Okay this is weird.
I went to Stuart.
That's not the weird part.
Louie's Rock City/The Place Where Louie Dwells, do you recall a Chinese restaurant next door to them? Dragon Palace.
That was my parents' place, I basically grew up there. Before Louie's, it was a Giant.
WOW, Barf!!👍👍 THATS COOL!!
I Definitely remember your parents restaurant! Dragon Palace
Didn’t it have some kind of cool, decorative, Asian sign out front, that was fairly unique for the times?
I can’t remember for sure, but I think our band, and a band named “Sinbad”, may have eaten there together, once in the early evening.
I believe we were a doubleheader act that night, but had to have our sound checks, 100% final out, by like 5:30pm! And I think we all had dinner together at Dragon Palace that night!!
Small world!!👍
Sounds like we’ve got a little more material to discuss, as I knew quite a few Stuart people!