:spacer50pix: 8-Ovechkin | :spacer50pix: 92-Kuznetsov | :spacer50pix: 43-Wilson |
:spacer50pix: 13-Vrana | :spacer50pix: 19-Bäckström | :spacer50pix: 77-Oshie |
:spacer50pix: 65-Burakovsky | :spacer50pix: 20-Eller | :spacer50pix: 10-Connolly |
:spacer50pix: 18-Stephenson | :spacer50pix: 72-Boyd | :spacer50pix: 25-Smith-Pelly |
:spacer50pix: :spacer50pix: :spacer50pix: 6-Kempny | :spacer50pix: 74-Carlson |
:spacer50pix: :spacer50pix: :spacer50pix: 9-Orlov | :spacer50pix: 2-Niskanen |
:spacer50pix: :spacer50pix: :spacer50pix: 44-Orpik | :spacer50pix: 22-Bowey |
:spacer50pix::spacer50pix::spacer50pix::spacer50pix: 1-Copley (starter) |
:spacer50pix::spacer50pix::spacer50pix::spacer50pix: 70-Holtby |
:spacer50pix::spacer50pix::spacer50pix::spacer50pix: 26-Dowd |
:spacer50pix::spacer50pix::spacer50pix::spacer50pix: 23-Jaskin |
:spacer50pix::spacer50pix::spacer50pix::spacer50pix: 34-Siegenthaler |
:spacer50pix::spacer50pix::spacer50pix::spacer50pix: 29-Djoos (Thigh Surgery) |
:spacer50pix: 92-Kuznetsov | :spacer50pix: 19-Bäckström | :spacer50pix: 77-Oshie |
:spacer50pix: :spacer50pix: 8-Ovechkin | :spacer50pix: :spacer50pix: 74-Carlson |
:spacer50pix: 13-Vrana | :spacer50pix: 20-Eller | :spacer50pix: 43-Wilson |
:spacer50pix: :spacer50pix: 2-Niskanen | :spacer50pix: :spacer50pix: 9-Orlov |
- A KHL team wants to bribe Artemi Panarin with a lifetime supply of free gasoline (https://russianmachineneverbreaks.com/2019/01/13/khl-team-wants-to-buy-off-artemi-panarin-with-lifetime-supply-of-free-gasoline/). What WILL he be offered next?
:slapshot: |
Somebody give Alan May a great big wet birthday kiss from me? :P
I'm on it....
but the guys at work are wondering why I'm kissing my monitor (Lil...that's the thing where the picture comes out) :P
That was a sick goal from Ovie. They knew it was coming and couldn't do a thing about it. Like a rail gun with pin point accuracy.
I'm on it....
but the guys at work are wondering why I'm kissing my monitor (Lil...that's the thing where the picture comes out) :P
actually it was called a Railway Rifle. But that's the first image that popped into my head when I heard Rail Gun.
http://https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/2/23/RAILWAYRIFLE.png/revision/latest?cb=20110211033359 (http://https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/2/23/RAILWAYRIFLE.png/revision/latest?cb=20110211033359)
Oooohhh....Rail Gun. You can make sort of one of those (a primitive version) in Fallout 3. I think it was called a rail gun, but it was steam powered and shot a railroad spike with great accuracy. You could pin severed body parts (arms, legs, heads) when fired at an enemy.
Wow, that sounds gross, but I'm not really a psycho.
(Okay, so I don't know how to post a link to a picture) What I get for poking fun at Lil (with love of course) :hearts:
My technical ineptitude is legendary. Poke away. :raspberry:
Decent first period. Better than most lately.
Other then Kuznetsov looking like he doesn't give a shit, they played ok that period. Much better then last game anyway. Couple long shifts in their own zone. But a couple on the other end as well. I just hope when the time comes, Kuz can turn it on, cause the way he's played lately Im having my doubts..
We just look like dogshit night in and night out.
