Actually, I was thinking and evaluating the Wilson hit pretty carefully over the last day. Because of the laws of physics, the reason the other player got hit in the face was precisely BECAUSE Wilson followed the league directives regarding hitting, to the letter. In other words, the calamity occurred precisely BECAUSE the hit was legal. I'd give a long, detailed explanation, but you all are getting ready for the impending game 5 and wouldn't be interested.
While admirable, that may not of been necessary.
Rule 48, like seemingly over 90% of the NHL rule book is obtoose, subjective nonsense that is designed as marketing, or in support of marketing to “allow” for inconsistent decisions.
When they do these hearings, they do it in reverse logic to create the narrative
-player hurt with ink to the head
-was there a conciussion? No. But jaw is on the head, so will call it a “head it”, so it looks like we’re roughing up on head injuries.
-So we’re going to do a suspension: LETS GO FRSNE BY FRANE AND WRITE THE STORY that begins with: “As the video clearly shows. . . “
They had Wilson’s suspension decided when the Hen payed on the ground and Lumpy called Gary and cried about his player getting hurt
Bottom line, the rules are written to allow manipulation and corruption by design. So the definition of “legal” depends on the narrative they want to promote