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the non family friendly boredom thread for Rich
Visiting family during Thanksgiving always makes me think of this....
Nine perimeter folks to my immediate household tested positive for Covid in the last two weeks.
My son's girlfriend and both her parents have Covid. None of these three are "vaccinated." It was the mom first (Christmas eve, who is now recovered, then the dad, then the daughter (the girlfriend). They got it from one of the other sisters (who does not live at home, but Mom babysits their baby). Mom was the sickest but by no means ever in any danger or any symptoms beyond normal cold or "regular" flu. Dad had aches and fever - bad backaches. Daughter (21 years old - the girfriend to my son) had mild stuffy head symptoms but no never fever or aches. She had mild symptoms for about 4 days but now cleared up. The mom and dad are early-mid 50's.
My daughter in law, (30 years old) has had all her vaccines and boosters and now COvid for the 2nd time in the past...year. She is currently somewhat miserable with flu like symptoms, but nothing dangerous at this point. Her 5 year old (my grandson) does not have it, but the 5 month old baby does. But then, I would think it would be difficult for a breastfeeding infant not to get it (or any other illness) from mom. Dad (also vaxed) does not have it (nor did he get it the last time). My daughter in law thinks she got it from her best friend who she sees daily. Best friend, her husband and their 9 year old ALL have Covid. The parents are vaxed, 9 year old not.
My wife and one son (not vaxed) had Covid last Christmas...which they got from his girlfriend. Myself and the other two sons all in the same household did NOT get it, despite living together and sharing space. We are not careless about protocols, but we live our lives pretty much as normal as society permits. (Okay...three boys aged 18, 20, 20, so ....TWO of them are completely careless about protocols an one somewhat careful)
I am not trying to generate a political statement or create an argument, or draw any country-wide statistic from this, only stating how the actual Covid illness (not the REACTION TO Covid) has affected my immediate family....because I know all yuns care about us so much 8)
Also, a business associate of mine - his whole family of 5 had covid starting around Christmas day. THey are all vaxed. None of them were too badly sick.
Anyway, my ingnorant and arrogant stance on this is....Covid affects different people differently and is a greater threat to some than others (JUST LIKE EVERY OTHER DISEASE known to man). The two in my household who have had Covid are the two who are sick or get illnesses most often in the last 15 years. The other three of us are very rarely sick with even a cold and 2/3 have never ever had the flu. (I had it 20+ years ago) I don't get the (regular) flu vaccine because I don't think it is necessary for me. My daughter in law who has now had Covid twice, despite being fully vaxed, is sick ALL the time. SHe always gets colds, etc.
Maybe some have better immune systems than others. Maybe cause as kids we went to public schools in Fairfax County were all exposed to each others illnesses and developed our immune systems properly. (not to mention they actually taught real school subjects back then too)
I believe people need to (and should be allowed to) weigh the risks based on their own situations and decide for themselves what is the best course of action for them. I don't think we should be cavalier about this or disregard others' situations which WE will certainly impact with our actions, but that goes with just about every aspect of life. I don't feel I should judge others for them what is right for them and dictate how they should act, but then I don't believe anyone but me can decide what is right for me. Everyone's situation is different so you have to treat each differently.
Good long til the next Cap game.
Go Caps.
I distinctly remember back in 2019 the “professionals” were telling us that millions likely had gotten the wuhan flu and not known it because of mild to very mild symptoms thus thinking in was the normal influenza
and you are the only one I’ve personally met that has had the cobid in their family
from what I’ve read, for the vast majority it’s no worse than the normal flu, there are outliers for everything
hope everyone is feeling better for the game on Friday
I’ll just leave this here since it’s political….
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