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election money
--- Quote from: alta on Tuesday December 29, 2020, 11:42:40 AM Eastern ---will the monumental sports foundation have to start donating to themselves to make sure the team stays solvent with no fans in the stands?
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Well, maybe Monumental could do the same thing as President Trump is doing -- ask people for donations to the Foundation, with fine print at the bottom saying that in reality, the majority of the contributions are allowed to go to support of the team.
--- Quote from: BlackIce on Friday January 01, 2021, 02:44:58 PM Eastern ---
Well, maybe Monumental could do the same thing as President Trump is doing -- ask people for donations to the Foundation, with fine print at the bottom saying that in reality, the majority of the contributions are allowed to go to support of the team.
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Is that anything like donating to the clinton foundation so chelsea could buy that $7M Manhattan apartment?
--- Quote from: alta on Friday January 01, 2021, 05:17:29 PM Eastern ---
Is that anything like donating to the clinton foundation so chelsea could buy that $7M Manhattan apartment?
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No it isn't because Chelsea's supposed expenditures were based on unfounded claims that were debunked. Whereas the President's current strategy is based upon actual claims for donations with the language about the destination(s) for the donation in the fine print at the bottom of the solicitation.
And I ought to know. Some months ago I sent a reply to the Trump campaign complaining about a particularly egregious lie they were telling in an email they sent to me. Their response was, laughably, to put me on their list of supporters and bombard me with emails begging for, or demanding, money. I thought: "I'll just hang on until after the election is over, and then the begging will stop." Well, the joke's on me. AFTER the election the email traffic exploded, and now I have to go into my email literally every couple of hours to clean out the Trump messages, now with the fine print attached at the bottom. This entire election fraud gambit is a grift, and apparently the American people are falling for it to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars. Well, what the heck -- I can guarantee you that none of those hundreds of millions are mine.
What I find amusing is democrats complaining about the exact same thing the DNC does.
I still get emails from a few of them after multiple attempts to be removed from their lists.
I am curios though. Did you donate to BLM as well. Because every single dime that gets sent to
them goes straight to the DNC.
I also find it highly amusing when one side excoriates the other for doing something they both do, and have been doing for decades. It's not hypocritical in the least.
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