Author Topic: GDT #81 Predators @ Capitals 2018-04-05 7:00pm EST NBCSWA  (Read 17140 times)

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Offline ArJunaZ

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Re: GDT #81 Predators @ Capitals 2018-04-05 7:00pm EST NBCSWA
« Reply #40 on: Thursday April 05, 2018, 10:23:44 PM Eastern »
You know Arj. . . As soon as I get this Unix etc down., I bet I could write something to “increase the paricipation” when certain conditions are met. . .

But I’ll practice by making one for Hats thread so he can talk to him self without having to double type . . . Or (And I’ll definitely need your help for this), we could create, let’s call her “Hattie” that will follow him around and engage him in scripted conversation, and perhaps suggesting rally fats when the game is out of hand. . .

But I’m probably getting ahead of myself as I currently can’t get my \i to \c for 10 consecutive files . . .

 “Responsible or Working to Much”, being at home with beers makes that question rather mute.

Are you talking about the "/etc" directory?

All the code that runs the forum sits well away from the root or any of the 1st level subdirectories like /etc.

With what command are you utilizing the /i  and /c switches?  I'm pretty good at writing scripts in the various Unix shell scripts and Windows command line batch files.
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Offline ArJunaZ

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Re: GDT #81 Predators @ Capitals 2018-04-05 7:00pm EST NBCSWA
« Reply #41 on: Thursday April 05, 2018, 10:36:37 PM Eastern »
You know Arj. . . As soon as I get this Unix etc down., I bet I could write something to “increase the paricipation” when certain conditions are met. . .

But I’ll practice by making one for Hats thread so he can talk to him self without having to double type . . . Or (And I’ll definitely need your help for this), we could create, let’s call her “Hattie” that will follow him around and engage him in scripted conversation, and perhaps suggesting rally fats when the game is out of hand. . .

But I’m probably getting ahead of myself as I currently can’t get my \i to \c for 10 consecutive files . . .

 “Responsible or Working to Much”, being at home with beers makes that question rather mute.

BTW, did you receive those 3 emails I sent earlier?  Those were all PostgreSQL books.  I have a lot of Unix books, including about 35 of them in electronic .PDF format.  I'm happy to send you all of them.  I can create a .ZIP of all of them and send you a link to the file.  I have books on probably any computer subject you like.  I also have a fair number of training courses on computer stuff too. UDEMY.COM is another great resource for the latest training courses.

Let me know if you'd like the UNIX books ZIP. I'll get right on putting it online for you.
Be careful what you ask for America; you just might get it.

Offline DC_1908

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Re: GDT #81 Predators @ Capitals 2018-04-05 7:00pm EST NBCSWA
« Reply #42 on: Thursday April 05, 2018, 10:42:38 PM Eastern »
BTW, did you receive those 3 emails I sent earlier?  Those were all PostgreSQL books.  I have a lot of Unix books, including about 35 of them in electronic .PDF format.  I'm happy to send you all of them.  I can create a .ZIP of all of them and send you a link to the file.  I have books on probably any computer subject you like.  I also have a fair number of training courses on computer stuff too. UDEMY.COM is another great resource for the latest training courses.

Let me know if you'd like the UNIX books ZIP. I'll get right on putting it online for you.
yep I responded and THANK YOU!

And the Unix books would rock as well if you could!

Offline BlackIce

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Re: GDT #81 Predators @ Capitals 2018-04-05 7:00pm EST NBCSWA
« Reply #43 on: Thursday April 05, 2018, 11:51:11 PM Eastern »
Back from the game.  Metro was terrible on the way home.

I'd like to see Bowey play on Saturday.  With all these RH D, their defensive coverage just looks disjointed.  Nashville 2-2 on the PP.  The first one, it looked as though Backstrom took a penalty deliberately to stop play and get Burakovsky off the ice.  He REALLY looked hurt on that shot he blocked -- I was amazed when he resumed taking his regular shift not too much later.

[/size][size=78%]The defense just isn't strong enough, especially when one of the big 4 is the one penalized.  [/size]

Offline ArJunaZ

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Re: GDT #81 Predators @ Capitals 2018-04-05 7:00pm EST NBCSWA
« Reply #44 on: Friday April 06, 2018, 12:34:00 AM Eastern »
yep I responded and THANK YOU!

And the Unix books would rock as well if you could!

OK, I had not seen the response. Cool. I'm glad you liked them.

Here are the zips I just created and uploaded. I PM'd you the actual links.

Linux(NewUnfiledBooks).zip     76 Books      600MB                 48 Books      192MB                      16 Books       74MB                28 Books      102MB               192 Books      1.2GB                        44 Books      182MB                  6 Books       53MB                25 Books       77MB                  38 Books       74MB

I have about 100 other computer ebook subjects/folders, all listed in the PM.
Be careful what you ask for America; you just might get it.

Offline RavenCp

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Re: GDT #81 Predators @ Capitals 2018-04-05 7:00pm EST NBCSWA
« Reply #45 on: Friday April 06, 2018, 06:40:40 AM Eastern »
UDEMY.COM is another great resource for the latest training courses.
"Ethical hacking" courses sounds very cool! :) BTW, You have a nice collection of books. 

Offline Mickstix

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Re: GDT #81 Predators @ Capitals 2018-04-05 7:00pm EST NBCSWA
« Reply #46 on: Friday April 06, 2018, 09:26:59 AM Eastern »

Nashville 2-2 on the PP.  The first one, it looked as though Backstrom took a penalty deliberately to stop play and get Burakovsky off the ice. 

That's the kind of dumb shit that'll help them to the golf course quicker than usual.. They had a couple chances to ice the puck and stop play, but instead waited and took a dumb penalty.. They just can't help themselves from doing dumb shit. It just hadn't caught up with them lately, due to a good/lucky PK.

And for whatever reason, I keep noticing Kempny doing dumb shit.. He's a good skater and his positioning seems to be better than his 1st few games, but damn he has feet for hands.. Cant pass or even put stick on puck half the time and always turns the puck over.

I hope they "bad news bears" their way deep into the playoffs, but it'll take a movie type fictional script to pull off.
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Offline Beaglefan2

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Re: GDT #81 Predators @ Capitals 2018-04-05 7:00pm EST NBCSWA
« Reply #47 on: Friday April 06, 2018, 10:32:34 AM Eastern »
Haven't heard the details on who we might play in Round 1 - anybody know and a likely start date - maybe Tuesday, but more likely Wednesday?

Offline BlackIce

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Re: GDT #81 Predators @ Capitals 2018-04-05 7:00pm EST NBCSWA
« Reply #48 on: Friday April 06, 2018, 03:06:47 PM Eastern »
Playoffs start Wednesday the 11th, but not all series will start on that day; a couple probably won't start until the 12th.  Stay tuned.