If not for COVID shortening last season and potentially next season as well as the 1.5 seasons he lost to lockout earlier in his career, I'd say he was guaranteed to pass #99.
He still has a good shot at passing the record as long as COVID doesn't royally screw things up. After all, Ovie relies on his SHOT to get goals. Not necessarily breakneck speed. His shot is probably going to stay with him as he gets older, even if his legs slow down a bit.
But yeah I think it takes 5 seasons...
I do think he is practically guaranteed at least the #2 spot. And when you're THAT close to the Great
One and when you factor in era and lockouts and COVID I think there's 0 argument anyway who's best.
Fixed it for you
(sorry...didn't mean any disrespect to the Great One or to your post) Just bored....stiff
I agree. Ovi is a better pure goal scorer. Gretzky was and will always be the Great One and forever changed the face of the game....not to mention open it to whole new markets. I don't see how anyone will EVER catch him in points, but he played in a completely different era, so it's not a fair comparison. But then nobody said it was fair....the records will only remember who scored the most goals.
Gretzky, Bondra, Ovi...my favorite hockey players of all time (so far). (yes, I know I'm a homer).
I remember Bondra when he first hit the scene and thought....this guy is going to be great. He skated so bent over at the waste, but man he had some wheels.
I think Ovi will get there (for sure if he hadn't missed so much time) if he continues to enjoy playing. You can see when he has that fire and when he's really enjoying it. If he gets to a point where he's just not loving it (like the whole team appeared during the Covid Cup) then he won't get there. Age wise....I think he has enough time left to get there. He could conceivably play 7 more seasons if he had to. The question is who could afford to keep/pay him those last few years? If he is willing to play for cheap in order to get the prize, then okay, but if he wants 8 million when he's 40 then you have to wonder.
How about in 4 years....Ovi scores the game winning goal in the SC final game 7 OT to win the game, THE CUP (his 3rd) and break Gretzky's goal record all at once?
(told you I was bored)