Author Topic: G41 Islanders @ Capitals 1:00pm Tue Dec 31, 2019 NBCSWA, ESPN+, MSG+  (Read 9373 times)

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Re: G41 Islanders @ Capitals 1:00pm Tue Dec 31, 2019 NBCSWA, ESPN+, MSG+
« Reply #40 on: Tuesday December 31, 2019, 06:47:53 PM Eastern » that he could have the proper amount of time to prepare mentally, get his Hockey is for everyone sweater on, get his pride mantra centered on his being, and so on.   :-\

I see what you did there..  :rofl:

Offline ArJunaZ

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Re: G41 Islanders @ Capitals 1:00pm Tue Dec 31, 2019 NBCSWA, ESPN+, MSG+
« Reply #41 on: Tuesday December 31, 2019, 09:19:08 PM Eastern »

Don't blame Holtby.  Someone should have announced more than 1 hour prior to game time that he was the starter, so that he could have the proper amount of time to prepare mentally, get his Hockey is for everyone sweater on, get his pride mantra centered on his being, and so on.   :-\

Funny!  I was wondering earlier as I read DC's post about Holtby that his LBGT garbage was going to factor into the decision.  I know it affected any respect I had for him as a person.  That shit needs to go back into the closet or the same place I keep my hetero.
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Re: G41 Islanders @ Capitals 1:00pm Tue Dec 31, 2019 NBCSWA, ESPN+, MSG+
« Reply #42 on: Thursday January 02, 2020, 06:42:23 PM Eastern »
Funny!  I was wondering earlier as I read DC's post about Holtby that his LBGT garbage was going to factor into the decision.  I know it affected any respect I had for him as a person.  That shit needs to go back into the closet or the same place I keep my hetero.

Not that this is the thread for it, but.....

I wondered the same thing.  I mean I really have no issue with whomever supporting whatever they feel like supporting, but I am tired of it being forced upon me.  You believe and act as you wish as long as it does not impact me, just as I will believe and behave as I feel is proper as long as it does not affect you.  I realize we all live on a shrinking planet and we must coincide, but this does not mean I have to accept and embrace your beliefs, nor you mine.
I know I am now being a homophobic, racist, old white guy.  And what I find funny about that is that I am the same conservative fair minded even keeled hard working person with the same set of values and beliefs that I have had for pretty much my whole adult life. Thirty years ago, I was normal.  Then it all started changing.  And I am not against change, but I am against the degradation of my culture and society.  I do not have a problem with homosexuality for YOU, but I do not want it taught to my children in public schools as the new normal and I do not wish to be a part of it.  I do not want it taught that there are more than two genders....simply because there are not.  Twenty years ago, I also apparently became a racist -  because I don't believe black or yellow or brown any any color people should have MORE rights than I do.  Ten years ago I guess I became a homophobe because I don't wish my children to accept that gay or trans-gender is normal.  You can have different values than those I have, but you cannot force yours on me or my children.  Nor do I believe ANY special interest group should have MORE or different rights than any other group.  I do not care if YOU are gay or trans-gendered or confused.  Or if you are black or white or whatever.  I do care if you are criminal.  I care when you are a low life scumbag.  I care when you force me to accept it as the new normal and it goes against what I freely believe, and my religion and my healthcare, and my tax base, and my personal/family safety, and so on and so on.

I have not changed my sex or my gender nor am I confused about it.  And I can accept that you are perplexed or confused about yours (and that you apparently missed grade school biology), but that does not mean I should have to alter my country and culture to accept everyone's ever changing ideas.  Just as I don't wish to support you just because you are too lazy or too stoned or to depressed to work.  I recognize there are legitimate problems and struggles and depression is a real health issue, as is drug addiction and alcoholism.  I don't believe that poor choices made by others should be my responsibility or tax burden to solve.

I was talking to a guy about the same age as me while I was in Florida (no, it wasn't mick).  We are of the same age, but not quite like minded.  He has had some minor troubles with the law in recent years due to .....let's say his....liberal ideas of the use and sale of some...."natural herbs" as well as his habit of driving while not quote sober.  Overall a decent enough fellow, but not the type of character I wish to be, nor does he exhibit the behavior or lifestyle that I wish any of my teenage sons to be influenced by or to emulate.  So I asked him about his stance on legalizing Marijuana and what he thought about it and his second DUI offense (in five years) and so on.  His response was that he said of all the people he know who had a drug problem (and there are many)....nearly all really didn't have a drug problem, but they had a "cop" problem.  That it was usually a cop that caused the problem, not the illegal drugs or the persons partaking in the use (and distribuition) of the illegal drugs that caused the problem.  :huh:
That my friend, is idiotic.  You can believe what you want about the effects of drugs and alcohol, but if the law is. .08 and you blow a 1.5 while driving, that is NOT the cops fault.  And if you know the weed is illegal, and you are pulled over because you exhibit symptoms of DUI, and blow a 1.5 BAL, and henceforth have your car searched and you just happen to be carrying a bag of weed WAY too big to be suitable to treat your glaucoma, that my friend, is NOT the cops fault.  I don't have a problem if you want to smoke...whatever.  I don't have a problem if you want to get drunk.  Just don't do either or both and then drive, and if you do, don't blame someone else for the consequences of your actions.
The same fellows suggests that legalizing weed would be better for everyone.  I disagree.  It would be better for SOME people and some lifestyles, but not for EVERYONE.  You can argue with me the long term health effects of weed forever, but you cannot tell me that the use of weed does not lead to OTHER drugs or that I should encourage my 15 year old to go ahead and smoke weed because it has not health effect.  Um, I suggest that the memory loss and overall attitude of your stoner may not necessarily have a long term health effect, but that it WILL in fact have a long term impact on your health when you can't focus and learn because of the drug use, when you can't acquire or hold down a decent job because you can't keep a drivers license or pass a drug test.  These things DO have long term effects on both you and ME. 

