Author Topic: Canada to eliminate fighting in minors  (Read 8018 times)

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Re: Canada to eliminate fighting in minors
« Reply #20 on: Saturday October 10, 2020, 01:50:21 PM Eastern »

I don't watch CNN, look at the state your country is in with covid, total lack of leadership at the top.
And faux is fake in French if you didn't realize that but I'd expect that from self centered egotistical minds.
I'm not French either, but I'm a proud canadian that is not going to back down from derogatory comments like the ones posted above. I've worked in your country and have seen the way you guys treat the lower class there and it's pathetic in my mind. I've been to more cities to watch games and follow the caps than probably any of you have. New York, New Jersey, Columbus, buffalo, Detroit, Pittsburgh, Chicago, San Jose, LA and Washington numerous times.
A fucking Joke?  You think our country is a "fucking joke"?  Really?
Okay, I was being a wise ass.  Um...yes...I know what Faux means.  And I implied French because of the FRENCH influence in much of Canada, since it was first claimed by the French by Jacques Cartier (a French explorer) in the 1500's.  He actually gave Canada it's moniker (sort of by mistake) but shit happens.  (Even though the Brits actually started colonies there first.)
My apologies.  I will call you Brit then (no offense Lil) since you were surely born before 1982, and hence a servant of the crown of England.  Proud Canadian?  because of it's vast history since 1982?
Since you are NOT French, and a proud Canadian, do you bow to the Queen since Canada is still part of the British Commonwealth?  Wait, you became self governing in 1867 but didn't become an independent country until 1982?  1982?  Now that's a fucking joke!  SO...did the queen tell your poor Canadian bastards to go to all those wars back before you were your own real country?  Since you gained your real independence in 1982, what wars are you so fucking proud of?  I mean, MY country did not gain it's independence until 1776, so we can't/don't claim any great kudos for wars won prior to then from our colonists' and ancestors' participation in wars fought and won prior to us being a country.

And I'm sure you know more about Canada than I, considering you are Canadian, but I don't lump "all Canadians" in the same boat as you have done with us.  That's very ignorant, as are many of the stereotypes you mentioned in your post.
I don't assume you watch only Hockey, and eat only Poutine, butter tarts and back bacon...with some maple syrup on the side.

And what exactly is your complaint about the United States entering either WW1 or WW2?  Um....did you NOT want to win those wars?  Which your country (England at the time) certainly would not have won had the United States not joined them.  That's not my egotistical self centeredness talking, that's based on the history of the war, and I'm not claiming we (The United States of America) were the REASON the wars were won, but only one of many contributing nations.  Hmmm....which nation do you think had a bigger impact on winning WW2...The U.S. or Canada?  Oh were just a colony of the British empire.  Let's try again. Okay, so I will admit that one of the Colonies of the British empire, named Canada (by a French explorer) had a bigger impact on WW2 than one of the Territories of the U.S. named Puerto Rico

I am happy that you have visited so many American cities, but why did you choose so poorly with so many Armpit ones?  I mean LA, Chicago, NY, Detroit, Pittsburgh, Columbus, New Jersey (that's a state by the way)  I don't even want to visit some (most) of those and that is based on actually visiting them already, not what I heard about them.  I've been to all except Chicago, and I have no desire to go there.  What criteria did you use to plan these trips?  "Give me the ugliest most corrupt cities I can find...That's where I want to go!"?
Try some smaller American cities in other geographical areas to get some appreciation of the diversity of Americans and the vast beauty and diversity of America itself.  Try going somewhere other than a big city.  I personally don't like ANY big city I've ever been to anywhere on the planet.  New England is beautiful, as is the Southwest, but they are almost unfathomable in how different the people and the landscapes are.  There are beautiful places in the West, along the Eastern seaboard, down south and all throughout this country.  You would (should) be amazed at the diversity you'd find here (if you bothered to open your eyes) and judge for yourself.
That's like me saying I hate Canadians because I went to Montreal and the people were rude (which they were).  But I am sure that was my fault because I am an American.  Although I was treated quite nicely in Nova Scotia, BC, Winnipeg and Calgary.  I don't judge all Canadians based on my limited visits to a few of the cities....especially the armpit of Montreal. (and my apologies if you are from Montreal), but my country has Armpits too (which apparently you prefer)
I am not the world traveler that I would like to be, but I have been to countries in Africa, Central and South America, and the Middle East, and felt quite welcomed and well treated in all of them, despite some of them being very unhealthy places for residents and visitors alike.  I did not judge these people or places based on the misconceived stereotypes I had "heard" nor did they of me.
Our country has its share of small minded ignorant people, but we are not all that way, nor is Canada I suspect.

I understand your anger from the comments in DC's 1st post, but your post was directed at our country and all it's people as a whole and how it is perceived and judged by the whole world.  That's some mighty big shoes your wearing there.  All that thin air up there in Canada must be allowing your head to swell if you think you know what the whole world thinks or even the whole of Canada.

"the fucking joke" part was insulting....the rest of it I could let go, but my soapbox was dusty so once I pull it out and dust it off, I might as well use it.  ;D

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Re: Canada to eliminate fighting in minors
« Reply #21 on: Saturday October 10, 2020, 02:19:25 PM Eastern »
just to point out, the sports fans in the NYC-Pilly-northern NJ region are arrogant assholes. Not unlike the people in Montreal that refuse to speak English. But to extrapolate that to how the rest of the country acts, well, it's no wonder you are treated the way you are when "traveling" the states
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Re: Canada to eliminate fighting in minors
« Reply #22 on: Friday October 16, 2020, 06:31:46 PM Eastern »
ALL of you.
Just stop.
If you want to debate politics, that's' on the other part of the forum.This is the hockey part.  The part where we're all part of the same team.  We're all supporting our team and each other.We're all Caps fans.
I am

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Offline richkrt99

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Re: Canada to eliminate fighting in minors
« Reply #24 on: Monday October 26, 2020, 02:41:33 PM Eastern »
I get it, but I still question....WILL this reduce the number of concussions?  I mean that is their premise correct?  They want to remove fighting to reduce head injuries.

How many of today's concussions are caused by a fight?  I mean maybe yes, if a guy gets hit or loses his balance and then bounces his head on the ice (ala Tom Wilson)

I believe MOST concussions are caused by hits, not punches.  Will taking the fighting out of the game reduce those type of hits that are causing the concussions?


Offline alta

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Re: Canada to eliminate fighting in minors
« Reply #25 on: Monday October 26, 2020, 04:02:11 PM Eastern »
I get it, but I still question....WILL this reduce the number of concussions?  I mean that is their premise correct?  They want to remove fighting to reduce head injuries.

How many of today's concussions are caused by a fight?  I mean maybe yes, if a guy gets hit or loses his balance and then bounces his head on the ice (ala Tom Wilson)

I believe MOST concussions are caused by hits, not punches.  Will taking the fighting out of the game reduce those type of hits that are causing the concussions?

the Canadians are talking about the under 18 leagues, which I'm honestly surprised fighting is currently permitted in. But yea, just going off of recent memory, I'd say a vast majority of concussions come from bad hits and boarding.
Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round