Holding off on this because: The First Rule of Hopslam: Dont talk about Hopslam
This annual limited run from the great people at @BellsBrewery is one of the most sought after beers in the country, with most places limiting how many you can get per day.
I’ve been lucky this year, found two places that had it to buy, and one that didn’t limit how many (
which put us at over 10 6packs and the below mini-kegs.
Now I am NOT a hoppy-beer/IPA guy at all, but this is different. Not only do they use high end high dollar hops, but use (equally high end) honey to cut it the “dirt” taste out and leaving the natural flavor.
This IPA disliker, has turned several otheres (including Rush) onto this, so it is absolutely encouraged and endorsed. . . just don’t threaten my supply