Ummmm. "He who cannot be named" was that dumbass coach, who looks uncannily like that actor.
Jagr, was a dickhead when he was here, but I'm sure he apologised for that a little while ago, or at least admitted it.
O M G! Is "he who cannot be named" our PP coach?
That would explain a lot. Actually, it would explain our whole PooPoo.
As I'm sure you've all noticed, our PP has degressed from Piss Poor PP, to just plain and simple shit. ie PooPoo.
There was only one "he should remain nameless" that Ovi
WAS chasing in goals
And not that I disagree about our weak PP, but....
The Caps PP has "been on fire recently"...I heard one of the radio announcers touting that fact

. I was like Huh? I guess we HAVE actually scored PP goals in all of the last four straight games, but I was surprised when they were touting the PP as dangerous.
Previous 4 games PP numbers:
2/2 vs Seattle, 1/6 vs Carolina, 1/3 vs Toronto, 1/3 vs Philly. That's 5 PP goals in 4 games and .357 percentage, and I that's a trend in the right direction, but you can really look at stats in a small sample. Caps are still 7th from the league bottom in PP% for the year currently.