Author Topic: The Calm Before the Storm  (Read 277485 times)

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Offline ArJunaZ

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #540 on: Saturday April 25, 2020, 04:24:42 AM Eastern »
So you think you can trust the government, or even any other highly regarded national or international institution?  Please tell me you are not a fool. Among twenty-two million, three hundred thousand five hundred and forty one facts in my head collected on the deep state over the last 55 years and in case you don't already know the world is nothing remotely close to what is advertised and implanted in our brains since birth. I would like to show you a little peek at just how fucking weird the world has gotten. A piece that most people would never consider possible, especially here in the good ole free USA.
Check out these 2 patents owned by AT&T for 8 years.

"Let's see, what should the (NWO) Internet routing policies for biological hosts be. We should patent this BTW."
They are setting up the technology to control probably your every bodily function at any time from anywhere. Quite a bit of power for your telecom company.Realistically, under what context could that sound ethical, legal, moral?

If you read the past the headers into the meat you will find they are matter of factly talking about the protocols for activation each region of the human brain.

" but the biological host 24 may be any animal or other living organism. Whatever the biological host 24, science has shown that electrical signals are transmitted throughout the brain and body. Neuroscientists, for example, have shown that neurological signals 28 are transmitted along the neurological area network 20 in the brain. Medical science has also shown that biological signals 30 are transmitted throughout the body of the biological host 24. The biological signals 30, for example, are transmitted between the tissue, cells, organs, and nervous system in the biological host 24. As science continues to advance, the brain can be considered its own separate network (hence the neurological area network 20) that sends and receives the neurological signals 28. The body, too, may be considered its own separate body area network 22 that sends and receives the biological signals 30."

Exactly what kind of business is AT&T a part of that has an upcoming need to use/license/sell Technology that needs to manipulate any biological being through obviously some means of getting the control signals to the"routers"

This is 100% real U.S. patent. The link is below.  If you don't read it you would miss the part where is states the patent was filed in 2012. It was granted in 2018. The patent says it expires in 2035 and is now active.  So what could require this scifi insanity?  In case you want to assume they are speaking of non-human biological hosts then here is figure 2 of 5 in this patent, which will make pretty clear what they are speaking of.

Routing policies for biological hosts

And in case that wasn't enough; here is a related patent, also owned by AT&T with nearly identical event dates, except the Routing Policies one had a special "adjusted expiration" date..

Methods, systems, and products for interfacing with neurological and biological networks
"AbstractMethods, systems, and products provide interfaces between intrahost networks and interhost networks within biological hosts. Neuroregional translations are performed to route communications to and from the biological hosts. Bioregional translations may also be performed to route communications to and from the biological hosts."

They've been "CHANNELing" information over your TV set and through Hollywood movies for your entire life for many/most of you. The PROGRAMing that you were being influence with and which for the most part built your entire world view Never mind that magic wands are made out of wood from the Holly tree.  These people have been programming you and have cast a spell on the entire planet. Don't forget that very few large companies own Hollywood. Only 6 corporations own 95% of all new media in the USA, including local and national TV News, local and nationals newspapers, and they've invested deeply in skewing reality on the latest medium, the Internet.

  • 5G (I began my career as an a electronics professional then moving to a top computer professional). This radiation is very toxic to the human body. Check the death (cancer) rates of TSA agents working near those millimeter wave sensors. IMO you should always opt for the pat down. I used to work up close and personal with Navy air search radar equipment that output a quarter million watts of energy, which quickly gave me migraine headaches which I continued experiencing for decades after I got  out.
  • Nanobots (Already inside you from vaccines, chemtrails, and God knows what other experiments they have devised and succeeded with to form an intimate connection with your body. Even the devils favorite, Bill Gates has been speaking openly every day for the past two weeks about you with a chip that could be used to monitor your location and whether you've been forcibly vaccinated with the Covid-119 vaccine.  Do a little research on the devastation caused in India and Africa by the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. They have been banned from numerous countries for decimating their young people with vaccines. Many died from these vaccines and many hundreds of thousands crippled and/or damaged severely. These countries realized these were not meant to help them and kicked them out. Did you know Bill Gates is the second largest contributor to the World Health Organization, second only to the US?. Well at least he was until President Trump stopped funding to the WHO last week for reasons of their unknown allegiance.
  • Emotional, physical, spiritual? control of human individuals or entire populations.
  • Chinese style social credit system cashless society that can instantly use artificial intelligence and every bit of information ever collected about you since likely even before your birth. In China you can't buy a bottle of water without being a vassal of and with the approval of the state.
Soon you will no longer earn wages for establishing your worth.  You will be billed against the value of your own energy output as it relates to the energy you've consumed in the food or others products you consume. They will be able to monitor the movements of your body every second of your life so that an AI computer somewhere can decide if you are worth continuing on as a member of planet Earth.

In all the decades I've been heavily researching for truth I keep finding the same names, organizations and connections between them coming up.  This is a small group of very smart secretive beings with a vast knowledge of psychology.  We are in their eyes vastly inferior cattle to them to be used in any fashion or be killed as they see fit.

Now that you may have more free time to ponder the world it may be worth challenging every concept you've ever been implanted with.
« Last Edit: Tuesday April 28, 2020, 03:47:29 AM Eastern by ArJunaZ »
Be careful what you ask for America; you just might get it.

Offline richkrt99

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #541 on: Monday April 27, 2020, 05:22:38 PM Eastern »
Okay, this is my gut response based on 10 minutes of "research"
What I first noticed and find somewhat ironic is the list on names on the patent:
1 Li = Chinese
2 Meuninck = German?
3 Miller = could be Jew or could be English/Scottish or could be German derivative (Meuller)
4 Pratt (which is a English nickname for clever trickster)
5 Schroeter = North German (East Prussia)
6 Behzad Shahraray = Iranian

(they forgot to include both a Latino name AND a women's name to make this list properly P.C.)

what's funny (not) is:
I googled one individual name on the patent (Bhezad Shahraray) and he holds 126 patents all for AT&T and if you start reading what they are for, they generally cover creating/manipulating/identifying data, video and indexing and retrieving content.  Now after reading through ( :yawn: ) about 5 of these and you apply the term "mind control" to's pretty...interesting

I'm pretty that sure when they develop the first "memory chip" implant to enhance your memory, that AJ will be the very first in line to volunteer for one  :raspberry:


Offline richkrt99

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #542 on: Monday April 27, 2020, 05:27:02 PM Eastern »

Will someone please give me the blue pill and plug me back in as someone rich and famous.

on second thought....scratch the famous (never cared about it), and I've been "Rich" most of my life. :raspberry:   I could withstand being a great hockey player though.


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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #543 on: Monday April 27, 2020, 07:17:51 PM Eastern »
Hehehehe here comes the hypocrisy parade,  grab some popcorn & beer
I will give Sleepy Joe this, that broad looked hot in the 90s! A lot hotter than Monica

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #544 on: Monday April 27, 2020, 08:19:34 PM Eastern »
So you think you can trust the government, or even any other highly regarded national or international institution?  Please tell me you are not a fool. Among twenty-two million, three hundred thousand five hundred and forty one facts in my head collected on the deep state over the last 55 years and in case you don't already know the world is nothing remotely close to what is advertised and implanted in our brains since birth. I would like to show you a little peek at just how fucking weird the world has gotten. A piece that most people would never consider possible, especially here in the good ole free USA.
Check out these 2 patents owned by AT&T for 8 years.

"Let's see, what should the (NWO) Internet routing policies for biological hosts be. We should patent this BTW."They are setting up the technology to control probably your every bodily function at any time from anywhere. Quite a bit of power for your telecom company.
Realistically, under what context could that sound ethical, legal, moral?

If you read the past the headers into the meat you will find they are matter of factly talking about the protocols for activation each region of the human brain.

" but the biological host 24 may be any animal or other living organism. Whatever the biological host 24, science has shown that electrical signals are transmitted throughout the brain and body. Neuroscientists, for example, have shown that neurological signals 28 are transmitted along the neurological area network 20 in the brain. Medical science has also shown that biological signals 30 are transmitted throughout the body of the biological host 24. The biological signals 30, for example, are transmitted between the tissue, cells, organs, and nervous system in the biological host 24. As science continues to advance, the brain can be considered its own separate network (hence the neurological area network 20) that sends and receives the neurological signals 28. The body, too, may be considered its own separate body area network 22 that sends and receives the biological signals 30."

Exactly what kind of business is AT&T a part of that has an upcoming need to use/license/sell Technology that needs to manipulate any biological being through obviously some means of getting the control signals to the"routers"

This is 100% real U.S. patent. The link is below.  If you don't read it you would miss the part where is states the patent was filed in 2012. It was granted in 2018. The patent says it expires in 2035 and is now active.  So what could require this scifi insanity?  In case you want to assume they are speaking of non-human biological hosts then here is figure 2 of 5 in this patent, which will make pretty clear what they are speaking of.

Routing policies for biological hosts
And in case that wasn't enough; here is a related patent, also owned by AT&T with nearly identical event dates, except the Routing Policies one had a special "adjusted expiration" date..

Methods, systems, and products for interfacing with neurological and biological networks
"AbstractMethods, systems, and products provide interfaces between intrahost networks and interhost networks within biological hosts. Neuroregional translations are performed to route communications to and from the biological hosts. Bioregional translations may also be performed to route communications to and from the biological hosts."

They've been "CHANNELing" information over your TV set and through Hollywood movies for your entire life for many/most of you. The PROGRAMing that you were being influence with and which for the most part built your entire world view Never mind that magic wands are made out of wood from the Holly tree.  These people have been programming you and have cast a spell on the entire planet. Don't forget that very few large companies own Hollywood. Only 6 corporations own 95% of all new media in the USA, including local and national TV News, local and nationals newspapers, and they've invested deeply in skewing reality on the latest medium, the Internet.

  • 5G (I began my career as an a electronics professional then moving to a top computer professional). This radiation is very toxic to the human body. Check the death (cancer) rates of TSA agents working near those millimeter wave sensors. IMO you should always opt for the pat down. I used to work up close and personal with Navy air search radar equipment that output a quarter million watts of energy, which quickly gave me migraine headaches which I continued experiencing for decades after I got  out.
  • Nanobots (Already inside you from vaccines, chemtrails, and God knows what other experiments they have devised and succeeded with to form an intimate connection with your body. Even the devils favorite, Bill Gates has been speaking openly every day for the past two weeks about you with a chip that could be used to monitor your location and whether you've been forcibly vaccinated with the Covid-119 vaccine.  Do a little research on the devastation caused in India and Africa by the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. They have been banned from numerous countries for decimating their young people with vaccines. Many died from these vaccines and many hundreds of thousands crippled and/or damaged severely. These countries realized these were not meant to help them and kicked them out. Did you know Bill Gates is the second largest contributor to the World Health Organization, second only to the US?. Well at least he was until President Trump stopped funding to the WHO last week for reasons of their unknown allegiance.
  • Emotional, physical, spiritual? control of human individuals or entire populations.
  • Chinese style social credit system cashless society that can instantly use artificial intelligence and every bit of information ever collected about you since likely even before your birth. In China you can't buy a bottle of water without being a vassal of and with the approval of the state.
Soon you will no longer earn wages for establishing your worth.  You will be billed against the value of your own energy output as it relates to the energy you've consumed in the food or others products you consume. They will be able to monitor the movements of your body every second of your life so that an AI computer somewhere can decide if you are worth continuing on as a member of planet Earth.

In all the decades I've been heavily researching for truth I keep finding the same names, organizations and connections between them coming up.  This is a small group of very smart secretive beings with a vast knowledge of psychology.  We are in their eyes vastly inferior cattle to them to be used in any fashion or be killed as they see fit.

Now that you may have more free time to ponder the world it may be worth challenging every concept you've ever been implanted with.
While I’ll never understand International Law, Geneva Convention, War Crimes, Militarily Law, 8th Amendment, nor accept not just doing it anyway.   
Weaponizing and defending this technology would give us, a insurmountable advantage in intelligence, espionage, even sabotage.  Think about it, all can be done with a few lines of code 😈

Protecting us from others, including within the US from doing it to US citizens would be of such high importance it could make the (or further) weaponizing to risky.   But if we could . . .

Offline ArJunaZ

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #545 on: Tuesday April 28, 2020, 04:04:45 AM Eastern »
While I’ll never understand International Law, Geneva Convention, War Crimes, Militarily Law, 8th Amendment, nor accept not just doing it anyway.   
Weaponizing and defending this technology would give us, a insurmountable advantage in intelligence, espionage, even sabotage.  Think about it, all can be done with a few lines of code 😈

Protecting us from others, including within the US from doing it to US citizens would be of such high importance it could make the (or further) weaponizing to risky.   But if we could . . .
I could write a longer list, but ask yourself what the huge hurry to put 5G all over the planet, including (hell, especially) the United States?If anyone wants to argue that our government can be trusted with ANY power like this then I won't waste my time beyond simply asking if they know anything at all about history.
We are at WAR with a bunch of psychopaths.
Be careful what you ask for America; you just might get it.