He says Brazil has legalized everything...all drugs, and that the result is less crime, less arrests, less poverty, less problems with everything.  (Well first off, check your fact source, because drugs are illegal in Brazil), but Ahem....BRAZIL is your fucking evidence for legalizing drugs?  One of the most currently corrupt and declining countries on the planet.  This is the model you wish to follow?  I am sure none of the drug cartels down there feel ANYONE has a drug problem, and all those busted and in trouble simply had a "bad" cop problem.  I suggest you fucking move to Brazil my friend and walk down the street in a poor neighborhood with a big bag of your legal weed and a big wad of cash in your pocket (and NO GUN for heavens sake) and see what effect that has on your health dipshit.  And dress in women's clothes while you are at it for all I care.

Rant done

Go Caps


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Re: G41 Islanders @ Capitals 1:00pm Tue Dec 31, 2019 NBCSWA, ESPN+, MSG+
« Reply #43 on: Thursday January 02, 2020, 10:57:23 PM Eastern »
Excellent RANT, Rich!!👍👍

 Your points , ALL OF THEM,  were very organized, methodical, and put forth in an easily understandable, and straightforward manner!! Thank you!!👍

 Additionally, I disagree with NONE of it!  That is to say I strongly agree with ALL of it!
 So much so, that I have no problem in declaring publicly, on the board here, the following:

 On the off chance, that anyone may actually wonder how I may feel, about ANY of these social issues, affecting society today, (and I’m certainly not urging ANYONE, to waste their time, wondering how I feel, LOL)!

 Simply refer to Rich’s post, (just before this one),  and you’ll have all the information, down to a T, as to EXACTLY how I feel about these same issues!! PERIOD!!
His post could not be more spot on, IMO!

Total Props, Rich, on authoring something of the absolute HIGHEST ORDER, of Common Freakin’ Sense!
So sincere, and near perfect, in its simplicity-dripping LOGIC!!  Void of any attempt at thought manipulation,  leaving the reader DOUBTLESS, that it came from any place on earth, other than where a GOOD man sits, with a damn GOOD heart!!!

 What an awesome way to start the NEW YEAR!!

(Rich has given me NO COMPENSATION for this post) 😂😂🤣🤣👍👍


Always hopeful, yet discontent -
He knows CHANGES aren’t permanent -
              BUT CHANGE IS!!!

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Offline ArJunaZ

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Re: G41 Islanders @ Capitals 1:00pm Tue Dec 31, 2019 NBCSWA, ESPN+, MSG+
« Reply #44 on: Friday January 03, 2020, 02:33:33 AM Eastern »

Not that this is the thread for it, but.....

It seems many of us here have very similar values and concerns about the crazy direction the SJW's have led us with the help of a corrupt and treasonous (to country, humanity, and God) media and government.  I also agree totally with your most excellent post Rich.  The question I ask these days is "why do we tolerate their bullshit"?  I don't!  Look where it has led us too.  It's time to tell them to STFU and leave us alone.

Now for the hockey part:   Go Caps!

BTW, I gave three likes for your post.  I will have to look into why the site let me do that.
Be careful what you ask for America; you just might get it.


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Re: G41 Islanders @ Capitals 1:00pm Tue Dec 31, 2019 NBCSWA, ESPN+, MSG+
« Reply #45 on: Friday January 03, 2020, 11:46:10 PM Eastern »
Thanks AJ!
For my post correction!

Always hopeful, yet discontent -
He knows CHANGES aren’t permanent -
              BUT CHANGE IS!!!

RUSH - from “Tom Sawyer”

Online Mickstix

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Re: G41 Islanders @ Capitals 1:00pm Tue Dec 31, 2019 NBCSWA, ESPN+, MSG+
« Reply #46 on: Saturday January 04, 2020, 12:16:43 AM Eastern »

Not that this is the thread for it, but.....

Damn.. They caught the glaucoma guy??  :snicker: