Author Topic: G69 Capitals @ Sabres 7:00pm Mon Mar 9, 2020 NBCSWA, ESPN+, TVAS, MSG-B  (Read 38894 times)

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Re: G69 Capitals @ Sabres 7:00pm Mon Mar 9, 2020 NBCSWA, ESPN+, TVAS, MSG-B
« Reply #200 on: Tuesday March 10, 2020, 04:17:24 PM Eastern »

I agree.  Kovi has looked better the last few games.  He still has decent wheels and good size.  He has been more physical than I expected too.  He's had some glorious chances that did not go, but he was in position to make those chances.  Hopefully it breaks for him soon and he becomes a solid asset

Honestly I think that's why TR put him out for shootout.  If he scores, puts him (Kovi) in good light with team and boosts his confidence.  Same with Panik....he HAS been much better lately so maybe give him a shot...but I agree with ALTA on the Panik choice - deserving or not, it's just not his skill set.

I think you are absolutely right on the reasoning on Panik getting the shot. I might actually agree with it, if we had the luxury of not needing the points. He also clearly wants to get Kovulchuk going and confident.

I would have put Eller out there or maybe even Dowd.

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Re: G69 Capitals @ Sabres 7:00pm Mon Mar 9, 2020 NBCSWA, ESPN+, TVAS, MSG-B
« Reply #201 on: Tuesday March 10, 2020, 05:22:59 PM Eastern »
Before we all collectively jump off a bridge at last night's game, let's remember that a couple of weeks ago the Pens lost to the Sabres 5-2 in their own building.

They did come back to beat the Sabres in Buffalo last week.  But it shows that all teams have their downers.

Did the Caps look bad last night?  Absolutely.  What I think we don't take into account is that all teams have games where they just don't get going.  And a lot of them have more than the Caps do.  Now a lot of people around here seem to think that the Caps have more talent than anyone else, and it's just their lack of motivation that keeps them from running completely roughshod over the league.  I don't buy that.  The Caps' core, while good, is aging, and for the past decade they have been drafting mostly toward the bottom of the league because of their success, so other teams have been getting the primo talent.  I'd say the Caps are in the upper echelon of the league with respect to talent, except on the blue line, but head and shoulders above everybody???  Nah, I don't think so.  So if the Caps ARE in the upper echelon of the league talent-wise and not spread-eagling the field, then their record has them right where their talent level says they should be, no more, no less.  Or to look at it another way:   If the Caps commitment is so much more terrible than other teams' so that it is dragging them down relative to other teams, then the fact that they are in the upper echelon of the league says that they are OVERPERFORMING relative to how they are approaching the season.  What would cause that??  A season of luck?  Superb coaching?  The refs favoring the Caps over other teams?  The Caps having fewer injuries than other teams?  Maybe we need to thank a best-in-the-league training and medical staff?  What, exactly?

Offline DC_1908

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Re: G69 Capitals @ Sabres 7:00pm Mon Mar 9, 2020 NBCSWA, ESPN+, TVAS, MSG-B
« Reply #202 on: Tuesday March 10, 2020, 07:15:34 PM Eastern »

last season I would've given Coach Rearend a pass, but after almost two full seasons of watching this unmotivated squad I don't think he's got what it takes to be a head coach, yet.

Assuredly, this team has had to much success for any yelling or chewing out to have much effect (unless your Trotz or Hunter), Toddy needs to find other ways to challenge them and get their interest back.
What Reidon needs to do is wake this team the fuck up and get some intensity going.

I hate to site the “lines”, but Toodie gives me no choice.  The lines have by and large stayed the same all year.  And when there were changes, they were all but the same changes/subs made before.  This typically creates stagnation and predictably for the opponents.

Granted, GMBetaMale hasn’t given us many players that typically play anything but their “natural” position, but these guys ARE pros and “should” be able to handle flopping sides or a center playing wing.

What about puttin Wilson or Hathaway on the left and putting them out with any center but Kuzy.   Those two could create utter chaos and pure energy.  Let Oshie play with Kovalchuk, or put Eller, Boyd, and Dowd, or even Backstrom together.    Anything to generate a spark, break comfort-zones and confuse the opponents.

