I've lost ALL Respect for DSP. I'm PISSED!
« Reply #82 on: Monday June 11, 2018, 10:21:38 PM Eastern »
      Did you make a big deal when Tim Thomas refused to go in 2012? His reason was all political and he is an American.

Sorry I missed your post, I thought no one brought Thomas up. And yes, you are right, United States have been messing with Canada since 1812. I am not sure there is a single person on this board apart from you and me who is aware of trade disputes between two nations and you look at at each of those disputes under a microscope and sure as hell one big boy is throwing his weight around every time.

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Re: I've lost ALL Respect for DSP. I'm PISSED!
« Reply #83 on: Monday June 11, 2018, 10:26:19 PM Eastern »
Truly fun thread.  Mr Moderator, keep it up.  We need some entertainment before the next season starts.  Thank you all who participated.

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Re: I've lost ALL Respect for DSP. I'm PISSED!
« Reply #84 on: Tuesday June 12, 2018, 09:18:41 AM Eastern »
For the record, DSP can do whatever he wants. He has that rignt. I'm not pissed at him personally. I'm just tired of the "hate Trump" bandwagon. Half the people that hate him don't even know why they do. They just go along  with the crowd. I personally think he's a bit of a boob, but he does care about putting America first and telling the globalists to go piss up a rope and I'm all for that.

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Re: I've lost ALL Respect for DSP. I'm PISSED!
« Reply #85 on: Tuesday June 12, 2018, 11:01:18 AM Eastern »
For the record, DSP can do whatever he wants. He has that rignt. I'm not pissed at him personally. I'm just tired of the "hate Trump" bandwagon. Half the people that hate him don't even know why they do. They just go along  with the crowd. I personally think he's a bit of a boob, but he does care about putting America first and telling the globalists to go piss up a rope and I'm all for that.

A similar thing would be said by those who oppose the President about those who support him.

And yes, if you listen, the people who dislike the President by and large know EXACTLY why they do.

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Re: I've lost ALL Respect for DSP. I'm PISSED!
« Reply #86 on: Tuesday June 12, 2018, 11:15:30 AM Eastern »

A similar thing would be said by those who oppose the President about those who support him.

And yes, if you listen, the people who dislike the President by and large know EXACTLY why they do.

They do? Maybe 50% do. All I ever hear from the millennial whiner is that he's "full of hate" and says mean things. Putting our country first and trying to stop illegals from pouring across the border is hate supposedly. Trying to deport illegal criminals is hate. Trying to stop liberal governers in sanctuary cities is hate. Give me a break. 

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Re: I've lost ALL Respect for DSP. I'm PISSED!
« Reply #87 on: Wednesday June 13, 2018, 02:23:29 PM Eastern »

They do? Maybe 50% do. All I ever hear from the millennial whiner is that he's "full of hate" and says mean things. Putting our country first and trying to stop illegals from pouring across the border is hate supposedly. Trying to deport illegal criminals is hate. Trying to stop liberal governers in sanctuary cities is hate. Give me a break.

Then you haven't been listening to people who know something about governance.  There are innumerable policy-related reasons why the man is not a good President.  He has appointed people to his cabinet who are anything from completely ignorant of the departments they are tasked with leading to downright destructive of the departments they are leading.  The worst appointment has been Betsy DeVos, who, if left to her own preferences, would ramp up support of private education and drive the final nails in the coffin of public education.  You want to Make America Disintegrate (not again), just send public education down the tubes.  He has championed a tax cut which is precisely the wrong policy in an environment of steady growth, because it leaves no wiggle room when the eventual inevitable economic downturn arrives.  He has championed the cause of deteriorating industries, coal chief among them, when the proper policy is to let them run their course.  IF gas supplies eventually dwindle and renewables can't pick up the slack, coal can come back on its own merits; otherwise, let it to its devices.  He and his family are in the process of destroying the entire concept of conflict-of-interest avoidance in the Federal government, and as far as I am aware, the nepotism he has insisted upon has yet to bear any useful fruit.  Have Ivanka, Jared, et. al. made ANY significant contribution to government policy whatsoever, other than pulling together questionable meetings with Russian representatives in which the BEST claim that can be made about them is that they discussed nothing relevant to anything?  He has gone about dismantling the Affordable Care Act piece by piece while having absolutely no clue about what to install in its place (though he said in January 2017 he was putting the finishing touches on a great replacement program -- remember that?  So where is the program?).  He is in the process of dismantling our most productive international alliances over the past century while kowtowing to the leaders of our most problematic adversaries, because somehow in the space of a few hours he can figure out that they are sincerely willing to work with the U.S. in a way that is beneficial to our interests.  Riiiiiiight.  He has taken the initiative to start trade wars around the globe, which, beyond their immediate damage to our alliances, will eventually help produce the economic downturn I mentioned earlier.

Yes, I do not like the President because he is a crude, juvenile man who I would not want around my grandchildren, never mind being a role model for them.
But there is SO much more to it than that.

