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Decent game. NJ is a fast, skilled team. Willie was skating well and a couple of the new guys looked good, but hard to tell much on one game.  Would have liked to see some more checking, but that is just wishful thinking these days. I did actually see Carly hit a guy once, so he has already hit is quota for the year! Sorry, cheap shot - especially since he had a pretty good game.
This link was great, by the way.  Thank you.

Nighty night.    :yawn:
Washington Capitals & Other Hockey Discussion / Re: GDT #1 Caps vs Devils @ 7pm
« Last post by alta on Yesterday at 09:59:41 PM »
Not an ideal season opener, but NJ just played their 4th game. They are at game speed. The Caps are not at game speed, plus, they have seven new guys that I fully expected to take several games for everyone to get on the same page. They only have 81 games left to achieve that.
We start with a loss.   Great.

We need to start doing some diferent things and stop repeating old patterns.
Oh well. Saw some competent hockey at times. Need to hope the jello isn't fully firm yet. See ya next time!

Tues. 7pm est

Washington Capitals & Other Hockey Discussion / Re: GDT #1 Caps vs Devils @ 7pm
« Last post by alta on Yesterday at 09:56:48 PM »
Ovechkin have a shot on goal tonight?

He didn't have his glasses on and his zimmer frame is in repairs.    :snicker:
Ovechkin have a shot on goal tonight?
We have a weak goalie.  We have a poor defense.   We dont need these stupid penalties.   :suicide:
Washington Capitals & Other Hockey Discussion / Re: GDT #1 Caps vs Devils @ 7pm
« Last post by alta on Yesterday at 09:37:45 PM »
cheap ass call by the zebras
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