Author Topic: I've lost ALL Respect for DSP. I'm PISSED!  (Read 91577 times)

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Re: I've lost ALL Respect for DSP. I'm PISSED!
« Reply #20 on: Saturday June 09, 2018, 11:49:06 PM Eastern »
Also yeah people as Maaco said nobody said the team wouldn't go. The NHL has historically gone for a while, but so do has other sports champions. This year seems to be a year where very few players on each team want to go. But considering the city, Trumps current push to try to get Russia back into the G7 and conversations/friendlyness with Putin, and we are in DC and all I'd say some of the team goes.

DSP was the only one I heard who wasn't going to go. And since the NFL and the NBA have a lot more non-caucasians that probably plays a role too. DSP will probably be one of only a handful of players on our roster who choose not to go if we do. I don't see why ANY of this is news. So a private citizen doesn't feel like sharing his joy with someone he thinks is a racist. You don't have to agree with him for his actions to be completely fine. He wasn't disrespectful, he wasn't going to show up and kneel in his face, he just didn't want to go. No harm, no foul, move on imo.

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Re: I've lost ALL Respect for DSP. I'm PISSED!
« Reply #21 on: Sunday June 10, 2018, 12:02:13 AM Eastern »
I should state too, not trying to trash anyone here in regards to me pointing out some of the patriotism. I have a lot of respect for people here and even though it's apparent I don't completely lean politically the same place as some of you, that wouldn't change my respect levels for the majority of people here who I've had the pleasure to talk to for years now.


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Re: I've lost ALL Respect for DSP. I'm PISSED!
« Reply #22 on: Sunday June 10, 2018, 12:06:26 AM Eastern »

Then maybe hockey players shouldn't get political when the visit is about winning a hockey series.
   Just a minute here. We are talking one hockey player. The problem started with the Philadelphia Eagles not DSP


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Re: I've lost ALL Respect for DSP. I'm PISSED!
« Reply #23 on: Sunday June 10, 2018, 12:08:15 AM Eastern »
It's too bad DSP decided to get caught up in the political bs.. I mean, if I was "invited" to the White House, I don't care if Obama or Clinton was president (even though Im pretty sure they take one look at me and assume I was a white racist deplorable) I'd go and enjoy it! That's a once in a lifetime opportunity! Anyway, go, don't go.. Your loss DSP!!
   How is this DSPs loss?

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Re: I've lost ALL Respect for DSP. I'm PISSED!
« Reply #24 on: Sunday June 10, 2018, 01:08:09 AM Eastern »
     You really don't get it. There is a reason why these players dont want to visit the White House. It isn't the White House or the politics. Its Trump himself. They hate him. If it was a couple of players I would blame the players but its the majority of the players. Same thing happened with the NBA. A lot if the players said they wouldnt attend so Trump said that they werent invited. It is pretty obvious that a lot if people have issues with Trump.  And this is factual. BTW I dont really hate Trump. I don't like him either. I do think he is an idiot. Like I said the problem isn't the politics the problem is the man himself. And why am I not surprised you are in love with him.

Actually, YOU don't get it.  You should stick to what's going on in Canada, there is cause for concern.
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Re: I've lost ALL Respect for DSP. I'm PISSED!
« Reply #25 on: Sunday June 10, 2018, 01:15:33 AM Eastern »
Except Trump is NOT a politician - and he is actually doing/working on doing what he said he would.  Hmm, a novel idea.

And maybe you have to live here to understand the media bias against him.  It's quite remarkable.
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Re: I've lost ALL Respect for DSP. I'm PISSED!
« Reply #26 on: Sunday June 10, 2018, 08:44:54 AM Eastern »
   How is this DSPs loss?

That you need it explained, is enough for me not to bother..   :angel: But keep diggin and you may get a taste!  :wackysmile: 

Oh and for the record, I've not "lost all respect for DSP" Nor am I pissed.. Just think he's cutting his nose off to spite his face here.. He's starts taking a knee for the National anthem, THEN we'll have a problem with DSP!  (Ō_ƆŎ)

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Re: I've lost ALL Respect for DSP. I'm PISSED!
« Reply #27 on: Sunday June 10, 2018, 09:34:52 AM Eastern »
     You really don't get it. There is a reason why these players dont want to visit the White House. It isn't the White House or the politics. Its Trump himself. They hate him. If it was a couple of players I would blame the players but its the majority of the players. Same thing happened with the NBA. A lot if the players said they wouldnt attend so Trump said that they werent invited. It is pretty obvious that a lot if people have issues with Trump.  And this is factual. BTW I dont really hate Trump. I don't like him either. I do think he is an idiot. Like I said the problem isn't the politics the problem is the man himself. And why am I not surprised you are in love with him.