Offline Mickstix

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Re: I've lost ALL Respect for DSP. I'm PISSED!
« Reply #88 on: Wednesday June 13, 2018, 02:59:26 PM Eastern »

Outside of "speculating" that he's gonna ruin our economy and education system, you basically said "he's mean!!"  :rofl: :rofl: 

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Re: I've lost ALL Respect for DSP. I'm PISSED!
« Reply #89 on: Wednesday June 13, 2018, 07:10:53 PM Eastern »
Outside of "speculating" that he's gonna ruin our economy and education system, you basically said "he's mean!!"  :rofl: :rofl:

No I didn't.  Undermining alliances is NOT just a matter of attitude, it's a matter of international diplomacy and support against foreign adversaries.  The ruination of conflict of interest gets to the heart of graft and special-interest government -- it isn't a matter of attitude.  Playing games with the health care  system with no clue of an alternative approach isn't a matter of attitude, it's a matter of policy ignorance.  Starting trade wars isn't a matter of attitude, it's a matter of how one deals with the reality of World markets.  I stopped where I did because my post was too long as it was, but I could have gone on for awhile longer.

Really, it is Trump supporters that parrot the same old lines, not the detractors.

Offline KitFistosBrotherInLaw

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Re: I've lost ALL Respect for DSP. I'm PISSED!
« Reply #90 on: Wednesday June 13, 2018, 07:56:25 PM Eastern »
You want to Make America Disintegrate (not again), just send public education down the tubes. 
Makes me wonder how America came into existence without public education.

He has championed a tax cut which is precisely the wrong policy in an environment of steady growth, because it leaves no wiggle room when the eventual inevitable economic downturn arrives. 
So did Bill Clinton...  Wait, he was a democrat so I guess it was OK.

He has championed the cause of deteriorating industries, coal chief among them, when the proper policy is to let them run their course.  IF gas supplies eventually dwindle and renewables can't pick up the slack, coal can come back on its own merits;
No it won't.  Once the tradition breaks down good luck expecting millenials to become coal miners.

He and his family are in the process of destroying the entire concept of conflict-of-interest avoidance in the Federal government

Hey, you are willing to observe coal industry run its course, I am willing to observe nepotism run its course.  Anyway, thank you for reminding us that there was no nepotism in American politics before Trump and that this is all his fault.

He has gone about dismantling the Affordable Care Act piece by piece while having absolutely no clue about what to install in its place

Thank you for reminding us that without Obama care America would have failed in 1776.  Same goes true for public education.

Yes, I do not like the President
Thank you for spelling it out.  We would have never figured it out.


Offline Mickstix

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Re: I've lost ALL Respect for DSP. I'm PISSED!
« Reply #91 on: Wednesday June 13, 2018, 08:07:36 PM Eastern »
No I didn't. 

Sure ya did.. And you have no idea how world diplomacy is going to play out.. We did get a good look at where the health care system was heading though.. I feel bad for those who can't afford it, I really do.. To the point where me and my family shouldn't be able to afford it either?? Hell no..

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Re: I've lost ALL Respect for DSP. I'm PISSED!
« Reply #92 on: Wednesday June 13, 2018, 08:27:02 PM Eastern »
It's ironic how many people who claims to favor freedom and personal liberty think that DSP should be forced to go to the White House.

You are spinning this way out of bounds. For one thing, DSP should have kept his mouth shut about the president and the White House. His dumb young ass hasn't a clue about anything but hockey and being an NHL player has nothing to do with politics. STFU is number one.  Next point is they are a team; they should stick to the honor of their accomplishment in sports and go together as a team if invited to the White House.

DSP hasn't got the first clue about politics, so to the person that said that DSP did not make this comment to draw attention to himself, I call total bullshit. That's ALL this ever was for DSP, a selfish, ignorant comment that he thought might bring him some attention. 

I am still waiting to hear one single reality based reason why Trump is not thus far a great president.  It appears that Crosby is not the only one that pees sitting down.  There are a whole lot more whiny, crying little bitches today than I ever could have imagined possible at  the time the Caps team was formed. I do know this; at the time the Caps became a franchise, if any pro sports player disrespected the president in a similar fashion to what we are seeing today, that player would have been DESTROYED in the media regardless of the political affiliations.

It's about class, respect, and selflessness, something that progressive zombie snowflakes may never understand because they've been edumacated (sp!) to be rude and intolerant, and they've been stripped of the ability to have an independent thought. I have close relatives who are conservative and going to top universities, such as UC Berkeley and Princeton.  They have found they had better keep their mouths shut or they will be persecuted by the intolerant violent leftist thugs. These are young kids just entering college and they told me there is so much pressure to tow the liberal line that they learned to simply STFU.  It's all very sad.   I know the reasons for this assault, but the explanation requires a fair number of books to fully explain -- because nearly everyone, right and left included, does not have the background knowledge required to step fully out of the "reality" bubble that IS their lives.

It boggles the mind how some people can be led to slaughter all the while arguing and fighting for their right to be slaughtered.  That is exactly how I view the modern liberal millennial. To be a so-called liberal means you are either really dumbed down or are corrupt in some way, either by greed, blackmail, or having sold your soul to the devil.  There is no other possible way they could exist.  They are a dangerous threat to humanity and IMO conservatives have been far too tolerant for their own good. There comes a point when you have to realize the enemy for the threat that they are and take appropriate measures.  Our own stupidity and tolerance maybe just as bad as the vile opposition. As I have said for some time, We are at WAR!! and these topics of discussion are the weapons, but not the cause.  Again, for that we have to go much deeper.
Be careful what you ask for America; you just might get it.


