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DCs “🖕Current Year” Comedy Classics
Given the recent passing of the great Little Richard, this is an appropriate ‘opening’ act
(We need to be reminded how great SNL used to be every now & then)
SNL started out as a great show. It only took a few years for it to head steadily against all things good. True programming of the masses.
Now, the MASTER, with a couple minutes that will make faux-righteous Lunatic Lefts heads explode from trigger overload, while real people laugh our asses off.
There’s a lot in this little bit, particularly one “trigger” word on this topic = CONTEXT
Now if you can’t laugh your ass off and sing along to this, it’s you’re damn fault!!
Probably won’t be long before the Karen’s & Lefties try to “cancel” The Great Richard Pryor, the other greatest comedic artist ever
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