Sadly, you don't get it, and it's not even worth attempting to fix you. ::)
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Re: I've lost ALL Respect for DSP. I'm PISSED!
« Reply #28 on: Sunday June 10, 2018, 09:35:44 AM Eastern »
    You guys get too wound up about politics. To be honest topics like politics or religion don't belong in a hockey forum.

Take that up with DSP.
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Re: I've lost ALL Respect for DSP. I'm PISSED!
« Reply #29 on: Sunday June 10, 2018, 09:41:08 AM Eastern »
Take that up with DSP.
    This isn't about DSP. This is about Trump. He is the reason that players from different sports don't want the White House visit. Don't blame it in DSP.

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Re: I've lost ALL Respect for DSP. I'm PISSED!
« Reply #30 on: Sunday June 10, 2018, 09:45:42 AM Eastern »

The world isn't just "left vs right" bud. I've seen lots of people, not politically affiliated at all be critical of Trump. Racist, sexist, whatever the reason. For me, as a Canadian who does not vote by the way, but if I would it would probably switch because all politicians are full of bullshit and lie to you to get voted. Which is all they care about. The fact that politics has turned into a reality TV celebrity contest (and was the case long before Trump) is a joke to me. Always will be. It's a community liason position, nothing more nothing less. A figurehead that really has very little actual responsibilities that don't involve hordes of other individuals. Much of the political system in a lot of countries including in the West are heaps of propaganda all meant to fuel a machine that none of the politicans care about. They care about instead the consequences of making the positions such "celebrity" type affairs. $$$. Bigger paychecks, bigger ability to sell books memoirs, whatever else. It's garbage.

Most "woke" I use that mostly jokingly though get that. It isn't "libtards vs god lovers". If your still on that battle then bots and fake news and the list goes on is still all you see. Forget just reading MSNBC. Or CNN or just Fox news. The idea that there "one true source" for a news media that has turned into "opinion" hour that constantly twists facts to push agendas (on all sides, all sides do this, your side does it just as much as the lefts) is exactly why none of it can be trusted. For the real people looking for real truths and facts all we are left with is spending copious amounts of hours hearing accounts for every god damn side of the story, the middle side included, and then piecing what we can about actual facts from there and coming to our own conclusions in private. Because real people like you no longer allow actual debate. You just turn everything into the "libtard vs god loving" left vs right ad hominem garbage.

Nobody should really be offended by DSP not going though. It's a peaceful right not to visit the President. Your patriotism is WAY too deep if this is the type of thing that makes your hair stand on end. It's crazy to you to think that in a world of 8 fucking billion people that some may not like the president of your Country? A country I remind you that is only one of HUNDREDS on the planet. I'm not going to try and spoil the good mood in here but I see a lot of "Americanism" in here that sometimes bugs me. Proudly display what you want, I don't care. But don't shit on others because we have a difference of opinion. We aren't telling you we are better than you, no reason you need to come be doing that back.

Trump is the type of person who does that. It's why it rubs people the wrong way. By the by I always treated Trump like a joke, well before he was elected as a President to the country I wasn't in. No different than I treat Kardashian as a joke, the cast of the jersey shore as a joke the list goes on. I could give a shit if it's democrat or republician, liberal or conservative, if your a joke your a joke. If your a reality TV star pretending to be president, your a reality TV star pretending to be president. Liberal ass George Clooney would be just as much of a joke, so it isn't about sides.

Ultimately though I'd agree with Maacoo, too many people are looking for topics like this to trigger people or let out frustrations they have. It's why generalizations happen so fast, because when you see something that bugs you in the world you instantly apply it to the first thing you can to unleash on it. The "it really grinds my gears" phenomen. At the end of the day, real people know that real policy is what counts when it comes to politics. And real policy? I've seen great policy enacted by both liberal and conservative governments, and sometimes a combination of both. It's never "I enacted this one extreme thing that the entire of my base LOVED and it totally worked for everyone." That never happens. Never. But if the extreme left and the extreme right want to continue to think extreme fascism or extreme socialism are the keys to success, I'd easily suggest them to pick up a fucking history book. IT DOESN'T WORK. Ideals and morals don't make for effective politics, LOGIC AND PRACTICALITY DOES.

Devise rant done. :P

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Offline ArJunaZ

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Re: I've lost ALL Respect for DSP. I'm PISSED!
« Reply #31 on: Sunday June 10, 2018, 09:49:36 AM Eastern »
Except Trump is NOT a politician - and he is actually doing/working on doing what he said he would.  Hmm, a novel idea.

