

Rich is - he's really Bored
1 (11.1%)
Rich is - he's bored with the Covid 19 shit
2 (22.2%)
Rich is - He's bored with no hockey
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Rich is - He's bored with the same old fake news rehashed
1 (11.1%)
Rich is - He's bored and it's making him a Board nuisance
1 (11.1%)
all of the above
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Author Topic: the non family friendly boredom thread for Rich  (Read 223400 times)

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Re: the dedicated boredom thread for everyone... even Rich
« Reply #180 on: Sunday June 07, 2020, 10:33:13 PM Eastern »
Damn, ya'll got some stories!! I'm a 4 fenders and 4 wheel's dude.. That incident as a kid ruined me on motorcycles. Plus my dad would try and kill himself on his Harley, every year at Bike Week.. One day (just out of highschool) my buddy came by the house with a crotch rocket he'd just got.. He was next level nuts to begin with.. He leaned over the gas tank and did a burn out all the way up the street. Came back and parked and said "go on, give it a run".. I said SHIT, I'd kill myself right here in the driveway on that damn thing..  :rofl: 

Online richkrt99

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Re: the dedicated boredom thread for everyone... even Rich
« Reply #181 on: Wednesday June 10, 2020, 07:14:56 PM Eastern »
 NASCAR has banned the rebel flag from all its races and properties?
They say it does not represent their current stance to “accept everyone and their beliefs”
What about those “everyones” Who believe in the rebel flag?
 This is beyond ridiculous
Im not a big rebel flag guy but really NASCAR?
I mean half the crowd is wearing rebel flag shirts
What about the second amendment right to free speech?

And Fucking Virgina, the lovely state I’ve lived my entire life in, removed a statue of Gereral Lee
Why?  Was he not a famous general in US history?
WTF big brother is out of control


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Re: the dedicated boredom thread for everyone... even Rich
« Reply #182 on: Thursday June 11, 2020, 11:01:02 PM Eastern »
NASCAR has banned the rebel flag from all its races and properties?
They say it does not represent their current stance to “accept everyone and their beliefs”
What about those “everyones” Who believe in the rebel flag?
 This is beyond ridiculous
Im not a big rebel flag guy but really NASCAR?
I mean half the crowd is wearing rebel flag shirts
What about the second amendment right to free speech?

And Fucking Virgina, the lovely state I’ve lived my entire life in, removed a statue of Gereral Lee
Why?  Was he not a famous general in US history?
WTF big brother is out of control
Virginia in no way resembles the Virginia I spent 20 years living in from 1975-1995.  Again, we are at WAR in America and anyone that does not realize the precipice we stand at will be responsible for their ignorance and/or stupidity.  The Marxist Democrat party in its entirety needs to be neutered with most of them relegated to death or Guantanamo Bay prison.

Guantanamo Bay is actually a beautiful place. I spent a couple weeks there once.  I even got shot at by Cubans, though they may have been intended as warning shots because I never saw any bullets hit the water around our tiny sailboat.  They shot because we were encroaching on their border on a river west of the bay. Got the absolute worst sunburn of my life that day.  The next day I reported at quarters in the morning in nothing but my underwear briefs because it was torture to wear anything.  My division officer ordered me to immediately go get in the proper uniform of the day. Mother fucker that was a brutal day. About 3-4 days later my entire chest skin peeled off in a single sheet. Thigh skin came off in sheets too.  We had sent a guy to run into a post exchange (store) on the southwest bank of the bay to buy us some sunscreen.  He came back with some, poured a bunch in each of our hands and we all slathered it on all over us as the Sun was brutally fierce.  Hours later as we realized we were getting horribly fried we looked at the bottle and it was "Deep Tanning Oil" or SPF 0.  That shit actually intensifies the Sun.

Back to Virginia.  When I go back to the neighborhoods I lived in I cannot recognize them. This was a country with great promise and WE are responsible for allowing it to reach this critical point by ignoring reality.  This insurrection must be resisted at all costs by all patriots.  I am locked and loaded, but the real change has to come from the ballot box on November 3rd and all future local, state, and federal elections.  We let the commies infiltrate ever corner of our authority structures and it will be a hell of a battle removing them.  The future of the world depends on our success here in the USA in the next 6 months.  You can also be sure that we have barely begun to see the attacks.  Covid-19, BLM, and Antifa were just warm up acts IMO.

If you are not heavily armed and holding a lot of ammo you may be sorry one day. Get weapons and train. I recommend an AR-15 with at least a half dozen magazines or more for each one you have and at least 1000 rounds, preferably much more, and also get a handgun of at least 9mm power.

The last few days I have been coordinating with my ex-military neighbors/friends to formulate a plan of defense for our neighborhood.  Antifa type dweebs will be mowed down in rapid fashion if they ever come here. We have some more non-lethal weapons coming, but they will IMO have very limited application.

Seriously people, stock up on these as well as food and medicine. I anticipate we'll most likely see very high food prices and food scarcity if things go poorly and maybe also if things go relatively well.  Another thing I see is the end of the Federal Reserve Note, so if any of your holdings are in US$ I would think very seriously about holding assets that will maintain buying power like precious metals.  Gold and silver even at today's high prices are a steal right now IF you can find any to buy.  I don't even expect real estate to be as good in the near term (5-10 years).

