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Coronavirus Vaccine
Wondering how many people here have been vaccinated.
I haven't yet but my age group just came up for eligibility.
To be honest I'm still a bit skeptical about the vaccine.
How does everyone else feel about the vaccines?
dad got it, but he’s in the age group that should. So far, for anyone younger than 70, the human immune system has been far more effective. I’ve never had a flu shot and I’m not starting now
--- Quote from: alta on Saturday April 10, 2021, 10:51:34 AM Eastern ---dad got it, but he’s in the age group that should. So far, for anyone younger than 70, the human immune system has been far more effective. I’ve never had a flu shot and I’m not starting now
--- End quote ---
I've never had a flu shot either and I actually haven't had the flu since the end of December in 2012.
My wife gets a flu shot every year and still gets the flu.
I have not and don't plan to get the vaccine at this point.
Two in my household got the Corona around Christmas; my 19 year old son and my wife (49). Both had mild head cold like symptoms and fatigue and lost sense of smell. Neither had any serious symptoms (like trouble breathing) but they are both healthy folks with no other mitigating factors so we were not overly concerned and they never really got that sick. The other three in our house (we all spent the 2-weeks together at home) did not get it. That was me, my other 19 year old son (twin) and 17 year old son.
We were on top of each other for 2 weeks and three (of 5)of us did not get it. I don't know if we have good immune systems, or already had it and didn't know it, or it just wasn't that contagious.
My son (19) who brought it into the house is very social and active, a college student, and NON protocol following, so we were not all that surprised when HE came down with it. His initial symptoms were so mild, we didn't think it was Corona and had him tested because we had planned to travel to elderly grandparents. (Ruined our Christmas family travel plans though)
I had a flu shot only once in my life - about 5 years ago, as a requirement for doing contracting work in a hospital. I have not had the flu in 15+ years and maybe only twice in my life so I feel my risk factors are not that high.
I have friends on both sides of the vaccine argument and those leaning a little more....left or liberal get angry when I say I don't plan to get it. They say "why would you not?" And I say why should I? I am not careless and I follow protocols, but I also am not hiding in a bunker until "its over" either.
I believe the cure (or more accurately the response) was worse than the disease in this country. It certainly was for me. I am a self employed small business owner, which I started 20 years ago, and have been in the same industry since 1989 and we barely survived the Covid lockdown cure this past year. We are still in recovery mode.
The long term effects of the response to Covid are going to be far worse than the disease itself. (Easy for me to say, I didn't lose a close family or friend to it) But we wrecked the strongest economy we ever had and altered the way we do just about everything. The lockdown protocols were a joke. You can't go to a restaurant that seats 20 but you can go into Home Depot with 400 people? You can walk into Starbucks with 25 people in line, but you can't go into a diner with 10 people in it? Mom & Pop shops can't open their businesses, but Walmart and the big grocery stores can have mobs of people in them? That's a friggin joke. None of it made any sense. I am a law abiding conformist citizen and I can comply within reason. But I just dont' think there was much real "reason" being applied
The public schools are now a bigger joke and disaster than they were before. THe communist teacher unions RUN the schools and their interests are NOT the education of the students. My dad was a career public school teacher and he would agree with this. The remote learning bullshit they have been doing for the past year is a total joke. Should have just canceled school for a year and NOT paid any of the teachers and administrators and facilities and bus drivers and support, etc, etc, etc,. Save the counties billions of dollars and I'd bet about 95% of all those staff would have felt it was safe to go back to school after a couple months.
Whoops.....fell onto my soap box again. Sorry for the rant.
So um....No, I am not planning on getting the vaccine at this point. I am not really anti-vaccine but based on my personal factors I don't see the need (for me)
And I don't own a 5g phone yet, so they got to come up with another way to track me :wackysmile:
I would fight to the death to resist the 'vaccine'.
This one came out a few days ago with a powerful endorsement by General Michael Flynn. Just watch the Flynn Introduction in first link and then skip to full show in the second link below.
Here is the full video
Here is The SPARS Pandemic 2025-2028 playbook from Johns Hopkins. It is a detailed exercise (playbook), a verbatim game plan for what we are seeing now. We are watching Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 playing out.
Original 2017 document
Link to Johns Hopkins webpage containing the document (updated and watered down in 2020).
I called the fraud in Early March 2020 just a couple days after it was announced. I've watched these demons closely since 1985 occupying the majority of my free time. And now for 18+ years a full time endeavor for me. I'm saying 18-20 hours a day for 18 years with a few breaks to watch hockey or the occasional short vacation. I have SO SO SO much more evidence that refutes the entire medical establishment since Rockefeller took it over in the early 20th century. True science on planet Earth is not being done by the established authorities in our medical system. Some medical doctors boldly escaped the ordained 'hoax' they were contained in and broke out of the mainstream to fund their own research and followed the data. Most of these paid a heavy price. I've found that the key to understanding the current situation on Earth is by understanding our history. That's where I have been focused the past few months. So many great independent educated researchers have sprung up over the past decade that the wealth of accessible and accurate historical data has grown exponentially. Truth can never be prevented, only held back. We have entered a new paradigm of truth. If you paid attention you could see this coming decades ago. I have really enjoyed the increasing failures of the global deep state (Babylonian/Phoenician Luciferian Khazarian Zionist 'Jews' if you want it spelled out) increasingly unable to keep their lies from being exposed. We are witnessing their self-destruction. I expect this event is so spectacular that every civilization across the galaxy is here to witness this period in history. There are reasons why Earth is of particular interest to them as well as we are unique in the galaxy because of our tremendously varied composition of peoples.
Anyway, COVID-19 was planned and is being used in a desperate attempt to regain control. They are in a state of panic, which is not something they are used to. We the people across the globe have the power if we can just manage to awaken to this and identify our enemy. This is why they worked feverishly to divide us, because together we can easily overwhelm any control mechanism.
Tell them to fuck off with their edicts. Call them out on their scientifically unsupportable policies and edicts.
I was at every major march for Trump in Washington, DC. no masks, no hand sanitizer, no social distancing. In fact, we were packed like sardines for many hours. I haven't hard of one person there that got sick from Covid. On the way home in the metro one of these days we were sitting in a train at a station when an officer stuck his head in looking right at us. We were breaking every rule listed on the posters on the train. We had no masks on, were playing loud music (Trump playlist), eating, and drinking. He just shook his head with a smile and moved on.
Don't fight the power; be the power.
I forgot to mention that they have made no real secret of the fact they intend to kill 95% of the human population of planet Earth. I've known this for 25 years. I would not trust the vaccine to not be a time-delayed killer. They also lie when they claim that mRNA vaccines cannot permanently change your DNA. I have a video from a top Moderna executive 5 years ago bragging about the ability to change it in not only somatic cells, but also reproductive cells, which means the modifications will pass to your offspring. I've researched extensively the medical peer reviewed literature on this subject and the technology I've read about in the journals and in patents is mind boggling. They are light years beyond what you might imagine. I think I posted here a while back a patent I found from AT&T that allowed them to send and receive information to and from your body. The diagrams and text indicated this was not limited to some implanted device in one location in the body, but instead appeared to have no restrictions on the areas data could be retrieved from and instructions sent to. What the fuck does AT&T possibly need or want that tech for and what mechanism(s) in the body would interact in this fashion?
Stay the hell away from the vaccine. FFS, there is almost no risk even at my advanced age from Covid. Studying the CDC data of all USA deaths over the past 7 years clearly shows ZERO increase in overall deaths in 2020. Pandemic? ??? Not a fucking chance. It's just fear porn to coerce you into their final push for the new normal NWO.
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