And maybe you have to live here to understand the media bias against him.  It's quite remarkable.

I just noticed that you posted this, exactly what I was going to post. I see you already beat me to another one in response to Maaco. It boggles the mind doesn't it.  Watching CNN or MSDNC is like rat poison for the brain for some people.
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Re: I've lost ALL Respect for DSP. I'm PISSED!
« Reply #32 on: Sunday June 10, 2018, 09:53:17 AM Eastern »
Sadly, you don't get it, and it's not even worth attempting to fix you. ::)
      Its you that doesn't get it. And you are too stubborn to see what is right in front if you. Now really who really cares if a player doesn't want to visit the White House. Why do you care so much? Like I said it has absolutely nothing to do with the politics. It has everything to do with Trump himself.
      Sounds as if you guys think DSP should respect Trump. Why should he? Has Trump earned it.
      Did you make a big deal when Tim Thomas refused to go in 2012? His reason was all political and he is an American.
      My point is a lot of people don't like Trump. So what. Who fricken cares. They have the right to do so.   Are you really that much in love with Trump that you need to come to his defense?


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Re: I've lost ALL Respect for DSP. I'm PISSED!
« Reply #33 on: Sunday June 10, 2018, 10:02:02 AM Eastern »
    The question I have is why is DSPs political views or his feelings towards Trump so important to you? So if someone has different political views than you do, you have no respect for them? Everyone has their own beliefs.

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Re: I've lost ALL Respect for DSP. I'm PISSED!
« Reply #34 on: Sunday June 10, 2018, 10:04:15 AM Eastern »
It warms my heart and gives me great encouragement for my Son's future that so many of you see things for what they are and not how the media has directed you. I mean this sincerely.  I've been intensely researching the calamity that was the treason and coming future of the USA since 1985 and at one point about 20 years ago I had given up up that we would ever recover to be the great country we were and were meant to be. To see the awakening of so many people has been my single greatest wish.

It still amazes me how anyone does not see President Trump as the best thing to happen to America in all of our lifetimes. I will tell you this. Without the backing of some extremely powerful forces (military and intelligence) he would be dead already. There is an army of true patriots who've been planning the take back of this country for the people for decades. The deep state has finally met its match and that is why they've been running around like chickens with their heads cut off since President Trump was elected. The media under Project Mockingbird has been a propaganda machine for decades. I especially noticed the reality of this after leaving the country to work and then coming back. I realized first hand that we were one of the most propagandized nations in the western world. Canada running a tight second.

The movement to take back America chose President Trump. The only reason he ran is because he knew he had the might behind him and was part of a grand plan to take down the deep state traitors.  He is only the figurehead of a very powerful counter-coup operation that Obama tried to destroy in 2012-13. I will guarantee all of you something.  The show has barely begun.  Get your popcorn ready.
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Re: I've lost ALL Respect for DSP. I'm PISSED!
« Reply #35 on: Sunday June 10, 2018, 10:36:05 AM Eastern »
    The question I have is why is DSPs political views or his feelings towards Trump so important to you? So if someone has different political views than you do, you have no respect for them? Everyone has their own beliefs.

It's because it shows me how clueless people like you and DSP and others are about what's happening in the world. It makes me shake my head in disgust, and yes anger.  It was the complacency and stupidity of the American people that allowed this to happen and that has made me angry since I was in my 20s.

Please don't take it personally.  You are one of many, though it's not nearly as many as the media would have you believe. So many have woken up.  If you have any interest in reality I would suggest that you reevaluate your thoughts and try to understand why you believe what you believe. As I see it you are a robot repeating sound bytes that have been drilled into your head over and over until you  think it's your own thoughts. If you understood reality there is no way you would say the things you do. I pray for everyone to wake up, but I stopped really trying to push the process along directly for some years now. Everyone in their own time will hopefully find truth.

I realize how this sounds. I know I don't know everything, but I do know what I know.  I've had the fortune of working my entire career in and around the military and federal government. I've been to damn near every military base in the country and worked for nearly every major federal agency at some point in time.  I've met a lot of people and learned a lot of things from those people.  I've worked at NSA, DIA, DARPA, and others. I've not worked at, but I have a couple friends in the CIA.  There are a lot of good people out there and many of them exchanged ideas with me about the direction this country was heading and why.  I've put on conferences about government cover up where I got to meet many, many more people with a LOT to say about what they knew was going on. I was also in the military. I also spent more than 5 years at the World Bank, one of the most insidious global organizations ever. The shit I learned there made me furious and I knew then something had to change or we were all fucked. President Trump and the people behind him are that change.

