This has been a fun thread.
I've really enjoyed and appreciated your company tonight. Thank you.
Now I'm going to go back to ... was it Puck's link about gender...? The whole LGBT....
Actually..... before I go there, let me tell you a true story.
A bloke once tried to fuck me up the arse. I flipped over real quick and asked him if he was gay. He said not. So I asked him why he wanted to fuck me up the arse when I had a perfectly servicable fanny.... ((that's front bottom to you Yanks). He couldn't answer me. That was a very short romance.
How many of you like to fuck your wives, girlfriends, sheep... up the arse.......... Why?
You’re a hoot Lil! 😂🤣😂
Hoot, here in the states, is sort of when somebody does something unexpectedly hilarious, and those observing are just left with a jaw-dropping WOW!!
Props to you, for letting down your hair a bit here, on the board, And being brave enough, to just GO FOR IT !!
Since you’ve opened the door, 👍, I’ll answer your posts question!😁
So, when I was 19, our band had just finished a gig in Washington DC, and an older, but quite attractive lady, approached me, as I was breaking down my gear!
She asked if I wanted to go for a drink, afterwards, blah blah blah, to make a long story short, I ended up at her house, in her bedroom, at around 4 AM!
She was 32 years old, which seems very old to a 19 year old, at the time. She was a full-time Hairdresser, at a big salon in Alexandria Virginia. She actually had a silver, ‘76, or ‘77, Corvette, and allowed me to drive her to her house in it! ( which I thought was WAY TO COOL!).
I was not that experienced yet, but SHE sure fuckin’ was!! HOLY MOLY!! And I was unexpectedly treated to let’s just say, A LOT of VARIETY!! 😁😁 Man, did I ever get happily schooled, that night!!🤪🤪
So cutting to the chase, After several hours of flat out, exhausting each other, we took a short pause, poured some wine, the sun had already been up for a while now, and she said she wanted to ask me a question!!
Of course, she asked, if I’d ever done it with a girl in the back end? I was about to answer “no“, when she just interrupted saying, “ because it absolutely drives me wild, do you want me to help you try it?” ( she totally knew I wasn’t as experienced as her, and I believe she actually preferred that!)
Mustering up my courage, I said “sure“, but I actually felt a little nervous!
After some “preparation“, on her part, which I really didn’t quite understand at the time ,LOL, (but thank God she did, in hindsight!) 😂😂😁 Well....slowly, but surely, we actually DID IT!!
And as she had promised, SHE went crazy, of course, in a good way!
Although I was “happy”😂, for her....I, myself, WASN’T quite as “happy”, in the scenario. She also couldn’t see my face, because she was on her knees, and I obviously behind her!
I’m certainly not bragging when I say that I “maintained myself”, for her, until she finished! After all, I was a very young man, and unbeknownst to me at the time, that’s exactly what she wanted me for!!
Ok, so, honestly, during the action of it, in the first couple minutes, it wasn’t too bad! DEFINITELY more “squeeze”, if you will, LOL! The problem was after the first few minutes, and this is a little gross so brace yourself, the bedroom started to get an odor, like when my dad would take a dump in the bathroom!!😆😆😂😂 TRUE!!
At this point I kind of wanted to stop, and move towards finishing this thing, but SHE had started really getting into it, So I just thought to myself, damn, I guess I have to be a “trooper” and just take it for the team!!🤣😂
I did, and, unfortunately for me, the smell of the room escalated, and since she could’nt really see me, well, I just pinched my nose, and let that lady go for it!! (My God, I am in tears, laughing as I type, so I hope you appreciate this, Lily!)
Ok, now we’re done, and SHE says that she wants to lay there, for a minute, and “cool down”, with me still “engaged”! Later, as I grew up I learned that that was actually called “basking in the glow”!
So I obliged, and after a minute or so, she says “OK, now, take it easy when we separate”!
Now, I SLOWLY, withdraw!!....... THIS MOMENT, is the point where I was able to forever, make my decision, on ever doing this again! I will NOT be giving ANY detail here! But you can use your imagination!
It will simply be enough to say, NO WAY, NEVER AGAIN!! Let me just add that I’ve also never been able to bring myself to purchase fudgesicles, at the supermarket, since that day!!!😂😂🤣🤣😂😂
Totally true story! Totally told in FUN!!
AND, I want you to know that I made a very concerted effort to keep the real vulgar words out of the story!! Obviously when I’ve told this story to the fellas, in the past, it was in a much more crude form to say the least! That’s just what young fellas did!!
That took a lot of guts on your part Lily! Me too, if I’m honest!
That was fun, I hope it answered your question LMFAO 😂😂🤣🤣