Author Topic: G35 Capitals @ Blue Jackets 7:00pm Mon Dec 16, 2019 NBCSWA, NHLN, FS-O  (Read 13931 times)

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Re: G35 Capitals @ Blue Jackets 7:00pm Mon Dec 16, 2019 NBCSWA, NHLN, FS-O
« Reply #40 on: Monday December 16, 2019, 09:33:48 PM Eastern »
We've overcome a lot of the bad traits we had years ago, but the one that still sticks with us is that a goalie can get in our heads when he makes a lot of good saves early.  It's like we get so frustrated we don't do the smart things like go hard to the net, set solid screens, bang him a few times, etc.  Instead we say, "ok, I'm going to show you I can still snipe it by you."  That don't work when a guy is really in the zone.  Like Einstein's definition of insanity.
This team is currently allergic to net front presence. We try to score cute goals most every time.

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Re: G35 Capitals @ Blue Jackets 7:00pm Mon Dec 16, 2019 NBCSWA, NHLN, FS-O
« Reply #41 on: Monday December 16, 2019, 09:44:47 PM Eastern »

burn the tape and move on
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Re: G35 Capitals @ Blue Jackets 7:00pm Mon Dec 16, 2019 NBCSWA, NHLN, FS-O
« Reply #42 on: Monday December 16, 2019, 09:44:48 PM Eastern »
Well that sucked !!

1st Period
11:32  Jackets GOAL Robinson, assists Texier & Savard   1-0 CBJ

2nd Period

3rd Period
00:32  Jackets GOAL Bjorkstrand, assists Nyquist & Jenner   2-0 CBJ
08:45  Jackets GOAL Bjorkstrand, assists Harrington & Peeke   3-0 CBJ

FINAL:    3-0 CBJ
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Re: G35 Capitals @ Blue Jackets 7:00pm Mon Dec 16, 2019 NBCSWA, NHLN, FS-O
« Reply #43 on: Monday December 16, 2019, 09:45:45 PM Eastern »
Glad that's over. Fucking ugly.. I know you can't win em all and all that shit, but damn.. Got our ass kicked for 60 straight minutes.  That shits unacceptable, I don't care what your record is or who your playing. Straight up clownshit..  :uh-huh:

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Re: G35 Capitals @ Blue Jackets 7:00pm Mon Dec 16, 2019 NBCSWA, NHLN, FS-O
« Reply #44 on: Monday December 16, 2019, 09:46:32 PM Eastern »
great news everyone...  the Caps play the Blue Jackets again in 10 days
Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

Online Mickstix

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Re: G35 Capitals @ Blue Jackets 7:00pm Mon Dec 16, 2019 NBCSWA, NHLN, FS-O
« Reply #45 on: Monday December 16, 2019, 09:47:05 PM Eastern »
great news everyone...  the Caps play the Blue Jackets again in 10 days
Can't fucking wait.  :clown: :poop:

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Re: G35 Capitals @ Blue Jackets 7:00pm Mon Dec 16, 2019 NBCSWA, NHLN, FS-O
« Reply #46 on: Monday December 16, 2019, 10:03:04 PM Eastern »


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Re: G35 Capitals @ Blue Jackets 7:00pm Mon Dec 16, 2019 NBCSWA, NHLN, FS-O
« Reply #47 on: Monday December 16, 2019, 10:25:43 PM Eastern »

maybe, but I think he and Boyd are the most versatile exchanges.

Panik is on everyone's watch list, but I really don't think the Caps want to give up on him.

I do really like the fourth line with Dowd on it though.  Boyd has more offensive touch but I think the Lepper/Dowd/Hathy line has really good chemistry and they are definitely tough to play against.  The three of them together are pretty abrasive.


I agree Rich.
Scratching Panik, although probably the more valid choice, if based on current, individual merit, remains on third line because they are in more need of “chemistry time”, partly due to not having as much time to play together, due to earlier injuries and such, and also partly due to the fact that the fourth line, has the obvious overabundance of chemistry!!👍

To put Boyd on the 3rd, risks continuing too much toying around with that line!  It is worth noting that I’m sure the coaches keep in the back of their mind that it’s not so much that Panik has earned his third line spot,  but that he’s simply in a more favorable circumstance!

Whereas the practice of flip-flopping Dowd and Boyd, at 4th C, is a more seamless, and less disruptive move.  It was done all last year, both players are used to it, and there’s not that much appreciable difference between them, historically, in this role!  Although in the overall I believe Dowd has a slight edge in getting the nod!

IMO,  Dowd, specifically with Leipsic, and Hathaway, seems to have the singular better fit, and energy, that matches those two, then does Boyd, and that’s not taking anything away from Boyd at all.

 As far as tonight‘s game, Torts, and his Jackets, don’t seem to be that good of a collective team, but do seem to have our number this year!  Capitals actually had many good scoring chances, Even though they seemed generally a bit flat footed at both ends of the ice.

 Capitals PowerPlay seems to be in a bit of a rut!  I’m noticing the more frequent use of that stupid “slingshot“ set up that we do, but I’m not ready to count that as contributing to the PP drought yet. Ovechkin seems to have been a little off in his shots, just in the last couple games. Most likely just temporary

[/size][size=78%] Give the jackets goalie a lot of credit, and also their skaters taking advantage of Holtby not looking sharp tonight!![/size]

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Re: G35 Capitals @ Blue Jackets 7:00pm Mon Dec 16, 2019 NBCSWA, NHLN, FS-O
« Reply #48 on: Monday December 16, 2019, 11:37:28 PM Eastern »
Good grief. I've seen it all now.. "Pride Night"  Just what the NHL needs..

Thanks Mick!! Totally agree!

I just don’t understand why, the need to focus emphasis on someone’s sexual preference, as something to be honored at an NHL hockey game!

Veterans? - I get it.
Physically or mentally handicapped? - I get it.
Family Day? - I get it.
Hetero, OR Homo, sexual choice? - WHY??? Why a PLATFORM for this???

I don’t expect even ONE Capitals fan, at the arena, to have to CONSIDER, whether they want to sit through a small ceremony, honoring the fact that I LIKE PUSSY!!!  I’m absolutely certain that NOBODY CARES!!

 So, by the same token, I don’t expect even ONE capitals fan, at the arena, to have to CONSIDER, whether they want to sit through a ceremony, honoring the fact that some LOVE RECTUMS, MOUTHS, FEET, DONKEYS, LLAMAS, or KITCHEN SINKS, or any other sexual preference someone may have!!  Go ahead and propose marriage to your frickin toilet, for all I care!!👍  just don’t force a ceremony about it, at an NHL hockey game!!😂😂😁

 It should NOT be a subject, (hetero OR homo, sexual preference), that is even put on the playing field for consideration, as something to be honored, or NOT be honored, at a public event, Period!! End of story!!

 Whatever anybody’s sexual preference is, people are free to choose in this country.  You allow my choice, and I allow yours, in a free society, as a PRIVATE matter!!
Just as the generally accepted matter of SEXUAL RELATIONS, between individuals, is a PRIVATE MATTER!!

The day that yours, or my own, SEXUAL RELATIONS, become something that the GENERAL PUBLIC, can access, without my permission, ( in other words, becomes a public matter, not a private matter), THEN, and only then, should legislation begin to be allowed to govern these matters!

 We can support whatever, “causes“, we choose!  And just like most activities in life, there is a TIME, and a PLACE for it!

 I just so happen to support the Washington Capitals of the National Hockey League!  There is a pre-determined TIME, and PLACE, for me to show my support!!
I don’t go stand in line at my bank, at 10 AM on a Thursday, wearing a Caps sweater, having a cold beer in my hand, and repeatedly yelling “let’s go caps“, and “unleash the fury”, for a few hours!!😂🤣 Believe it or not I’m actually there to deposit a check!

 My point is logical, simple, and straight!!(Pardon the pun)!😁😁


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RUSH - from “Tom Sawyer”


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Re: G35 Capitals @ Blue Jackets 7:00pm Mon Dec 16, 2019 NBCSWA, NHLN, FS-O
« Reply #49 on: Monday December 16, 2019, 11:57:05 PM Eastern »
We've overcome a lot of the bad traits we had years ago, but the one that still sticks with us is that a goalie can get in our heads when he makes a lot of good saves early.  It's like we get so frustrated we don't do the smart things like go hard to the net, set solid screens, bang him a few times, etc.  Instead we say, "ok, I'm going to show you I can still snipe it by you."  That don't work when a guy is really in the zone.  Like Einstein's definition of insanity.