Offline DC_1908

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #546 on: Tuesday April 28, 2020, 05:03:13 PM Eastern »
I could write a longer list, but ask yourself what the huge hurry to put 5G all over the planet, including (hell, especially) the United States?If anyone wants to argue that our government can be trusted with ANY power like this then I won't waste my time beyond simply asking if they know anything at all about history.
We are at WAR with a bunch of psychopaths.
Oh hell yeah. Particularly with psychopathic Nazis that are already infiltrating the government and society.  What I trust less than our government is other governments, “peculiar organizations” in other countries, and corporations.

I am just cautiously optimistic that if this would be used it would be against them, and other threats foreign & domestic. For it to stop there would be pushing reality, in fact it’d be closer to nuclear fallout . . .

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #547 on: Tuesday April 28, 2020, 05:22:28 PM Eastern »
This interview, and the guys book, is preeetty damn intriguing.  This is just a clip, but the author has been investigating many of the “inconsistencies” & coincidences around The Manson case.  At first I kinda chuckled, as it’s Manson, but as he gets into the opposition from lawyers, the ones that testified, redactions, etc. . . . it starts sounds like other “rumored”  Cold War experiments of the time (ie Johnstown).  It would be interesting to see the ‘official’ findings of these ‘Cold War Mind Control’ experiments, if they existed (. . .)

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #548 on: Tuesday April 28, 2020, 05:46:56 PM Eastern »
I refuse to put a thermostat in the house that the Internet can access, there's no phukin way I'm putting anything in my body
Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

Offline richkrt99

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #549 on: Tuesday April 28, 2020, 07:05:57 PM Eastern »
I refuse to put a thermostat in the house that the Internet can access, there's no phukin way I'm putting anything in my body

And....sounds like Alta will be in line for the chip right behind AJ  :raspberry:

Offline richkrt99

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #550 on: Tuesday April 28, 2020, 07:06:42 PM Eastern »

And....sounds like Alta will be in line for the chip right behind AJ  :raspberry:

And they are gonna put a chip in your guns too!!!  :)

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #551 on: Tuesday April 28, 2020, 07:50:08 PM Eastern »

And they are gonna put a chip in your guns too!!!  :)

guns last forever in the civilian world, you can't retrofit that crap into old technology, and guns are an old technology. The revolver existed almost 200 years before this country did. Lever guns predate the civil war, which means the self contained cartridge does too. Sir Maxim's great invention was first manufactured in 1884. Browning had more or less perfected the semi auto hand gun by 1900, called the model 1900
Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #552 on: Tuesday April 28, 2020, 08:12:58 PM Eastern »

And they are gonna put a chip in your guns too!!!  :)
Well . . . as I’ve been thinking about the Cold War “tests” & experiments from stuff on You Tube , & Lady & I watching the original Twilight Zone with all of the like related under tones. . . Makes one think, after all the testing with hallucinogens and other “chemicals”, that the legalization and promotion, of weed has happened relatively quickly?
Seeds and strains can be manipulated easy enough, but there’s been more than enough data to know how pot effects brain waves etc, to figure out how to manipulate them on a grand scale while the subjects are in the altered state making it easier, particularly through electronic media and devices. . .

Good thing I haven’t done that crap in 10+ yrs.  It made me paranoid back then, but now . . . holy shit! 

🤣Sorry for killing any buzzes😁😁.   Dick move on my part, but it was funny😇

Offline ArJunaZ

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #553 on: Tuesday April 28, 2020, 09:20:39 PM Eastern »
This interview, and the guys book, is preeetty damn intriguing.  This is just a clip, but the author has been investigating many of the “inconsistencies” & coincidences around The Manson case.  At first I kinda chuckled, as it’s Manson, but as he gets into the opposition from lawyers, the ones that testified, redactions, etc. . . . it starts sounds like other “rumored”  Cold War experiments of the time (ie Johnstown).  It would be interesting to see the ‘official’ findings of these ‘Cold War Mind Control’ experiments, if they existed (. . .)

I'm not a Rogan fan, but the guest was good.  That entire story fits tightly with what I've learned in studying CIA's MKUltra/Monarch programs.  The people running this world are a bunch of psychopaths. I used to find it difficult to accept that humans could ever go along with creating the plan they so obviously have decided for us, but since they have done such a great job tearing down the great America many of us remember that I don't think anything could surprise me now.

