What part if Canada would you move to? Winters are quite a but different from one area of the country to another. Vancouver gets a lot of rain in the winter. When it does snow its wet snow. The east gets some nasty winter storms. In the prairies where I am, and where Winnipeg is, its fricken cold and windy like Siberia. Minus 40 is quite common here. We normally dont get big snow storms but we usually get our first snowfall in late October and it stays until late April or early May. Interior British Columbia has good winters. Not too cold but a lot of snow. Great skiing and snowboarding.
I went to Ontario a few years ago on a poker jaunt and absolutely loved it. My host(ess) lived by a tidal lake there. Buggered if I can remember the name of it offhand, but it was just beautifull. Just as the trees were turning... Stunning. I nearly went to Whistler for those winter games, but that got scuppered, sadly - again through poker. Ho=hum.
I have always wanted to learn to ski, since I was a kid, but never got the chance, sadly. When I went there it was pre-hockey in my life, but I think if I ever got the chance It would be Toronto, or Vancouver for me. I would NEVER support the Canucks, but maybe the Laffs as my SECOND team.
I'm a London lady, I like a city and city life and whilst I appreciate other, more rural cultores and totally respect them, they are not so much for me.
[/size][size=78%]Nice place to visit, type of thing. [/size]
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