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The forum software does a pretty good job of detecting spam accounts. Once in a while it can't determine a spam account from a non spam account. Those requests to join go to a pending approval folder. I wasn't aware we had such a thing. It looks like a few non spam accounts tried to join in the spring but were sent to pending where they languished all summer. The issue shouldn't happen again.

Are you sure that's what you're seeing?  I do not have the site setup to require admin/moderator approval unless the newly registered user gets flagged by the anti-spam software.  These are easy to spot under the moderators "members" list.  Also Moderators will see if anyone is awaiting approval at the top of the home page.

A few minutes ago I cranked the CaptCha requirement to extreme level to try and slow the bots.

I've deleted about a dozen new accounts created in last 24 hours which were flagged by the ANTI-SPAM software which uses a third party service to identify fake emails and known SPAMMER IP Addresses.  Alta deleted about 200 accounts yesterday which were clearly not real accounts.

Im not %100 sure of anything...   there were a few that weren't directly blocked as spam accounts and went from the awaiting approval file to the awaiting activation file, but it looked like maybe only one or two of those were legit

Thank you Alta for managing so smoothly the forum for quite some time. :clap:


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