Excellent point, Apace!

 Some of our superstars, and the team generally, are so talented that they become accustomed to almost being able to score at will. And actually this is not completely inaccurate!

 But it does seem, as you say, that when a goalie puts a few really good saves in a row on us,It starts to mentally bother some of our guys, and they give into the weaker mentality of trying to force things to happen!
 This rarely works, ever, even for the most talented players!
 And like you said it’s a sign that they’ve gotten into our heads!
 One of the chinks in our armor, that has been around for quite a while!!

Always hopeful, yet discontent -
He knows CHANGES aren’t permanent -
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RUSH - from “Tom Sawyer”

Online Mickstix

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Re: G35 Capitals @ Blue Jackets 7:00pm Mon Dec 16, 2019 NBCSWA, NHLN, FS-O
« Reply #50 on: Tuesday December 17, 2019, 09:48:54 AM Eastern »
Well shit, guess it wasn't the bourbon.. We actually did get our ass kicked for the entire game, again..  :huh: :rofl: 

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Re: G35 Capitals @ Blue Jackets 7:00pm Mon Dec 16, 2019 NBCSWA, NHLN, FS-O
« Reply #51 on: Tuesday December 17, 2019, 12:17:54 PM Eastern »
Well shit, guess it wasn't the bourbon.. We actually did get our ass kicked for the entire game, again..  :huh: :rofl:

yea, but overall the Caps are still doing well, every other team in the league has laid a couple eggs, if not more

Caps are 24-6-5 with 53 points, Boston is closest with 48 points and the Islanders have dropped back to 46 points, everyone else is 10 or more points behind. luckily the Blue Jackets are having an awful year with 32 points so it's unlikely the Caps will see Columbus in the post season
Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

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Re: G35 Capitals @ Blue Jackets 7:00pm Mon Dec 16, 2019 NBCSWA, NHLN, FS-O
« Reply #52 on: Tuesday December 17, 2019, 10:16:12 PM Eastern »
So I pretty much slept through part of the third period (like many of the Caps)

Anything to come the the "wilson hit" near the end of the game.  I heard the Columbus talking head say "Wilson comes up high on the hit" - Freakin guy should be ashamed of himself starting that shit.


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Re: G35 Capitals @ Blue Jackets 7:00pm Mon Dec 16, 2019 NBCSWA, NHLN, FS-O
« Reply #53 on: Tuesday December 17, 2019, 10:55:23 PM Eastern »
So I pretty much slept through part of the third period (like many of the Caps)

Anything to come the the "wilson hit" near the end of the game.  I heard the Columbus talking head say "Wilson comes up high on the hit" - Freakin guy should be ashamed of himself starting that shit.

the league has said nothing, which is good
Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

Online Mickstix

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Re: G35 Capitals @ Blue Jackets 7:00pm Mon Dec 16, 2019 NBCSWA, NHLN, FS-O
« Reply #54 on: Wednesday December 18, 2019, 12:28:56 AM Eastern »

blah blah blah, blah blah, the Blue Jackets are having an awful year with 32 points so it's unlikely the Caps will see Columbus in the post season

There ya go, fixed that for ya!  :snicker:

As for Wilson, iirc he might of left his feet a bit but the hit otherwise was clean. (best I can remember, being on the sauce and all)  :raspberry:

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Re: G35 Capitals @ Blue Jackets 7:00pm Mon Dec 16, 2019 NBCSWA, NHLN, FS-O
« Reply #55 on: Wednesday December 18, 2019, 10:13:16 AM Eastern »

There ya go, fixed that for ya!  :snicker:

As for Wilson, iirc he might of left his feet a bit but the hit otherwise was clean. (best I can remember, being on the sauce and all)  :raspberry:

if you really watch the game, not just the Caps but every team, on the good hard bone crunching hits the guy hitting always leaves his feet just a little bit
Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

Online Mickstix

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Re: G35 Capitals @ Blue Jackets 7:00pm Mon Dec 16, 2019 NBCSWA, NHLN, FS-O
« Reply #56 on: Wednesday December 18, 2019, 07:45:43 PM Eastern »
Yea, it looked fairly routine imo..