I know, people will call me a Detroiter, and that this “The New NHL”,  but Scotty Bowman did this sort of thing all the time, before and during games when he was with the Wings.  It drove some players nuts but the ultimately bought in, and where able stop slumps, create energy, and throw off the opponents.  (Granted, they built a team that by and large could do this)

Even if it didn’t work, it’d be better than it is now.

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Re: G69 Capitals @ Sabres 7:00pm Mon Mar 9, 2020 NBCSWA, ESPN+, TVAS, MSG-B
« Reply #203 on: Tuesday March 10, 2020, 08:21:06 PM Eastern »
Before we all collectively jump off a bridge at last night's game, let's remember that a couple of weeks ago the Pens lost to the Sabres 5-2 in their own building.

They did come back to beat the Sabres in Buffalo last week.  But it shows that all teams have their downers.

Did the Caps look bad last night?  Absolutely.  What I think we don't take into account is that all teams have games where they just don't get going.  And a lot of them have more than the Caps do.  Now a lot of people around here seem to think that the Caps have more talent than anyone else, and it's just their lack of motivation that keeps them from running completely roughshod over the league.  I don't buy that.  The Caps' core, while good, is aging, and for the past decade they have been drafting mostly toward the bottom of the league because of their success, so other teams have been getting the primo talent.  I'd say the Caps are in the upper echelon of the league with respect to talent, except on the blue line, but head and shoulders above everybody???  Nah, I don't think so.  So if the Caps ARE in the upper echelon of the league talent-wise and not spread-eagling the field, then their record has them right where their talent level says they should be, no more, no less.  Or to look at it another way:   If the Caps commitment is so much more terrible than other teams' so that it is dragging them down relative to other teams, then the fact that they are in the upper echelon of the league says that they are OVERPERFORMING relative to how they are approaching the season.  What would cause that??  A season of luck?  Superb coaching?  The refs favoring the Caps over other teams?  The Caps having fewer injuries than other teams?  Maybe we need to thank a best-in-the-league training and medical staff?  What, exactly?
They’re comfortable.

They assuredly can assume that they can play lackadaisical with minimal intensity most of the game, and then turn it up and get back in it or eek out a win.  This losing spell shows that is now becoming less effect.

Ovie is on pace for 58 goals and could hit 60, thats the priority.  Everything else comes second

Offline Mickstix

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Re: G69 Capitals @ Sabres 7:00pm Mon Mar 9, 2020 NBCSWA, ESPN+, TVAS, MSG-B
« Reply #204 on: Tuesday March 10, 2020, 11:06:17 PM Eastern »
Yea, Caps are unmotivated.. They may not have the -best- talent in the league, but they've got more than a bunch of these teams that are just out playing them.

  Anything to generate a spark, break comfort-zones and confuse the opponents.

The whole organization is allergic to that stuff.. Kempny should be watching a few games.  They treating him like he's their #1 goalie or something.  :rofl: 
Who knows why they won't try some actual mixed up lines. Afraid they'll play bad and drop a point I guess.. Or hurt someones feels. lol

Offline Surreylily

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Re: G69 Capitals @ Sabres 7:00pm Mon Mar 9, 2020 NBCSWA, ESPN+, TVAS, MSG-B
« Reply #205 on: Wednesday March 11, 2020, 09:32:09 PM Eastern »
Oh stop it.
kovy een

Kovy has been rubbish... :O=
I am

Offline Surreylily

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Re: G69 Capitals @ Sabres 7:00pm Mon Mar 9, 2020 NBCSWA, ESPN+, TVAS, MSG-B
« Reply #206 on: Wednesday March 11, 2020, 09:34:54 PM Eastern »
Yea, Caps are unmotivated.. They may not have the -best- talent in the league, but they've got more than a bunch of these teams that are just out playing them.