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Re: I've lost ALL Respect for DSP. I'm PISSED!
« Reply #93 on: Thursday June 14, 2018, 08:57:57 AM Eastern »
   It doesnt matter what you say ArJ. People aren't going to change their opinion of Trump.

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Re: I've lost ALL Respect for DSP. I'm PISSED!
« Reply #94 on: Thursday June 14, 2018, 10:58:00 AM Eastern »
Can we at least acknowledge that this was all started by the media ringing Pavlov's bell and bringing the issue up in the first place?  DSP wasn't out there making an ass of himself like some other athletes and being disrespectful.  He was asked the question and the media got their soundbite.

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Re: I've lost ALL Respect for DSP. I'm PISSED!
« Reply #95 on: Thursday June 14, 2018, 11:17:35 AM Eastern »

Then you haven't been listening to people who know something about governance.  There are innumerable policy-related reasons why the man is not a good President.  He has appointed people to his cabinet who are anything from completely ignorant of the departments they are tasked with leading to downright destructive of the departments they are leading.  The worst appointment has been Betsy DeVos, who, if left to her own preferences, would ramp up support of private education and drive the final nails in the coffin of public education.  You want to Make America Disintegrate (not again), just send public education down the tubes.  He has championed a tax cut which is precisely the wrong policy in an environment of steady growth, because it leaves no wiggle room when the eventual inevitable economic downturn arrives.  He has championed the cause of deteriorating industries, coal chief among them, when the proper policy is to let them run their course.  IF gas supplies eventually dwindle and renewables can't pick up the slack, coal can come back on its own merits; otherwise, let it to its devices.  He and his family are in the process of destroying the entire concept of conflict-of-interest avoidance in the Federal government, and as far as I am aware, the nepotism he has insisted upon has yet to bear any useful fruit.  Have Ivanka, Jared, et. al. made ANY significant contribution to government policy whatsoever, other than pulling together questionable meetings with Russian representatives in which the BEST claim that can be made about them is that they discussed nothing relevant to anything?  He has gone about dismantling the Affordable Care Act piece by piece while having absolutely no clue about what to install in its place (though he said in January 2017 he was putting the finishing touches on a great replacement program -- remember that?  So where is the program?).  He is in the process of dismantling our most productive international alliances over the past century while kowtowing to the leaders of our most problematic adversaries, because somehow in the space of a few hours he can figure out that they are sincerely willing to work with the U.S. in a way that is beneficial to our interests.  Riiiiiiight.  He has taken the initiative to start trade wars around the globe, which, beyond their immediate damage to our alliances, will eventually help produce the economic downturn I mentioned earlier.

Yes, I do not like the President because he is a crude, juvenile man who I would not want around my grandchildren, never mind being a role model for them.
But there is SO much more to it than that.

Public education is already circling the bowl.  It's an absolute mess.  There is no constitutional standard for a Dept of Ed anyway.  The whole thing should be abolished.

And he's turned the country from the course of becoming socialist.

As for everything else - time will tell.  And I think many will have to eat their words... or just continue to spout lies and decry his crudeness.
What's up babes...

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Re: I've lost ALL Respect for DSP. I'm PISSED!
« Reply #96 on: Thursday June 14, 2018, 11:18:27 AM Eastern »

No I didn't.  Undermining alliances is NOT just a matter of attitude, it's a matter of international diplomacy and support against foreign adversaries.  The ruination of conflict of interest gets to the heart of graft and special-interest government -- it isn't a matter of attitude.  Playing games with the health care  system with no clue of an alternative approach isn't a matter of attitude, it's a matter of policy ignorance.  Starting trade wars isn't a matter of attitude, it's a matter of how one deals with the reality of World markets.  I stopped where I did because my post was too long as it was, but I could have gone on for awhile longer.

Really, it is Trump supporters that parrot the same old lines, not the detractors.

It's about time someone told the globalists to go pound sand. Games with the Healthcare system? I won't even tell you what Obozocare did to my company plan, but what does the left care anyway?

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Re: I've lost ALL Respect for DSP. I'm PISSED!
« Reply #97 on: Thursday June 14, 2018, 11:21:02 AM Eastern »
   It doesnt matter what you say ArJ. People aren't going to change their opinion of Trump.

No more than I'll ever change my opinion on Obama. Of course I did not like him based off policy,  but was called a racist and told I didn't like him because he was black by leftists , becase you know. ......everything is racist or sexist today.

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Re: I've lost ALL Respect for DSP. I'm PISSED!
« Reply #98 on: Thursday June 14, 2018, 11:21:27 AM Eastern »
What's up babes...

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Re: I've lost ALL Respect for DSP. I'm PISSED!
« Reply #99 on: Thursday June 14, 2018, 11:27:05 AM Eastern »
Thank God that disheveled kook did not win. Everything is FREE FREE FREE!!!!!