I know many of you mourn the loss of the America you remember. Especially those that go back to the `50 to`70s period. Young people today would be shocked if they could go back just these few decades and see the difference.

I almost don't give a fuck anymore.  How about this giant global fake virus hoax.  This shit would never have been possible 30 years ago. Enough integrity was left at that time that it never would have been accepted as long as we've already tolerated it. Or is it possible that SO many of us are sufficiently dumbed down that they can now do ANYTHING?
Be careful what you ask for America; you just might get it.

Online alta

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #554 on: Wednesday April 29, 2020, 01:54:48 AM Eastern »
I'm not a Rogan fan, but the guest was good.  That entire story fits tightly with what I've learned in studying CIA's MKUltra/Monarch programs.  The people running this world are a bunch of psychopaths. I used to find it difficult to accept that humans could ever go along with creating the plan they so obviously have decided for us, but since they have done such a great job tearing down the great America many of us remember that I don't think anything could surprise me now.

I know many of you mourn the loss of the America you remember. Especially those that go back to the `50 to`70s period. Young people today would be shocked if they could go back just these few decades and see the difference.

I almost don't give a fuck anymore.  How about this giant global fake virus hoax.  This shit would never have been possible 30 years ago. Enough integrity was left at that time that it never would have been accepted as long as we've already tolerated it. Or is it possible that SO many of us are sufficiently dumbed down that they can now do ANYTHING?

It wasn't possible in '09 with the N1H1. As I've been saying from day 2, this is not a pandemic.
Scroll down to infections/deaths..

which one is the pandemic? This new flu strain? Or the one we have vaccines for?

« Last Edit: Wednesday April 29, 2020, 10:11:02 AM Eastern by alta »
Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #555 on: Wednesday April 29, 2020, 11:58:59 AM Eastern »
I'm not a Rogan fan, but the guest was good.  That entire story fits tightly with what I've learned in studying CIA's MKUltra/Monarch programs.  The people running this world are a bunch of psychopaths. I used to find it difficult to accept that humans could ever go along with creating the plan they so obviously have decided for us, but since they have done such a great job tearing down the great America many of us remember that I don't think anything could surprise me now.

I know many of you mourn the loss of the America you remember. Especially those that go back to the `50 to`70s period. Young people today would be shocked if they could go back just these few decades and see the difference.

I almost don't give a fuck anymore.  How about this giant global fake virus hoax.  This shit would never have been possible 30 years ago. Enough integrity was left at that time that it never would have been accepted as long as we've already tolerated it. Or is it possible that SO many of us are sufficiently dumbed down that they can now do ANYTHING?
I’d love to find out more about MKUltra, particularly as more info comes out. I’m also done with the whole interview above, and have ordered the audiobook.  I also just started Wormwood on Netflix, which is mentioned in the whole interview.  I’d love to hear any recommendations you have on this

Here’s the whole interview, they touch on other related topics, (ie Ruby), it’s long but you should dig it!

Offline richkrt99

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #556 on: Wednesday April 29, 2020, 09:12:52 PM Eastern »
News Flash:

Gen. Michael Flynn was railroaded  8-0

What a travesty in the treatment of a lifelong military servant of the country.

I am disgusted and appalled by the continuing realization of the level of corruption in American politics.  I mean, I'm not an idiot, but I much more an idiot than I ever realized.

(and right about now...AJ is rolling on the floor laughing....or just simply shaking his head saying....DUH)


Online alta

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #557 on: Thursday April 30, 2020, 02:05:53 AM Eastern »
News Flash:

Gen. Michael Flynn was railroaded  8-0

What a travesty in the treatment of a lifelong military servant of the country.

I am disgusted and appalled by the continuing realization of the level of corruption in American politics.  I mean, I'm not an idiot, but I much more an idiot than I ever realized.

(and right about now...AJ is rolling on the floor laughing....or just simply shaking his head saying....DUH)

I could've told you Flynn was railroaded three years ago
Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

Offline richkrt99

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #558 on: Thursday April 30, 2020, 03:54:39 PM Eastern »

I could've told you Flynn was railroaded three years ago

Yes, I assumed the same, but they are actually talking about it on the "news"

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Re: The Calm Before the Storm
« Reply #559 on: Friday May 01, 2020, 11:23:31 AM Eastern »
Happy bin Laden Day 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