Author Topic: Episode 8 reviews and/or rants. **No Spoliers**  (Read 51267 times)

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Episode 8 reviews and/or rants. **No Spoliers**
« on: Saturday December 16, 2017, 10:05:59 AM Eastern »
I was pleasantly surprised!

Granted I had very low expectations after the completely unoriginal “PC-virtue signaling - kill the old masognistic white man to market diversity regardless of it makes sense to the story, history or what the fans want” tween piece of shit  cash grab JJ Abrams used Ep 7 for.

I mean come on, Kylie Ren is like more like Dark Helmets grandson than Darth Vader’s.  It is completely unbelievable that he could be Ford and Fishers kid.

But,  Ep 8 makes a great comeback from that shaking off a large part of what JJ screwed up.

It’s well worth a watch even for a casual fan

Offline ArJunaZ

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Re: Episode 8 reviews and/or rants. **No Spoliers**
« Reply #1 on: Saturday December 16, 2017, 11:41:12 AM Eastern »
I was pleasantly surprised!

Granted I had very low expectations after the completely unoriginal “PC-virtue signaling - kill the old masognistic white man to market diversity regardless of it makes sense to the story, history or what the fans want” tween piece of shit  cash grab JJ Abrams used Ep 7 for.

I mean come on, Kylie Ren is like more like Dark Helmets grandson than Darth Vader’s.  It is completely unbelievable that he could be Ford and Fishers kid.

But,  Ep 8 makes a great comeback from that shaking off a large part of what JJ screwed up.

It’s well worth a watch even for a casual fan

That's great to hear DC.  I am a huge Star Wars fan, but I really disliked Episode XII.  I actually considered turning it off about 1/4 way through it, but I stuck with it out of loyalty and curiosity.  I never watched it again though, whereas I watched the first six episodes many times.  You nailed it with the PC virtue signaling BS. It made me want to puke.  The story I thought was also way too rushed with poor character development for some of the key characters.  I've been critical of and aware of the attacks on our society by the PC culture dictated by all the virtue signaling hypocrites probably longer than most.  I saw today's insanity coming for decades.  That's why I was repulsed by  the sheer volume of it in Ep.7.

I will wait to see The Last Jedi when it comes out on Blu-Ray with ATMOS or DTS:X sound.  About a year ago I splurged on myself  and got a wicked 11 speaker 7.2.2 Klipsch Reference Premiere setup with dual subs and a sweet DVR & additional amps driving the bunch.  Subs alone are 400/800watts.  When I play Episode two in DTS-HD MA 6.1 (the best they have as yet) the sound is 3D as in all around and overhead with the ATMOS speakers and subsonic bass starts making stuff fall off the walls in other parts of the house. The sound beats any theater I've ever been in.  I've seen my sub blow a kitchen towel off a coffee table more than a foot away and which was not even on plane with the 15" speaker.  Your a technical guy, so you can appreciate the 18-125hz ±3db and capable of a whopping 122db output. That's more sound energy than a jet engine or a thunderclap, and louder than sitting in the front row of a rock concert.

I read somewhere that JJ is coming back to do Ep.IX.  I wonder who J.J. will drive his tank through next time now that the old white men have been thoroughly villainized in America.
« Last Edit: Saturday December 16, 2017, 05:47:21 PM Eastern by ArJunaZ »
Be careful what you ask for America; you just might get it.

Offline DC_1908

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Re: Episode 8 reviews and/or rants. **No Spoliers**
« Reply #2 on: Saturday December 16, 2017, 02:17:29 PM Eastern »
That is AWESOME!!!   The battle of Geonosis in Ep 2, is one of my favorite parts in movie history, with my only issue being it wasn’t long enough 😡.  To blast that in a sound system that can shake walls would be awesome!!

I hope to hell BJ, I mean JJ Abrams isn’t coming back.  He’s just an all around shitty filmmaker.  The directors/film actors guild threw Lucas out for the opening crawl and not doing opening credits (hence Spielberg could not direct Ep 6), then they oughta damn well through Abrams out for being incompetent.

But yeah, i saw this PC crap for coming for a few years too,  I just underestimated how much the middle class would sell common sense and logic for entertainment and feelings. 

[/size][size=78%] Regardless, you’ll dig Ep 8, if any thing else, it’s a least not EP 8[/size]

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« Reply #3 on: Monday December 18, 2017, 09:07:14 PM Eastern »
Since we are talking about movies, this is on tonight.....

I think I need this jacket 8) , found it online for $230
Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

Offline DC_1908

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Re: Episode 8 reviews and/or rants. **No Spoliers**
« Reply #4 on: Monday January 15, 2018, 03:13:45 PM Eastern »

 :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :rofl:


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« Reply #5 on: Tuesday January 16, 2018, 08:22:33 AM Eastern »
Since we are talking about movies, this is on tonight.....

I think I need this jacket 8) , found it online for $230
   Nice find. Decent price too. Of course after exchange thats around $300 here.


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Re: Episode 8 reviews and/or rants. **No Spoliers**
« Reply #6 on: Wednesday January 17, 2018, 07:35:03 PM Eastern »
  I see a couple of you guys are into the Star Wars saga.  I like the first couple of the series when I was a kid but not into them as much as I once was. I still watch them though.
     I too am a sci fi freak but I followed the Alien movies. Alien and Aliens are 2 of my favorites. The scene with John Hurt in Alien when the alien bursts out of his chest is an absolute classic.