Do I like Donald Trump?  Not really.  But I do love the patriot that he is and that he is smart enough and now powerful enough to take down the scum of the Earth, and we are seeing that happen on a daily basis. Have you noticed how many pedophiles have been arrested worldwide since he took office?  There's a very important reason for that, which I am sure will become crystal clear fairly soon. I remember telling my Dad when Donald Trump first announced that he was running for office that this was the start of the global recovery and that the approach Trump had to take in order to successfully take down the shadow government, what we now call the deep state, was to go after them for crimes against children and humanity. This story will be huge, but is thus far operating in the shadows.

There is so much that Americans have been oblivious to. If all goes as planned they will actually remain oblivious to some of the worst of it. The reality of what has been going on is so horrific that it would literally make Americans sick. Some may think it's best they don't ever learn the gory details.  Even still, they will be shocked in the coming year.

Damn. I didn't mean to write a short story.  Once I get going on this I find I have so much to say. I thank God every day for President Trump. I wish it were possible for people to get a glimpse of what was planned to happen under Hillary.  Only those that pay attention closely or have been studying it like me for so long will ever know the bullet that we dodged when Trump won.  I promise you it would have been hell on Earth. No exaggeration here.

Like him or not, we will ALL benefit from President Trumps bold efforts.
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Re: I've lost ALL Respect for DSP. I'm PISSED!
« Reply #36 on: Sunday June 10, 2018, 11:09:03 AM Eastern »
    I never once said I disagreed with Trumps political views. Infact I agree with most of it. Yet you call me clueless because I respect the political views of others. Sorry ArJ but that isn't going to change.
    You make it sound as if Trump is a savior. Maybe in the US but not everyone is American.
What is Trump doing for Canada other than bullying our Prime Minister?

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Re: I've lost ALL Respect for DSP. I'm PISSED!
« Reply #37 on: Sunday June 10, 2018, 11:21:04 AM Eastern »
I'm gonna recommend something to shed light on how bad the media bias is. I try to listen to the Chris Plante Show every morning. It's radio, mon-fri 9-12am, so you can continue to work at whatever work it is you do, except maybe classrooms. His former job was 15 years at CNN covering DC and the Pentagon, so he knows what of he speaks. It can be streamed, free, on WMAL. There is an app for that, shocker, right. The shows are also condensed the day after so you can podcast them comercial free.

If one wanted to do some actual research of their own, one could look up the bios of the head talking heads at nbc, abc, cbs. It's amazing how many of them are "former" high ranking DNC party members. But there's no bias :lol: . I do find it amazing though, how the very same people that say Trump lies all the time don't seem to have any problem with what the two democrat leaders of the house and senate say. Every single time schumer or pelosi open their mouths within range of a mic, it's nothing but lies. Every. Single. Time. If one of them tells you it's day time you need to look out a window to confirm it.

I would also prefer that politics be kept on the anything but hockey side. Sports are supposed to be a break from politics and something that brings people together, rather than drive them apart as the left seems keen on doing.
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Re: I've lost ALL Respect for DSP. I'm PISSED!
« Reply #38 on: Sunday June 10, 2018, 11:43:39 AM Eastern »
    I never once said I disagreed with Trumps political views. Infact I agree with most of it. Yet you call me clueless because I respect the political views of others. Sorry ArJ but that isn't going to change.
    You make it sound as if Trump is a savior. Maybe in the US but not everyone is American.
What is Trump doing for Canada other than bullying our Prime Minister?

Your prime minister is a douche bag globalist traitor to Canada.  Figure it out because I'm right.

I do not like bullies, but President Trump is right to bully that weak minded traitorous fool Trudeau. We are all in this world together and we have some serious threats facing us. They are not ISIS/ISIL, or Al Qaeda.  The true terrorists are the ones Trudeau owes allegiance to.
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Re: I've lost ALL Respect for DSP. I'm PISSED!
« Reply #39 on: Sunday June 10, 2018, 11:54:37 AM Eastern »
As I said privately to Maaco. I try to keep the political stuff on the other side of the forum where you can choose to join in or not. DSP's utter ignorance made me post this here. Again, you can choose to join in the discussion or not.  I will pull no punches when it comes to the future of the world. You all know I am passionate about hockey. Well I am a thousand times more passionate about the truth and exposing lies that are dragging the world down completely.  Most people have no idea how much better this world would be if most of us woke up and understood what is really happening and has been going on  for millennia.  Sorry if I offend, but that's how it goes.
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