The whole organization is allergic to that stuff.. Kempny should be watching a few games.  They treating him like he's their #1 goalie or something.  :rofl: 
Who knows why they won't try some actual mixed up lines. Afraid they'll play bad and drop a point I guess.. Or hurt someones feels. lolEven I don't get that....     :snicker:

I am


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Re: G69 Capitals @ Sabres 7:00pm Mon Mar 9, 2020 NBCSWA, ESPN+, TVAS, MSG-B
« Reply #207 on: Thursday March 12, 2020, 02:48:16 AM Eastern »
Before we all collectively jump off a bridge at last night's game, let's remember that a couple of weeks ago the Pens lost to the Sabres 5-2 in their own building.

They did come back to beat the Sabres in Buffalo last week.  But it shows that all teams have their downers.

Did the Caps look bad last night?  Absolutely.  What I think we don't take into account is that all teams have games where they just don't get going.  And a lot of them have more than the Caps do.  Now a lot of people around here seem to think that the Caps have more talent than anyone else, and it's just their lack of motivation that keeps them from running completely roughshod over the league.  I don't buy that.  The Caps' core, while good, is aging, and for the past decade they have been drafting mostly toward the bottom of the league because of their success, so other teams have been getting the primo talent.  I'd say the Caps are in the upper echelon of the league with respect to talent, except on the blue line, but head and shoulders above everybody???  Nah, I don't think so.  So if the Caps ARE in the upper echelon of the league talent-wise and not spread-eagling the field, then their record has them right where their talent level says they should be, no more, no less.  Or to look at it another way:   If the Caps commitment is so much more terrible than other teams' so that it is dragging them down relative to other teams, then the fact that they are in the upper echelon of the league says that they are OVERPERFORMING relative to how they are approaching the season.  What would cause that??  A season of luck?  Superb coaching?  The refs favoring the Caps over other teams?  The Caps having fewer injuries than other teams?  Maybe we need to thank a best-in-the-league training and medical staff?  What, exactly?

Very clear and succinct comment on the issue Black!👍
I say that, first to give you props on your explanation, and second, as a result, I want you to know I fully comprehend where you’re coming from on the issue!

I’d like to respond on several fronts:

1) Caps “commitment level”, RELATIVE to other NHL teams.

2) The DIFFERENCES of how fans deal/react to the “commitment level” issue.

3) The areas of both agreement, and disagreement, that we may have. (I feel that this issue is a little deeper than just the surface matter of it)!

For #1, firstly, I, am ABSOLUTELY NOT in the group of those fans that feel the Caps “commitment level” issue, is UNIQUE to the Caps, OR, “so much more terrible than other teams”, as you’ve ascribed to a number of fans in your post.
I AGREE WITH YOU, that some fans DO have that viewpoint, as well, but as you CORRECTLY point out, you can see it in many other teams all over the league,  and I don’t particularly think that OURS is any

For #2, the ways that CAPS fans react to the CAPS “commitment level”, are as varying as the stars! Some accept it, and roll with it, rationalizing, FOR THEMSELVES, that it is LEAGUE WIDE, not much to do about it, recalling many of the REASONS YOU STATE, and are therefore, able to remain less frustrated about it, maintaining the enjoyment of the season, AS THEY SEE FIT!

From your comments, I believe you are more toward this type, where the RELATIVITY of this issue, has much significance, and gives cause for a TRULY DECENT reason for a more accepting understanding of it!
FYI, I do SINCERELY think it’s a perfectly plausible, and justifiable way for it to be handled! Just don’t agree with that part of it really, at all!

I, on the other hand, while agreeing with you that OTHER TEAMS, also have commitment level issues, the fact that it’s RELATIVE, with other teams, DOES NOT have ANY significance as far as I’m concerned!
I do NOT desire to “brush away”, or “be ok” with it, (as some other fans do), because the CHARACTER of who MY TEAM, that I’m a fan of.....ACTUALLY MATTERS A LOT!!

The CAPS are the team I put my VERY personal time, MONEY, and emotion into!
On a much GREATER level, it’s quite similar to the way PARENTS, act towards their children, by committing personal time, money, emotion, etc, all wrapped up in a big bundle they call LOVING their children!