My two cents.  We are watching amazing history play out.  Nothing will ever be the same as it was again. Next five years will be unrecognizable to any of our previous life experiences.  I wish you all the best in the upcoming turmoil.
Be careful what you ask for America; you just might get it.

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Re: the dedicated boredom thread for everyone... even Rich
« Reply #183 on: Friday June 12, 2020, 10:29:19 AM Eastern »
back when I tried to get a dark tan every year.. I already had a good one going when I went to St Thomas for two weeks, it was August. I was using SPF30 liberally from the minute I got off the plane because I knew, already had a good tan, and still pealed three days after being there. I was fine after that. There also used to be a daiquiri stand in the airport terminal that gave away free ones to everyone, rum is extreamly inexpensive down there...

I had to be forced on the plane to come home, there wasn't a lot of money to be made down there unless you owned rental property. The real estate was fairly priced, but just like Hawaii, everything else cost an arm and a leg because it's all imported
Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

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Re: the dedicated boredom thread for everyone... even Rich
« Reply #184 on: Friday June 12, 2020, 10:42:47 AM Eastern »
these antifa assholes are now tearing down statues, several Christofer Columbus statues have been torn down along with a couple civil war statues. The 54th Massachusetts regiment memorial was vandalized, because civil war markers are automatically means racist.

Pelosi is now demanding anything that is named after a confederate be renamed, except the Russel building or anything with Byrds name on it. She's been a congress critter for almost 40 years, along with dementia Joe and lying schumer. The first two years of the Oblabermouth administration when the dems had the White House, senate and house they could've easily renamed everything.. but then they wouldn't have anything to get reelected on

there is one other group in this world that is tearing down statues and burning churches, that would be ISIS.
Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

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Re: the dedicated boredom thread for everyone... even Rich
« Reply #185 on: Friday June 12, 2020, 07:02:09 PM Eastern »
NASCAR has banned the rebel flag from all its races and properties?
They say it does not represent their current stance to “accept everyone and their beliefs”
What about those “everyones” Who believe in the rebel flag?
 This is beyond ridiculous
Im not a big rebel flag guy but really NASCAR?
I mean half the crowd is wearing rebel flag shirts
What about the second amendment right to free speech?

And Fucking Virgina, the lovely state I’ve lived my entire life in, removed a statue of Gereral Lee
Why?  Was he not a famous general in US history?
WTF big brother is out of control
My friend has taught high school history & government for over twenty years. He says year by year what the SOLs allow him to teach the Civil War has decreased to where he didn’t have a week to cover it.  We spent a whole six weeks if not more on it from elementary to high school.

Those animals tearing down the statues probably didn’t know Lee was born in VA, yet alone the he was strongly opposed to succession in the first place.  Just like Jefferson Davis for that matter.

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Re: the dedicated boredom thread for everyone... even Rich
« Reply #186 on: Friday June 12, 2020, 07:11:50 PM Eastern »
these antifa assholes are now tearing down statues, several Christofer Columbus statues have been torn down along with a couple civil war statues. The 54th Massachusetts regiment memorial was vandalized, because civil war markers are automatically means racist.

Pelosi is now demanding anything that is named after a confederate be renamed, except the Russel building or anything with Byrds name on it. She's been a congress critter for almost 40 years, along with dementia Joe and lying schumer. The first two years of the Oblabermouth administration when the dems had the White House, senate and house they could've easily renamed everything.. but then they wouldn't have anything to get reelected on

there is one other group in this world that is tearing down statues and burning churches, that would be ISIS.
It’s pathetic for them & fortunate for us that they are committing election suicide.

The last 4 elections have been determined by the “middle” or “swing vote”, & most of those will be, & have been looking at this lunacy and saying “no fuckin way”.

Do they really think any swing voters will be swayed by making their base even more insane so they’ll join?

Here’s a question for Uncle Joe:  How do you plan to clean up the messes in the cities your supporters caused?

Offline ArJunaZ

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Re: the dedicated boredom thread for everyone... even Rich
« Reply #187 on: Friday June 12, 2020, 10:03:14 PM Eastern »
there is one other group in this world that is tearing down statues and burning churches, that would be ISIS.
ISIS/ISIL is 100% a globalist creation headed by John McCain, Hillary Clinton, and others.  Fear and division are the weapons of insurrection and an amorphous enemy called terrorism was the scam that served to enrich, take out enemies, and cause fear in the world. I will be incredulous if many of these demons leading this era are not executed. If we fail to hold them accountable then we'll have little chance to take the greatness of America back.
Be careful what you ask for America; you just might get it.

Online richkrt99

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Re: the dedicated boredom thread for everyone... even Rich
« Reply #188 on: Monday June 29, 2020, 07:50:46 PM Eastern »

I thought I was being delinquent, but hell I guess everyone got bored with this thread....
and these boards...

and this League.