Other then Kuznetsov looking like he doesn't give a shit, they played ok that period. Much better then last game anyway. Couple long shifts in their own zone. But a couple on the other end as well. I just hope when the time comes, Kuz can turn it on, cause the way he's played lately Im having my doubts..
Yeah, I don't think we have been unfair in our critique of late.
Need one before the end of the 2nd.
Yeah, but Rich is going to come to the site and tell us we are way too critical of the team, and blah, blah, blah. Well, when they suck we should be allowed to say they suck, and right now they suck. Pittsburgh, Columbus, NYI and Carolina ain't going away so if we don't play a LOT better than the past several weeks we are going to have to fight to get in.
This garbage play is really difficult to watch. So many giveaways. Weak battles.
How they were allowed a option to be at the morning skate with the crap passing of late is a bit surprising. They need practice.
Peace out peeps. I'm headed home to watch the rest of this disaster on tape.
I will critique your critical critiques tomorrow :clown:
Yep. Giveaways from dumb passes or dumb zone entries. Not enough compete level to win pucks back. I feel like it's been going on for weeks now. It's been so frustrating...
I will critique your critical critiques tomorrow :clown:
And Willy has been neutered so NOBODY hits any more.
Good night all. See you tomorrow for hopefully a miracle.Hey, if you get a chance, can we get a proper sobbing emote?
Not sure why Jaskin cannot get in this lineup - especially against his old team?
I counted one "hit" in the entire game between both teams.
The only player that looked like he gave any effort at all tonight was Vrana.
Not sure why Jaskin cannot get in this lineup - especially against his old team?
I counted one "hit" in the entire game between both teams.
The only player that looked like he gave any effort at all tonight was Vrana.
hate to say it but I’d be surprised if this isn’t Orpiks last season. I’d love to see him one more year here at $1m for 1, but I’m not sure the rest of the D will need his help anymore. And he’s 38 years old,
Kuzy has been atrocious since his concussion. Reminds me of Oshie last year.
I wonder if we should have Backstrom and Eller centering our top 2 lines until Kuzy gets his shit together.
At this point all I can really root for is Ovechkin hitting 50+ goals and winning another Rocket and therefore getting closer and closer to reaching Gretzky. Honestly Ovi has a better chance of achieving that than this shit team's chances of getting past the 1st round this year.
Yes....why the heck can't Jaskin get into a game? At least he HITS people. Maybe he gets in tonight against a tougher team? I would have like to see him vs Boston. Hell, I would like to see him ANYDAY over Bura. Maybe he's in the doghouse for something we don't know about.
I realize the Caps are heavy with bottom six forwards, but Bura isn't really one of them and is a waste of a sweater in that role. I have no problem with Boyd getting a sweater - he has taken advantage of his opportunities. Dowd also is serviceable. He usually is reliable and fills 4c role well. To me Smith-Pelly/Stephenson/Jaskin should be fighting for the last sweater and Jaskin should get at least a shot now and then. I'd be okay with swapping out Dowd and even Boyd as well, but somebody give Jaskin a chance already. I know he's no all-star, but we need some 3-4 line hitting added in. I'm not down on Stephenson and Smith-Pelly but they aren't helping a whole lot lately.
Go Caps
I don't think Ovi gets there...or even close really (to catching Gretzky). I'd love to see him get to 800 or 802. Hell, I just want him to pass Jagr (766). 800 would be a nice number - I'd have no problem with Ovi being behind two legends. (I never considered Jagr a legend.) Maybe I'm bitter cause he was a disaster for the Caps.
Ovi needs 254 (or so) more goals to catch Gretzky. He would need (5) more 50 goal seasons (counting this one) then some spare change. I can see him playing till age 37, but not producing at that pace. MAYBE if he ends up playing as many games as Gretzky (1487), he could catch him, but that would require 439 more games. That would be at least 5 more full seasons after this one. Who knows, maybe he'll be a Messier or Jagr and play till he's 40. We shall see.
(Every time I delete text in the middle somewhere it F's up the font/size.)