So please follow me here, on a  much smaller scale, as most Caps fans, similarly, LOVE their team!

So the logic goes, that just like the parent of a 5th grader, who received an “F”, on a test, in class, DOES NOT, suddenly become “OK with it”, simply because some of the OTHER classmates, ALSO got an “F”, so RELATIVELY SPEAKING, it’s not so bad!!
NO, NO, NO!!

I’m not personally condemning your view, Black, nor am I trying to insinuate that you, and other fans like you, don’t love your TEAM! Not going to go there, and it’s not my job, OR my purpose!

 I am asking you however to consider the larger picture of RELATIVISM, imagining the scenario, where more and more parents, started to accept, or begin the process of “becoming OK” with their children’s poor performance,.....“as long as they finish fifth grade“!
Where the LOWERING of educational standards, are implemented, ever so gradually, over many years, to accommodate lesser “commitment levels”, from those SAME PARENTS, concerning their child’s education!!

I got news for ya, Black, ITS ALREADY HERE! And it’s in the NHL too!!

We’ve been slowly whittled down, over many, many, seasons, as fans of NHL teams, to the point of actually hearing HEAD COACHES, FREELY ADMIT, even exhibiting cavalier attitudes, while saying, “ just didn’t have the commitment level tonight”, or some other wordy version of the same!!

 I don’t know if you are, Black, but I AM,  fortunate enough to have been watching sports long enough, where having an “effort“ issue, literally almost NEVER HAPPENED, on the field/ice, etc.!

There are many, generally older folks, just like me, who have experienced, and seen it, with their own eyes.  So there is a true reference, to not only it’s possibility, but the actual existence of a time, where it  would have been unheard of for ANY pro athlete, to not give their full effort, all the time!

Yes, I get frustrated at the attitude of “commitment level” from many of today’s athletes, because WHAT, I choose to commit my time to, is important, as is the personal time of OTHERS, being also important!

 Who in the hell would be proud or their teams Stanley Cup victory, if they KNEW in their hearts, that their team was actually full of low effort, pussified, spoiled, cry babies!  Then proudly claiming, “well, at least, all the other teams players have bad attitudes too”!
YES, sadly, there are those who would be ok with it!  But there are also MANY, who would not!  I am in the tribe of the latter!

 Because, What it means to me, is that it CHEAPENS the value of the trophy, not only for those fans who appreciate and applaud their teams INTEGRITY, and DEDICATION to PROFESSIONALISM, at the highest levels,....
....but how about the deep history of all the great teams of the past, who didn’t have “commitment level issues”, but instead, busted their asses, gave it their ALL, every second they were on the ice, and were  PROFESSIONAL CHAMPIONS, in every sense of the word!

 You’ll pardon those of us, who don’t WANT to be SOLD on the idea of how to accept, and learn HOW to live with, these “lesser commitment levels”!

 Me, and my IMPERFECT self, although never expecting to achieve it, will push for excellence, for myself, my family, and those things I’ve chosen to devote my precious time to!
This is absolutely NOT, to claim that I’ve never given a “lesser commitment level”, when doing something in life!  Of course I have, many many times!  I’m just not going to propose that I should EVER be OK with it!  Which is not to be confused with learning to accept oneself as they are, but that’s a different subject!

 I do realize, and “take into account“, as the first part of your post says, that OTHER TEAMS, also have effort level issues!  It’s just doesn’t change anything, for me, that “others“ do it too!

That’s just fine, for another, FANS/(parents),  TEAM/(5th grader)!

 In closing, I recognize, Black, that the fans that are able to “move on“, through the lesser effort issues, in a less emotional way than I, are no less, or more, of a fan than I am, in all the facets of being a fan.  Obviously, there is no “right way“ to be a fan of the Washington Capitals!
 I’ve given the reasons above, for the sole purpose of explaining how I arrived at feeling the way I do!
I also understand through your post, as I said earlier, how you arrived at your thoughts too!
 That’s really what these forums are all about anyway, IMO!
 So certainly, nothing personal at all!

Peace, and LETS GO CAPS!!



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