Offline ArJunaZ

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Re: the dedicated boredom thread for everyone... even Rich
« Reply #189 on: Tuesday June 30, 2020, 08:48:18 PM Eastern »
I thought I was being delinquent, but hell I guess everyone got bored with this thread....
and these boards...

and this League.

For me it's not as much bored as it is fascinating to watch the globalists' insanity since the lock down.  We are witnessing the mother of all chess matches since the beginning of known history.  Two radically different futures await us depending on the outcome of the election and events over the next 4-6 months.  There is absolutely nothing else on the planet happening as interesting as the geopolitical war and the false flags gone by and those to come.

Though I must admit it gets a bit overwhelming to keep up with.  It's hard to believe they could ever out-stupid what has passed, but we are guaranteed more to come.

Pray, and then Lock and load people!  It really may come to that.

I'm going to post this twice, once more over in Calm Before the Storm thread for posterity.
Be careful what you ask for America; you just might get it.

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Re: the dedicated boredom thread for everyone... even Rich
« Reply #190 on: Wednesday July 01, 2020, 09:21:41 AM Eastern »
For me it's not as much bored as it is fascinating to watch the globalists' insanity since the lock down.  We are witnessing the mother of all chess matches since the beginning of known history.  Two radically different futures await us depending on the outcome of the election and events over the next 4-6 months.  There is absolutely nothing else on the planet happening as interesting as the geopolitical war and the false flags gone by and those to come.

Though I must admit it gets a bit overwhelming to keep up with.  It's hard to believe they could ever out-stupid what has passed, but we are guaranteed more to come.

Pray, and then Lock and load people!  It really may come to that.

I'm going to post this twice, once more over in Calm Before the Storm thread for posterity.
How exactly is “succession” not considered treason, and therefore wouldn’t the shootings,murders,rapes, destruction of property not considered War Crimes?

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Re: the dedicated boredom thread for everyone... even Rich
« Reply #191 on: Thursday July 02, 2020, 11:20:05 AM Eastern »
I thought I was being delinquent, but hell I guess everyone got bored with this thread....
and these boards...

and this League.

it's a sports forum, mostly, and there ain't no sports happening. A couple weeks ago I watched more NASCRAP than I have in the last five years, but heat racing at the top level is fucking stupid. Then NASCRAP calling in 15 FBI agents to investigate a damn knot on a garage door rope while Bubba plays the victim card... fuck em

isn't bubba a racist name all things considered these days??

it was pretty damn funny though seeing the socialist DNC run press get all depressed because there was no obvious racism in the racist redneck racing league

Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

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Re: the dedicated boredom thread for everyone... even Rich
« Reply #192 on: Thursday July 02, 2020, 05:27:02 PM Eastern »
I thought I was being delinquent, but hell I guess everyone got bored with this thread....
and these boards...

and this League.
Yeeeep.  Laziness is becoming routine, hell Im tryin to get motivated to go down to my car & get beer outta the trunk . . . ‘deed I thought I’d never say that 🤣

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Re: the dedicated boredom thread for everyone... even Rich
« Reply #193 on: Friday July 03, 2020, 11:09:08 AM Eastern »
great news, Six Flags is open, but.. according to their spokeswoman on the radio, you must have a reservation, your party must all wear masks, and everyone entering will be subject to a "thermal temperature" check

maybe when this revolution is over we can get back to actually educating people instead of indoctrinating everyone

Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

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Re: the dedicated boredom thread for everyone... even Rich
« Reply #194 on: Friday July 03, 2020, 02:46:52 PM Eastern »

Anyone who wants that name changed can GO FUCK THEMSELVES!!!

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Re: the dedicated boredom thread for everyone... even Rich
« Reply #195 on: Monday July 13, 2020, 08:42:50 PM Eastern »
Keep safe my friends. :hearts:
I am

Online richkrt99

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Re: the dedicated boredom thread for everyone... even Rich
« Reply #196 on: Tuesday July 14, 2020, 07:32:49 PM Eastern »

Anyone who wants that name changed can GO FUCK THEMSELVES!!!

And consider them.....SELF FUCKED.

Did they decide on a new name that won't offend anyone (that matters)

How about....

Pansy Dyke Commie Faggots.?  Oh wait, is that offensive?

How about Caving Commie liberal week-kneed spineless yellow bellied HOMOS?

No?  what then?

I used to be a skins fan....long ago, but I'm way over it.  I just don't like them caving to the PC bullshit.

How about "We will NEVER change the name of this franchise"?  What happened Danny-boy?


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Re: the dedicated boredom thread for everyone... even Rich
« Reply #197 on: Wednesday July 15, 2020, 10:47:44 PM Eastern »
this name change crap is being driven by brainwashed woke white people. Quite a few American Indians have expressed concern about erasing their image from public..

Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

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Re: the dedicated boredom thread for everyone... even Rich
« Reply #198 on: Saturday July 18, 2020, 08:50:44 PM Eastern »
we have baseball!!

Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

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Re: the dedicated boredom thread for everyone... even Rich
« Reply #199 on: Saturday July 18, 2020, 09:58:24 PM Eastern »

Online viewing party on the 29th?  Hopefully it will be aired somewhere online.