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Kisses. Hey It's Valentines day here already.
Baby, I am on the hard stuff tonight . . . Ensure!
I've been here for hours luv.Isit your b'day yet?
Just before the game I received a dozen beautiful roses in the mail delivered by UPS. My wife was VERY curious who had sent me roses. I found the card in the box. It was from Chewy.com, the place I buy all my cat food. Very odd.
Also,you should have more faith in natural selection.Jus sayin........
It's a frekas in the paint!!!
Dan the dickhead, cheating piece of shit O'Halloran.. Fucking asshole
Greek food?
Can your wife handle it???
what's amazing when you think about it, these parents are putting their 14-16 year old kids into what equates to college level football. These same parents would never allow that. On the other hand, I never had, and still don't have a bicycle helmet. I destroyed my first dirt bike wearing geans and a tshirt. What eventually did me in was becoming complacent at work with something I'd done 100 times before
I feel like your beating around the bush here
a piņata?
that shit is pretty good, I got hooked on it while in the hospital because everything else they gave me to eat was shit, before I processed it
Odd. Usually it's the other way around.